View Full Version : Cat quirks

01-30-2012, 11:00 AM
the other thread about things your cats worship got me thinking about what their quirks are. I have to laugh at some of my cats' quirks. I wasn't laughing last night when they were doing hte quirks, but I can this morning..

Pouncer will dip his paw in and out of the tissue box to wake me up in hte middle of the night. Do you know how loud a tissue box that's being pawed at 2AM can be? Its loud! If tissues are not around, he will try to get into my litter bags and smack them around. The litterbags are shopping bags from walmart and such. They crinkle and make a ton of noise. It actually is quite affective to get my butt out of bed.

Mikey is absolutely determined no glass shall remain upright on the table. I learned to drink out of plastic cups with a lid and straw. He also will not allow me to do anything in the bathroom myself. If I accidentally lock him out while I'm showering, he'll meow his head off. Then I let him in and he has to have constant eye contact on me. If I close the shower door, he'll paw it to slide the glass himself. He'll jump in the shower as soon as the water is turned off. He also has a love affair with the laundry basket. Filled with clean clothes or fresh from the laundry... he HAS to jump in it.

Mystic thinks hubby's soduko book is his personal cat bed. The book comes out, hubby enters a couple numbers into the grid and Mystic plops down on the book.

Flutter thinks its great fun to nock anything off the dresser. Your lipstick? swoosh! The cell phone? Plop! The bottle of aspirin? Plunk and roll under the dresser. I have had my hair rollers pushed off the edge and into the litterbox more tiems than I could count :eek:

Trixie has to be petted at night. and if you stop, you will get meowed at loudly. pet pet pet.... zzzzz.... MEOW! pet pet pet....... ZZZZZzzzzzz...... MEOW! She also thinks everything that happens in the house has to incllude her.

What are some of your cat's quirks?

01-30-2012, 11:20 AM
Good topic.

Juni will knock over any glass of liquid. She will do it on command, for company.

All three of my cats MUST drink from a glass in the bathroom basin. Lucy wants NEW water running while you are visiting the bathroom. She will also insist on clean water in the kitchen every time you enter the room. She sits and cries until you do it.

Chloe screams bloody murder when she comes in from the porch. It is as though she misses everyone and wants to announce her arrival (again!).

Prue, the dog, collects her toys and carries them to bed with us each night. She doesn't destroy her toys but carries them everywhere. She prefers ones that squeek.

All three of my cats try to cover up their business using their paws OUTSIDE the litter box. So, all through the night I hear scratch, scratch, scratch.....to no avail. I sometimes yell at them and they usually stop.....

If I leave a dish towel etc. near their food bowl on top of the freezer (where they eat), they will cover their food with the towel etc. Never fails.

Lucy MUST sit on me when I talk on the phone. She tries to put her paw over my mouth many times during my conversation. Maybe I talk too much or too loudly.

The cats love to sit in the dog's beds, too.

I love this topic. Can't wait to hear whatever weird things others' cats do!

01-30-2012, 11:34 AM
Cassie has a new one ... She must be with me if I'm in the bedroom or the bathroom. She puts herself inches from me when I'm getting dressed, brushing my teeth, putting on make-up and she waits for me on the bathroom rug when I'm in the shower. I'm not sure why.

She would love to join in Flutter's push-everything-off-the-dresser game! Flutter, please come to Cassie's house, because we play that game with the coffee table. Pens, pencils, the remote control, cat toys... basically anything that is light enough for her to push.

She also requires a "pre-breakfast" every morning between 3 and 4 AM and will meow more and more loudly at me till I wake up and serve it to her!

Trixie, I would be happy to pet you at night! Pet, pet, pet, pet! (During the day too!0

01-30-2012, 12:39 PM
So many of these could be in the Cat Haiku thread which I just bumped up:

A glass of liquid
Simply must be tipped over
Juni's rule: beware!

01-30-2012, 12:55 PM
Mystic's special bed
Is daddy's Sudoku book--
No puzzles for him!

Edwina's Secretary
01-30-2012, 03:01 PM
Eddie has some quirks that, if he was not so sweet and innocent, might be concerning...

He likes his butt spanked. Often, hard...

He "loves" his blankie. But only if I give it to him...

He likes to get in the shower and drink the water on the ledge...

We do not know where these things come from. I swear we never let him read kitty porn! :D:rolleyes:

Bibette & Lulu
01-30-2012, 04:00 PM
Oh, this is better than my "worship" thread - Bittie's lastest was to rummage through the clean laundry and pick out a washcloth that she then proceeded to knock on the floor, rabbit kick, roll around with, and "wash" her face with it. I put it on the crocheted square at the foot of the bed and she cuddles up with it when she's sleeping there.

Another Bittie quirk - getting up on the top of the bookcases that are in the den. They were added by the previous owner and don't reach the ceiling. (Check out a picture in my first album.) It's Bit's way of getting my attention. But when I walk out of the room, she immediately jumps down - "Hey, Mom, where ya goin'?"

Lulu likes to pick on Bibette and will stare her down at breakfast, when I give them some canned food - I've seen Bittie walk away without taking a bite (more like slink away :().

OH - aren't they just so special?:love::love:

01-30-2012, 06:27 PM
Franklin is my strange kitty ......he thinks grooming Chelsea is his purpose in life. unfortunately this also means chewing off her whiskers. At some point she will get annoyed and swat him away, usually with much hissing and growling. He will also come into the kitchen and yowl at me until I follow him to the kitty room, lift him him up on the bed and pet him roughly......silly boy.
Chelsea, on the other hand, is pure princess. I often lie in bed to work on my laptop and she will insist on laying
on top of my right arm. Do you know how hard it is to mouse with a kitty sprawled across your forearm??? Lol

01-30-2012, 06:45 PM
Ed is a master of "mad-dogging" the dog.

Mad-Dogging is the term used to describe one person giving another a 'hard look'.

Ed will walk by the sleeping dog, stop and stare at the dog.

Depending on how asleep the dog is? He will either ignore Ed, growl or jump up and bark furiously at him.

(Ed does stand his ground, often with the "WTF are you gettting bent out of shape for?" look on his face....):confused::mad::rolleyes:

01-31-2012, 04:29 PM
Snick cannt stand closed doors . She will scratch and meow until it is opened than she will walk away . We laugh because there is a movie friday after next where the guy screams "NO MORE LOCKED DOORS " we do that everytime she does her scratching

01-31-2012, 04:33 PM
eddie has some quirks that, if he was not so sweet and innocent, might be concerning...

He likes his butt spanked. Often, hard...

He "loves" his blankie. But only if i give it to him...

He likes to get in the shower and drink the water on the ledge...

We do not know where these things come from. I swear we never let him read kitty porn! :d:rolleyes:

woah !!!! Rofl

01-31-2012, 04:55 PM
My son's 2 cats in residence here have a few quirks:

They are petrified of the noise that plastic grocery bags make. They will run like the devil is after them every time they hear one. So of course that lets out buying any toys with the crinkle noise material.

They must have the water left on a slow drip in the sink in my grandson's bathroom, so that they have fresh water all the time, even tho they have their own water bowls.

They will steal hair scrunchies or pony tail bands, and their toy mousies, and deposit them in the water bowl in the kitchen only, and also play footsie in the same water bowl.

One of them loves to spend the day hidden among the towels in the linen closet.

My RB Meezer Ming loved BenGay. If my ex or I used it before bed, we had to keep the bedroom door closed to keep Ming out, since he would be trying to lick it off of us all night.

01-31-2012, 07:18 PM
Casey is obsessed with the litterboxes and making sure everything is properly buried. He also will wipe his front paws on the sides of the litterbox after he's done burying his deposits. After he's done his business, he'll cover it, wipe his paws, sniff the buried stuff, rebury it, wipe his paws again, sniff again, and repeat a few times until it's properly buried. It doesn't matter if I've just washed out the litterboxes or they've just had the litter topped off.

02-01-2012, 08:52 AM
1. Lucky has to have his kiss. When I get up and go down to the bathroom he runs full speed to get there 1st. sits on the corner of the vanity and has to have a kiss on his head. When I get home from work the same thing happens.
2. Penny has to make sure that I go to bed on time. She will come and sit in front of my TV chair. If I don't move or tell her that I am coming to bed I get yelled at. She then slowly walks away turn now and then to see if I am following.
3. Mits has to put me to bed, he waits to make sure that I am not getting up again. then he leaves. If I get up he has to do it all over again.
4. After Mits leaves Demetri will come to bed and snuggle.
5. Demetri also has to give me 3 kisses on the nose when I sit to watch TV. Then he snuggle like a baby in my right arm and shoulder.
6. Egypt has to snuggle and give me head butts every night as soon as Demetri moves.
And the list go on.
For my wife the list is just as long, with her part of the CREW that includes Cindy, Peak, Chessie, Timmy, Roz, and now Phil.

There are 26 in the house at this time: 3 of ours and 23 fosters. Most can be seen at www.jsgill.net

02-01-2012, 09:23 AM
Mikey Fluffy Tail has a thing about my bandadges, and after I take them off to clean the wounds on my feet he carries them around in his mouth.
Moose loves the plastic bags and cramming himself into very small places.
Joseph has Whiskas Temptations radar he can smell a treat from a mile away.
Josephine and Princess pick up pieces of Cat food from thier dish , and eat them away.
I think we all have quirks too, I wish I knew what My Cats thought of mine:love:

02-01-2012, 10:21 AM
Oh the many "quirks" of my Sashie!

First, she MUST be with me when I am in the bathroom. She sits next to me and waits for me to lean over and pet her head!

Second, she is also a licker of the water left on the ledge of the bathtub after a shower. As soon as the sliding door is opened, she is there, licking away. AND she refuses to move when I try to get out of the tub! :confused:

Third, (and this one truly has me baffled!) my evening newspaper comes each night with a rubberband on it. I take it off and she hears it and comes running! I throw it on the floor, and she will play with it, tossing it in the air, dropping it and then running to get it again. AND THEN... she will carry it, oh so proudly, to her food dish and drop it either in the dish or beside it. EVERY time I go into the kitchen, I check her bowl for a rubberband, and toss it in the trash. If anyone can give me some insite into her obsession with having a rubberband near/in her food dish, PLEASE let me know!

Fourth, Sasha must wake me every morning between the hours of 3 and 4 to have me go into the kitchen with her while she has a snack! :rolleyes:

Great thread! Love reading about other kitties silly little quirks that we all put up with cuz we love em all! :love:

smokey the elder
02-01-2012, 02:53 PM
Moby carries her toys in her mouth, and meows with her mouth full. She also loves to paw the bathtub. We had put water in the tub as an emergency supply before Hurricane Irene, and didn't close the door. All of a sudden I heard a SPLASH!
"Moby you didn't!.....Moby, you DID!" One very wet cat later...

Spike lies between me and my SO and meows and it almost sounds like "hello"! He must have his belly scritched, and kneads in the air with his paws.

Marnie, who's 9, chases her tail every morning in the upstairs hallway.

02-01-2012, 07:18 PM
Kuhio was a little lady. Not too quirky, but she had a cute habit. She would eat all of her kibble/crunchies -- with the exception of 1.
She would leave 1 itty-bitty crunchie in her bowl and YOWL to let you know a crisis was approaching. :D

Halo was a precious angel. Sweetest, kindest, most loving kitty I've ever known. But she could not resist bunny kicking the crap out of a roll of paper towels. :D And she liked to bounce champagne corks down the stairs and chase them.

Sigh........ Willy........... I can't remember if was the 10th or 20th time that he dumped the glass of water I leave by the bed on me. (I'm definitely a slow learner). Totally ruined the finish on my nightstand and bed. :rolleyes: But, I finally wised up and bought us all the Contigo AUTOSEAL West Loop Stainless Steel Travel Mug (Vacuum Insulated) - 16 oz. Contigo. I highly recommend them. Willy still knocks over our cups, but now they don't spill. http://www.gocontigo.com/autoseal-stainless-steel-travel-mug.html
