View Full Version : Happy Groundhog Day!

02-02-2012, 08:32 AM
Have a nice cup of tea in your prettiest cup today in honor of the memory of my Aunt Zsa, born on Groundhog Day!

02-02-2012, 09:06 AM
Happy Birthday, Aunt Zsa.

So Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning, and that means we're in for 6 more weeks of winter. I'm wondering where winter is this year, and when it's gonna arrive. Yesterday we were pushing darn close to 70. However, I remember the President's Day Blizzard in 2003, (2/20) so wer'e not home free yet! :eek:

02-02-2012, 09:07 AM
Yes...Happy Groundhog Day! One of our local newscasters was up in Punxy today broadcasting live. It is a big deal here in Pennsylvania.

I had Mocha Nut Fudge Coffee with Splenda while I watched the news this morning.

Loved the movie too, BTW, Bill Murray cracks me up!

smokey the elder
02-02-2012, 10:31 AM
Winter?? What's winter? Europe is getting ours this year.

02-02-2012, 10:43 AM
I say "your prettiest cup" as Aunt Zsa was a girly sort of girl, and once her daughters were grown and married and moved away, just her husband and son were around, who were not really into delicate or pretty things. So Aunt Zsa would "borrow" me, and we'd have a nice ladies lunch, or a cup of tea someplace where we could dress up a bit, just for fun.

02-02-2012, 11:44 AM
If you go to the Bing home page today, there is a picture of a groundhog from -- Brookfield Zoo! Which is right by me! :D But I think Punxsutawney Phil is the star of the show.

There is a Groundhog Day celebration today in Woodstock, Illinois where the movie was filmed.

02-02-2012, 01:28 PM
The old groundhog saw his shadow. Hope if we must have more winter, it's like what we've had so far. I feel sorry for the groundhog, being pulled from his snug bed, waved about in the cold air by some dude dressed like Charles Dickens, and having camera lights flashed in his eyes. I bet he can't really see a thing after all that. I'm just amazed he doesn't hurl (or pee) on the guy waving him around.

On to spring!!!! :love:

02-02-2012, 02:01 PM
I bet he can't really see a thing after all that. I'm just amazed he doesn't hurl (or pee) on the guy waving him around.

He is most assuredly sedated somewhat, as woodchucks have formidable teeth, and are great at twisting around and chomping whatever has got them in every other circumstance.

02-02-2012, 05:43 PM
I feel sorry for the groundhog, being pulled from his snug bed, waved about in the cold air by some dude dressed like Charles Dickens, and having camera lights flashed in his eyes. I bet he can't really see a thing after all that. I'm just amazed he doesn't hurl (or pee) on the guy waving him around.

LOL!! MoFF!!

02-02-2012, 08:27 PM
Poor Groundhog.

Can't be happy today. esp right now. just plain grumpy, but considering the last three months, this is a vast improvement. I've been too worried to be grumpy.