View Full Version : Introducing...Kenya

02-05-2012, 01:20 PM
I'd like you all to meet:

Kenya of Cedar Swamp (Kenny for short) I made a trip to just North of London, Ontario, yesterday to pick him up..both Tinkerbelle and Kewpie came from the same place..that was already his name. I'm not sure yet how I feel about the name, but I had so many girl names ready, and for the life of me I cant think of anything 'boy' right now. He is nine months old this week already neutered and 7.3lbs already, his paws are huge..so lot's of growth coming I think, and that is Kewpie's present weight!.

He's so sweet, friendly, he loves to be held, kneads everything he comes in contact with, purrs constantly and then really loudly when you hold or touch him..he's just a little love bug. He is in a room of his own until the introductions are complete..however long that takes..he and Kewpie have seen eachother..and that was completely uneventful.

I am in love. :love:

A few quick pics, he's a going concern, so hard right now to get decent shots.




He comes home to me, two months to the day, that Tinkerbelle passed..I've been told, she sent him to me. :love:

02-05-2012, 02:13 PM
Oh, he is just ADORABLE! So sweet and beautiful. Sounds like he and Kewpie are already off to a promising start.

Welcome HOME, Kenya of Cedar Swamp!


02-05-2012, 02:34 PM
Oh My Goodness! Be still my heart! LOL What an absolutely beautiful cat!! I wasnt expecting such a beauty. I guess you'll be brushing him every day, eh? I hope you all will have many years together. Kay in NC

02-05-2012, 03:29 PM
OMG! Kenya is absolutely gorgeous! Those eyes! How could you not fall completely in love with such sweetness and beauty? I hope you have many, many, happy years with Kenya (I love the name, by the way).:love:

02-05-2012, 03:35 PM
Kenya is truly a work of art - just look at those eyes:love::love: I'll bet you'll be counting the days to get him home:D

Tinkerbelle sure has good taste and wants her mommy to be happy:)

Scooter's Mom
02-05-2012, 05:52 PM
He is stunning! I love his eyes. The way they look in the first picture especially, just beautiful!

02-05-2012, 07:17 PM
Welcome, sweet gorgeous Kenya :love:!! What beautiful eyes you have!

02-05-2012, 08:34 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Kenya! You better get used to lots of love and attention, as we are sure you're gonna be one spoiled kitty! Tinkerbelle did well, and his name fits well with Kewpie just as it is!

02-05-2012, 09:23 PM
OMG! What a beautiful boy! Such a fluff ball. :) Congrats on the new addition and welcome to your new home, Kenya! :love:

02-06-2012, 12:32 AM
Congrats!!!:D He's gorgeous and I like his name.:) I hope that he'll fit in well with the rest of your furkids. Good luck.:)

02-06-2012, 09:54 AM
Thank you all. Kewpie and Kenya came face to face at about five feet, she got all growly and he got scared and cried. This may take awhile, any tips / experiences are welcome.

As for the combing it is a daily thing here..if you do it daily..(just quickly and lightly) they dont fuss..when you leave it, it's a nightmare..(ask Spike and Rocky)

At this point I think I will keep the name Kenya..I usually end up having 3 or 4 names for each that they come to know..so we will see.

smokey the elder
02-07-2012, 08:14 AM
Wow! He's a dead ringer for the Fancy Feast (R) cat! Handsome boy.:D

02-07-2012, 09:20 AM
What a Hnasome Cat Kenya is!
When I first saw the nmae Kenya I was thinking of an exotic Cat , but Kenya you are such a Precious Persian.:love:
A Big MEEOW to you from the Found Cat Hotel Nine:love:

02-07-2012, 07:23 PM
Thank you smokey the elder and Catmandu.

Tonight started the intro's..Spike is still in sick bay but he saw what went on.
Kewpie hissed, two or three times, Kenya was in the carrier..she walked up to the carrier in slow -mo, sniffed the kitten and the carrier for a few minutes then left..Rocky and Kenya met, nose to nose with no adverse reaction from either..Kewpie then went in my room, where we had a long (45 min) cuddle and she slept..she left again, and then came back and is now sleeping at the bottom of the bed after a little play with her wand.

Time will tell. I got the impression Rocky just wanted him out to play. :)

Kenya has made himself comfortable:


02-07-2012, 07:39 PM
Kenya is so beautiful! I hope the introductions continue to go well!

02-08-2012, 01:58 PM
Kenya is so beautiful! I hope the introductions continue to go well!

Thank you!

I thought I would update on the introductions.

Today was meet and greet, in the living room/dining room.

I brought Kenya down from his room in the carrier and placed it on the floor...Kewpie Rocky and of course Spike in his crate observed the carrier..

After no one showed aggression, I let Kenya out of his carrier and he began to explore..as soon as he moved in Kewpie's direction, she hissed twice and left..and watched from the top of the stairs..while Kenny went over every square inch of the area..Rocky just watched, then I got out the laser and they both played side by side, according to Rocky's reaction, it seemed like Kenya was always here, Rocky was relaxed and unconcerned. Kenya went up to the crate Spike is in, they made eye contact and nothing again, (considering spike hisses and growls at me while he's in the crate and cant move away) that is remarkable to me. Neither were concerned with eachother after that.

Tomorrow I increase from one hour, to 1 1/2 hours, I'm told it's ok Kewpie left and that she is just afraid, but with more exposure should lessen and then subside.

Thank you everyone again, for your nice comments and advice, it's really nice to have some support.


02-08-2012, 02:17 PM
Oh my gosh he is so gorgeous, look at those eyes, i hope Kenya will help ease your loss, they do indeed do that, but never replace our beloved ones, i hope he brings you much happiness and joy, thanks for sharing.:love::love:

02-08-2012, 04:38 PM
What can I say that everyone else hasn't already said - beautiful :love: gorgeous :love: stunning:love: adorable:love:.. Oh those eyes!!!! I think I'm in love too. Wishing you many happy and healthy years together.

02-08-2012, 05:26 PM
Sounds good, in that you are taking introductions slowly, so that should lessen the inevitable "trauma" certain cats seem always to face.

02-08-2012, 09:06 PM
Welcome Kenya! You're one gorgeous boy!:love:

Laura's Babies
02-09-2012, 12:46 PM
There should have been a "BEAUTIFUL WARNING!" in the title of this thread! I can not believe what a beauty he is!! He reminds me of my RB Chynna. If Kenya is as smart and Chynna was, you will have a very smart boy there..I would have him spolied so rotten..:eek:

02-09-2012, 02:53 PM
Oh my gosh he is so gorgeous, look at those eyes, i hope Kenya will help ease your loss, they do indeed do that, but never replace our beloved ones, i hope he brings you much happiness and joy, thanks for sharing.:love::love:

Thank you, Carole, he does take my mind away from it most times, but yes there's no replacing, I don't want to do that.

What can I say that everyone else hasn't already said - beautiful :love: gorgeous :love: stunning:love: adorable:love:.. Oh those eyes!!!! I think I'm in love too. Wishing you many happy and healthy years together.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to that!

Sounds good, in that you are taking introductions slowly, so that should lessen the inevitable "trauma" certain cats seem always to face.

Very slowly, He's won Rocky over, and Spike showed no adverse reaction even though he's crated. Kewpie is proving a little more difficult, but not terrible.

Welcome Kenya! You're one gorgeous boy!:love:

Thank you!

There should have been a "BEAUTIFUL WARNING!" in the title of this thread! I can not believe what a beauty he is!! He reminds me of my RB Chynna. If Kenya is as smart and Chynna was, you will have a very smart boy there..I would have him spolied so rotten..:eek:

Chynna is a beautiful name for what I am sure was a beautiful baby, its hard to tell yet how smart he'll be, we'll see! Thank you Laura!

02-10-2012, 04:23 PM
Hi sweet Kenya! What an adorable furball!!! Hope all will go well with Kewpie. It's never easy with females, they are very territorial inside their home with new kitties.

02-11-2012, 04:34 PM
Hi sweet Kenya! What an adorable furball!!! Hope all will go well with Kewpie. It's never easy with females, they are very territorial inside their home with new kitties.


^that is his, new noise face..

Thank you, I believe it's all working out.

They spent 6 hours in the same proximity today..no incidences, Kewpie was a little hissy at first, but she stuck it out she didnt leave, just made sure he kept his distance. He and Rocky ignore eachother for the most part, he hissed at Rocky once, but it didnt faze Rocky..

02-11-2012, 07:07 PM
Oh, he is just SOOOO gorgeous!

I'm so glad things are coming along so well. Welcome HOME, Kenya!


02-11-2012, 07:36 PM
Hello there, Kenya and welcome to Pet Talk!

What a beautiful kitty! The first thing I noticed are those absolutely beautiful blue eyes! How could any of us not fall instantly and completely in love with him! Those eyes, that adorable little button nose, his soft pure white coat. His very first picture knocked me right off the chair!!!

I wish both of you many, many years of love and companionship :love: Kenya looks like a real little lovebug :love: Could I ask you to give him some "welcome" lovies for me? I'm also sending lots of lovies to all of your beautiful katkids :love: :love: :love:

02-12-2012, 10:10 AM
Oh, he is just SOOOO gorgeous!

I'm so glad things are coming along so well. Welcome HOME, Kenya!


Thank you I am relieved at the progress..still slow going, but progress nonetheless.

Hello there, Kenya and welcome to Pet Talk!

What a beautiful kitty! The first thing I noticed are those absolutely beautiful blue eyes! How could any of us not fall instantly and completely in love with him! Those eyes, that adorable little button nose, his soft pure white coat. His very first picture knocked me right off the chair!!!

I wish both of you many, many years of love and companionship :love: Kenya looks like a real little lovebug :love: Could I ask you to give him some "welcome" lovies for me? I'm also sending lots of lovies to all of your beautiful katkids :love: :love: :love:

Thank you, I certainly will.

02-12-2012, 08:02 PM
Hi Kenya,
I hope you don't mind but I just had to sneak another look at your beautiful pictures! You certainly are a very handsome and beautiful kitty! Please come and visit us again very soon? Sending more lovies your way :love: