View Full Version : Problems loggin in, out and pick font/color/size

02-01-2012, 09:47 AM
At my work computer (old browser; IE 7 is supposed to be coming soon) the top right where one can log in does not show; only the password part. Somehow I got around this before by clicking on something that told me I was not allowed access but there was a place to log in on that page. Now that is gone. Today I clicked reply to a thread and logged in that way. Also there does not appear a place to log out.

When picking my font, size and color the order gets messed up (right after choosing color) so I must cut/paste or just retype to put the [/] thingies (whatever they are called) in correct order to type my text between.

Any help or is anyone else experiencing these frustrating issues?:(

02-01-2012, 10:22 AM
What browser are you using?

02-01-2012, 02:17 PM
What browser are you using?

It is Windows Internet Explorer version 6.0. I'm attributing my problems to the outdated browser, as I don't have any issues like this on my home computer. But, I mainly visit POTD at work so am assuming this new format is maybe too sophisticated for older operating systems. I see no area to log off so . . . guess I will get automatically logged of after so long? Thanks for any help.

02-01-2012, 05:49 PM
You do get automatically logged out after so long of being inactive. Could you send me a screen capture of what you see? Do you see any of the text that's usually on the top right - Welcome, Notifications, etc?

02-02-2012, 08:50 AM
You do get automatically logged out after so long of being inactive. Could you send me a screen capture of what you see? Do you see any of the text that's usually on the top right - Welcome, Notifications, etc?

I'm not sure how to do a screen capture, but I highlighted and copied so will paste it here and maybe you can see it. If you give me directions on how to send a screen capture I will try again because I'm just seeing text of what I pasted. At upper right what does not show is where I put in my user ID. Where I put in password is shown. Strange. So, when I hit reply to a thread, then I get a screen where I can log in.

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Welcome to PetTalk! We are still customizing the software, so please be patient. PetTalk members may login in the top right corner or new users may register in order to post.
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02-02-2012, 10:07 AM
We will look into it!

02-02-2012, 10:59 AM
I am using IE 7 and I still see the garbled userid password stuff at the top. It's been that way since PT went to the new server.

02-02-2012, 11:16 AM
Thanks, Kuhio - that helps!

02-02-2012, 11:31 AM
This is what my top look like at 27 cm, 28 cm and 30 cm. I would love to be able to see both Dog, Cat and Pet of the Day, without the text going over the pictures.

If I open Todays Posts, my screen has to be 33 cm wide to see the little two-arrow icon after “By name”.

Can that be fixed?

I use Camino as a browser.


