View Full Version : New plan for care for Kinsey while I hike the Appalachian Trail

02-07-2012, 10:02 AM
Well, I have some good news. Yesterday I went to pick up some wool tights that I had altered by a woman (Kelly) who lives really close by. When I dropped them off I had asked her if she might be able to take care of Kinsey in her home. She has two dogs, a couple of outside cats and 5 kids. She had experience with sick and old cats and wasn't fazed by the meds, claws and ears. When I talked to her yesterday she said Kinsey would probably not do well in her home (and I had to agree), but she offered to come to my house a couple times a day to care for Kinsey at $10 a day. Other than a couple of weeks sometime if July and some weekends in August she'd be available. I had really thought that having Kinsey in someone's home would be best because of the time, but she relayed her experience with an older cat she had that she had her sister watch while they were in the process of moving to a new house. Her sister said that the cat took about 2 1/2 months to finally settle in. I had not realized that. Cats really do like their routine and do not adapt well to change. Kelly said she thought it would be best for Kinsey to stay in her own home and routine. It's kind of funny, but as I drove over there yesterday, I had actually thought that I probably better look into a local professional house/cat sitter, the kind that come ever day and check the house and take care of the pets. I knew it would be more expensive than $10 a day, but a professional might have its advantages. So, when she offered to do the same, I felt SO relieved and it felt right. So now I'm really thinking this is the best way to go. I really liked her and felt like she would be honest and reliable, and with my neighbor, sister and brother-in-law and nephew as alternate team members, my house and Kinsey would be well looked after. Kinsey does sleep a lot and she really doesn't spend much awake time with me, but does cuddle (for warmth more than anything) with me at night. I'm thinking that Kinsey will not really miss our time together and Kelly will interact probably enough. What do you think? Sound okay for Kinsey?

02-07-2012, 11:07 AM
Only you know your kitty, we cannot really judge. But as long as she would have a way to reach you if something goes wrong, it seems an okay solution, seeing as she's an elder gal. As long as the caretaker will spend some time with her each day, not just feed, medicate and leave, it might be fine.

02-07-2012, 04:43 PM
I have to agree about the amount of time it takes for a cat to adapt to change. Not like dogs - a quick butt sniff, find the food and water bowls, and they are your best friend for life! Cats need to know it is all stable. I say this, and I've only really brought in younger cats!

With multiple folks involved, make out a schedule, include everyone's phone number, print and give to ALL of them. So they know what they have to do AND if something happens, they can easily phone someone else about changes.

02-07-2012, 05:28 PM
I am glad you are going this route. I didn't hear back from my friend yet. I live on the east side...not sure which side you are on. I can pinch hit, for those times when this other person can't. I am sure we know someone in common that can vouch for me. (Hopefully!)

02-07-2012, 07:03 PM
Thanks so much. Yes, I plan to print out everyone's info and make copies for each and this will include the vet's name and number and her medication. Kelly will be the primary and she'll have three alternates. I think it's going to work out just fine. I'll have enough litter and food (watching for expiration dates of course) so that Kelly wouldn't have to doing any shopping. And I'll also have notes about the furnace, A/C, dehumidifier and who to call.

The more I think about this and knowing Kinsey, I think this will be the best arrangement. If Kinsey was a very social cat used to lots of people and activity all around, it would be different. Life without me with Kelly visiting twice a day won't be all that much different than life with me. Kinsey and me are a pretty good match--it works for us.