View Full Version : Update on Cass and Taff: Now have 4 dogs under our roof!

02-05-2012, 11:14 PM
My mother recently got engaged, and so we're moving into her fiance's house, with his daughter and her boyfriend, 2 dogs, 2 cats, a Guinea pig and a rabbit.

This will bring us up to four dogs, five cats, one bird, three turtles, one guinea pig, one rabbit. And my mom wants chickens and a goat soon :D.

Thought I would show how the pups are doing. I have not taken any better pictures of the new additions, Blake (a black German shepherd) and Taz (a very, very fat little pug), but I am going to try and do so! They are all around age 3, except I think Taz is 4 or 5.

Blake helps Cassie channel all of her energy, in a fun way- even though she doesn't like other dogs, she likes them now. I have never seen her so happy! She has been a perfect angel lately. And we have a big yard for them to romp in. So she gets the exercise she needed and the social interaction. She is even learning to play nice (with Blake, Taz and Taffy), and will flip over to show her belly while playing. I never thought I'd see her do that with any other dogs, so I couldn't be happier.

Taffy can adjust to anywhere. She has taken over the couches at the new house, and will let out a "Ruff!" if any other dogs get near her spot. But she is so happy she goes up on her back, all four legs splayed! She has also gained the little amount of weight that she needed to gain.

Here are a few pics from our Superbowl. There is one in the middle that I just attached as a clearer picture of Taffy and Cassie :P. Blake is harder to get a good pic of in the living room.

02-06-2012, 05:13 AM
The more dogs, the more fun!:D I just love Blake!:love:

02-06-2012, 03:05 PM
Awww, Taffy reminds me so much of my sisters Greyhound she used to have. They are such sweet dogs. Of course I think all dogs are sweet anyway. :p

I don't see any pictures of Taz though. :(

02-06-2012, 03:32 PM
Oh, I like #2 and #5! Everyone sits on the sofa, people and doggies :D to watch the game :love: