View Full Version : Feeling a little down and really stupid..

02-06-2012, 01:56 PM
I try to keep these college rants down to a minimum, really I do, but I am just really angry (with myself) right now.

All my high school career a variety of people told me I couldn't achieve what I wanted in life, 'cause I was bad at math. I've always wanted to work with animals and be a science major. I changed my major from Bio to Science recently so I can transfer more easily to the school I want. Ultimately, I want to transfer to a four year school with a Wildlife conversation program and become a wildlife biologist. Anyway, so yeah, I've been told this a few times by some people who really cared about me (not my parents), and it just hurt, ya know? I wanted to prove them wrong.

So I finally got an amazing grade last semester in math (B+) and I was really happy. I am in a non-credit math course, which doesn't count toward my GPA, but I NEED to pass them to move on to the credit courses. Well, my semester started awhile ago, about a month or so ago, and I was doing well...I got an 81% on the first quiz which most of the class apparently failed, I got 100 on all the homeworks and passed all the labs. Well I took a quiz today, which I studied for 2 hours for last night, and I totally think I failed. It was so much harder then I had anticipated and I think I failed. I don't find out till Wednesday. It's only 10% of our grade (all the quizzes) and she drops two at the end of the semester. My mom said I am making a HUGE deal out of nothing, especially since I don't know my grade yet. She said you failed one, so it doesn't even count..don't worry about it.

On the way home, I was thinking about how stupid I am if I think I could actually do all this difficult math like stats and calculus if I can't even pass a stupid quiz in a non-credit course. I really don't want to change my major, I feel like I belong in this career. Maybe that sounds corny but I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. Traveling the country on temp positions studying animals just sounds like too much to pass up for me. But seriously this math is just so so so frustrating.

I think that annoys me the most is that I am SO good at every other subject. I get A's in literally everything, even biology, physics, etc. It just bothers me that math is always holding me back.

Sorry, I just really had to get this out..thanks for listening.

02-06-2012, 02:14 PM
It's okay to vent. And hey, my sister is a math person. If you want, I could give you her email, and she could maybe explain stuff to you better if that might help! She thinks math is fun, but isn't obnoxious about it!

Queen of Poop
02-06-2012, 02:56 PM
First of all, you're not stupid!!!!

Take Karen up on her offer of assistance, it might be just the thing you need.

It's just one quiz and you were doing fine before it.

Don't beat yourself up, know that you can/will do better next time.

I believe you can do it, if you believe it to you'll do so much better.

I'm not a math person either, in fact I quit math after grade 10, opting for accounting instead which was easier. Now I'm building spreadsheets for the entire company, because I can. I'm building spreadsheets for Engineers because they CAN'T. Have faith in yourself.

Scooter's Mom
02-06-2012, 04:41 PM
I am not a math person either. My husband can do algebra calculations in his head, but I can't even do normal addition in my head! I have to have something to write on.
Math is not an easy task for many people, so please don't beat yourself up over this. Just remember that not everyone is good at every subject, and you are better at other things.

Oh, and if it makes you feel any better, I even screwed up on a tip receipt the other day! We stopped for a quick take-out dinner and I added the tip, I wrote in one amount but when I wrote the total, I actually added in a different amount! So, math sucks. LOL (I hate math, I truly do!)

I am like QoP though, and I am really good with accounting spreadsheets!

02-06-2012, 05:14 PM
Stop beating yerself up! ;) So you had one difficult quiz. Look at all the OTHER tremendous marks you got!

Anybody can have an off-day - you're allowed. Look at the big picture - you are doing fantastically and heading to where you want to be and what you want to do!:D:love::love:

02-06-2012, 05:46 PM
First of all, I am sure you are not stupid. You just have trouble with math. Perhaps you could find a tutor that could help you.

Secondly, At least you know what you want to do with your life. IMO a lot of young people dont know what they want to do.

Thirdly, You just hang in there. If you dont try your very best, years from now you'll wish you had. Perhaps it will take you longer to achieve your goal but keep working toward your goal.

Good Luck!

02-06-2012, 06:45 PM
Definitely do NOT beat yourself up over this. I believe that faith in yourself is your greatest ally. Take Karen's suggestion/offer of help. And I know it sounds crazy, but keep telling yourself "I can do this". And you can do this!

I'm with Scooter's Mom.....I have to have a piece of paper to do simple math. I can balance a checkbook, but anything more is asking a lot. My SO does the algebra equations in his head - I'm always amazed when he does that, since he is dyslexic. He can't write the numbers down - they look all jumbled up, but he can do it all in his head.

02-06-2012, 08:15 PM
I know how you feel, I really suck at math. I feel stupid all the time and it's preventing me from going back to school. (Only with me it's a concentration issue so I pretty much suck at everything lol) I really regret putting it off. The longer I wait the harder it gets. So don't let this distract from what you want. Try not to beat yourself up over it, you definitely aren't stupid. Just keep at it, it's something you really want then you will get there. Did you ever think about maybe getting a math tutor just to help you a little bit?

02-07-2012, 08:02 AM
Math and I are so NOt friends. I learned to forgive myself for my pathetic math skills long ago. I make fun of myself and tell my coworkers to always check my math. Do you know how many times I made a bank deposit for work and included the wrong amount? I can either kick myself or tell myself, "Hey, you made a mistake... everybody knows you stink at math"

Embrace your shortcomings and figure out how to compensate. What happens is your accentuate your strengths in order to make up for you weaknesses.

As for kicking yourself and getting mad? I understand and relate. The more worked up you get to proove to yourself and others that you can apply yourself and "get it" the worse you'll be because each failure will take on bigger proprtions than they really are. Like now, you're freaking out over a quiz that will likely be forgiven. Why fret? (yeah, easier said than done!) Focus on the positive - that you're acing the class so far! and focus on your goal -- that awesome job after college! and forgive a bad test, quiz, etc. We all have weaknesses. Math is ours.

02-07-2012, 09:42 AM
Don't beat yourself up over one test, and also don't give up on what you want to do! Just remember, right now you are learning the basics of these concepts, not expected to be a math whiz. When you actually get into your profession, chances are you won't ever have to calculate another thing by hand - that's what computers are for! It's much more important that you know some reasons why you run certain tests, etc. If you ever needed to run an experiment that called for a test of significance, you would never do it without a computer (and you also would have access to everything you needed to make decisions about what to do). It sounds like you are doing great overall!

02-07-2012, 11:15 AM
In college, you have to learn that you're going to make bad grades. That might be a bad outlook, but it's going to happen. You'll take an awful exam and you'll know you did bad on it, but you just have to get back up and keep trying. I've thought about changing my major SO many times. But if you want to follow your dreams, and I know you do, you have to realize you can do better next time. One bad grade is not going to ruin your chance of making an A or a B in the class. A lot of teachers drop lowest quiz grades/test scores, and there's always the opportunity to do better next time.

Just keep going, Alyssa! I know it's hard sometimes, but you can do this!

02-07-2012, 04:43 PM
Thank you so so much guys for the encouragement and also the stories :D I know I am not the only person who struggles with math, but it's just annoying that I can pass everything else with flying colors and math I struggle to get a B in. I've never failed a class in my life, and have always passed math with C's, which is what I need to pass to get on to the next math...so hopefully if anything I can do that.

I am pretty much over this, thanks to you guys and a little bit of shopping therapy afterwards :p Also, thanks for any suggestions, although I've had tutors and they've never helped me. I am really not just saying that. I've had tutors in 2nd/3rd grade, 8th grade and again as a Junior in high school. My grades never really improved with them. Junior year I had one to help me improve my SAT score and wound up getting the EXACT same grade on them!! Karen, I might take you up on that offer, if your sister doesn't mind of course! :)

Last night, my dad basically said, as mean as it seems "If you quit this you'll be a quitter for the rest of your life." He's always told us that growing up and it seems to be true. He never let us quit things when they seemed to hard for us. I guess that's a good lesson. I also realized that after this math class I only have 3 more...and they will all be at my Community College, so at the four year university I will have NO math. Just science, after science, after science :D Sounds fantastic to me! Also, bri, yeah I guess you can't always pass something no matter how hard you try you won't pass EVERYTHING in college, but it doesn't mean its a lost cause.

02-07-2012, 04:53 PM
I am sure my sister wouldn't mind, but I'll give her a head's up! We come from a long line of teachers, and are all pretty good at explaining stuff, but she's the math whiz amongst us all. The rest of us do math fine, but she thinks it is actually fun!

02-07-2012, 06:40 PM
Last night, my dad basically said, as mean as it seems "If you quit this you'll be a quitter for the rest of your life." He's always told us that growing up and it seems to be true. He never let us quit things when they seemed to hard for us. I guess that's a good lesson. I also realized that after this math class I only have 3 more...and they will all be at my Community College, so at the four year university I will have NO math. Just science, after science, after science :D Sounds fantastic to me! Also, bri, yeah I guess you can't always pass something no matter how hard you try you won't pass EVERYTHING in college, but it doesn't mean its a lost cause.

Your dad gives some good advice. It is really easy to do well at things, and keep chuggin' along. Its when faced with adversity (can we call math issues adversity?), and how you react, and plug forward that means something.
I struggle with math. Today, looking back, I think it was more of a "I can't do this, so I won't work at it" vs. "I can't do this". I encourage you to work through the math issues, with assistance, a tutor, more than 1.5 hours studying the night before the exam, to make this work.

And, just an FYI, it is totally possible to pass EVERYTHING in college. Many people do. Don't let that become your attitude. ;)

02-07-2012, 06:42 PM
I know how you feel, I really suck at math. I feel stupid all the time and it's preventing me from going back to school. (Only with me it's a concentration issue so I pretty much suck at everything lol) I really regret putting it off. The longer I wait the harder it gets. So don't let this distract from what you want. Try not to beat yourself up over it, you definitely aren't stupid. Just keep at it, it's something you really want then you will get there. Did you ever think about maybe getting a math tutor just to help you a little bit?

It does get harder. Life gets in the way, sometimes spouses, significant others, children, even. Go to school now. Even if it is two classes at a time. You will rarely regret obtaining a college education. I was tempted to put you will NEVER regret it, but then I would hear from the .025% that defy those odds. LOL.

Don't delay, start NOW!

02-08-2012, 06:55 PM
Your dad gives some good advice. It is really easy to do well at things, and keep chuggin' along. Its when faced with adversity (can we call math issues adversity?), and how you react, and plug forward that means something.
I struggle with math. Today, looking back, I think it was more of a "I can't do this, so I won't work at it" vs. "I can't do this". I encourage you to work through the math issues, with assistance, a tutor, more than 1.5 hours studying the night before the exam, to make this work.

And, just an FYI, it is totally possible to pass EVERYTHING in college. Many people do. Don't let that become your attitude. ;)

I don't know if I'd call math issues adversity either, but it is a challenge and either way a very good point.

I think that is my way of thinking to, and I WILL keep working at it.

As for the quiz, well.. yeah I got it back today and I did really bad. I will be going to office hours Monday morning to finish my lab and I plan on talking to my teacher then. But you know the weird thing? Yesterday I looked at my grade, and it said my overall grade was a B, and this was BEFORE all the grades she gave back today were put in. I went to look at it today 'cause all the new grades were in...and I have an A? AN A?? After getting a horrible grade on a quiz. I got a good grade on the labs and HW's though, which were worth 10% of our grades just like the quizzes. I e-mailed my professor just to make sure it wasn't some sort of mistake. My only guess is that the labs some how balanced it out.