View Full Version : How did your dog/dogs get their name??

01-29-2012, 10:57 AM
The PT pups must have been feeling left out, since there was a thread about this for the kitties.........

Myndi: She came to me at 10 months and her previous owner had named her Mindy. Since she already knew her name I decided to keep it and put my own twist to it and change the spelling to Myndi.. She also had AKC papers that were never filed, so I gave her the full name of Myndi Jo Kong when I filed them - Jo being part of her mother's name and Kong being part of her father's name.

Sparky: It just matched his personality. He was a bright little flash of energy and light.

01-29-2012, 11:48 AM
Layla was named from the Eric Clapton song 'Layla'.

Jake was named from the Pirates of the Mississippi song 'Feed Jake'.

Scooter's Mom
01-29-2012, 11:50 AM
Jadie came to us at the age of 2 years (and almost 2 months) and was already named Jadie. She knew her name and I thought it was adorable... She's our little Jadie Lady.

01-29-2012, 11:57 AM
Zoee's original name was Bonnee and we were not keeping that name for her, just didn't fit. So I went to the computer and looked up names. First it was Cali we decided on. Then I asked my boyfriend if I should finish the alphabet and he said sure. So we had Cali, Sophie and finally Zoee. Zoee worked and after we figured out how to spell it we didn't even realize we stuck with the breeders theme of double E's in the names. Zoee's litter was named with double E names.

Taggart got his name at the shelter. I liked it so we kept it. That's not exciting, but that's how it is. :)
Someone at the shelter told me Taggart is a British TV show kind of like the American show Magnum PI. I thought that was cool too.

01-29-2012, 12:02 PM
When we first got Clover we took her to the pet store to get her a collar, leash etc. I took her outside to pee and she immediately started eating Clovers. I laughed and said maybe we should name her Clover. We didn't really think about it again until after. I think originally we were going to name Clover "Bailey" but felt it was too common. My dad suggested Shamrock or Shammy which got us back to Clover.

When I got Zeke in high school I was watching a show called "Tour of Duty". It had a character I liked named Zeke. I thought it was a cool name so I picked it for my boy :)

01-29-2012, 12:04 PM
Mikey came with his name at 2 years old. I am not really one for human names, but it works for us. He already knew it and it DOES fit him...especially when he's bad..."MICHAEL" or just for short..."Mike".

01-29-2012, 01:08 PM
ANNIE: She was a year old stray who came to the house six years ago and we kept her. She looked pitiful--all skinny, shy, and covered with ticks. I thought... poor dog has been thrown away.. she's an orphan... and she's female and I named her Annie for Little Orphan Annie.

LilGirl: First I named her Rosie which is on her file at the vets. However, I had trouble remembering her name LOL and Little Girl just came more natural to me. She's little and a girl. She has other names such as Baby Girl, Sweetie, Lucy but most of the time she's LilGirl.

01-29-2012, 02:55 PM
Someone at the shelter told me Taggart is a British TV show kind of like the American show Magnum PI. I thought that was cool too.

Haha, that's the reason my Taggart got his name. Because the tv-show was on the second or third night he spent at my place so it was one of the names I tried calling him and it stuck. I had no idea what his original name was, so I went through several ones; Kazuya, Sofus, Bobby and Sparrow are the ones I still remember :D I really wanted Kazuya to stick (it's a favourite video game character of mine) but nope, he was a Taggart! haha :D

Lori Jordan
01-29-2012, 07:08 PM
Maggy:For some reason i wanted to call her Sasha,and that is what her name was for a matter of 20 minutes.My husband looked at her and said "Maggy" her ears perked and she barked at him.So Maggy it was!
Lacy:I was back and forth to see Lacy since she was about 3 weeks of age.I had chose Lexi,Jenny or Lacy.Lacy just stuck.
Molly:We got Molly at 6 months old.Her name was Crystal.I didn't like the name,Molly just suited her better.
Doc:I had not part in naming him,Although i had a few names in mind.My husband named him,They are the only men in the house LOL So I let him name him.

01-29-2012, 07:58 PM
Mine already had her name when she was given to us at 2 yrs old and I thought it suited her well so just kept it.

01-29-2012, 08:12 PM
Of the dogs we had growing up, Sheba was named before I spoke English, so I don't know how she got her name. Freckles (Saint Bernard) had a charming smattering of freckles on her face, and lots more on her tummy and feet, so that fit! And Gracie, well, she was such a klutz, we thought maybe naming her "Grace" might help ... nope! She did gain somewhat more control over those long Great Dane legs when she finally stopped growing, but would still wipe out making sharp turns at full speed sometimes!

01-29-2012, 08:34 PM
Heidi had already been named by the people we bought her from,we were told we could change it but we liked the name and stuck with it.

01-30-2012, 09:25 AM
Haha, that's the reason my Taggart got his name. Because the tv-show was on the second or third night he spent at my place so it was one of the names I tried calling him and it stuck. I had no idea what his original name was, so I went through several ones; Kazuya, Sofus, Bobby and Sparrow are the ones I still remember :D I really wanted Kazuya to stick (it's a favourite video game character of mine) but nope, he was a Taggart! haha :D

I thought of you and wondered if this was how your Taggart was also named. Too funny! :D

01-30-2012, 07:23 PM
Mine already had her name when she was given to us at 2 yrs old and I thought it suited her well so just kept it.

What's her name?

01-30-2012, 07:32 PM
Lily is actually named TigerLily Princess, but she goes by Lily for short. She's named after the Princess TigerLily from Peter Pan. I wanted to stick with a Peter Pan theme and do something in tribute to Tink (the Pom we had before Lily who died at a young age), so that's where that came from :).

Brennan was already named when we adopted him; however, it reminded me of Brennan from the TV show Bones (which is one of my favorites), so I liked Brennan and it seemed unique, so we kept it.

01-30-2012, 08:38 PM
What's her name?

Cherie- French for Darling, Love or whatever other mushy name you like I guess

01-31-2012, 06:47 AM
I love this thread:).

Lollipop Ginger Promise (Lolli) is named after a dog our family had only almost 3 years before she died in a tragic hunting accident. Lollipop Candy was 3/4 lab 1/4 samoyed.

Buddy Bear Promise (Buddy) was already called Buddy when I got him. To come up with a registered name I looked at Lolli's pedigree where I found a dog called Cubby Bear. All my springers have to have Promise in their name.:)

Copper Shiloh (Copper) is named after 'The Fox and the Hound' and 'Shiloh'.

01-31-2012, 09:19 AM
We named Beenie what we did because when she was little she looked like one of those beenie babies.
Frankie got his name because I had heard a lady call her dog by that name and he was a boston too. I thought the name suited him fine.
We later realized that thier names were beenie and frankie like beans and franks! LOL

01-31-2012, 10:17 AM
Nebo is named after Mt Nebo in Utah - it's a beautiful mountain so I thought it would be a fitting name. I didn't know that our Mt Nebo was named after a biblical Mt Nebo at the time....later we drove the Nebo loop and it said Nebo means "sentinel of God."
Keva is a name I came up with that I thought worked well with Nebo. I found out later it's the feminine version of Kevin and it means "beautiful child." I do not pronounce it like Kevin though I pronounce it like "Kee-vuh" I pronounce the e in Nebo the same way...no idea if that's the correct pronunciation for the word (it's the correct local pronunciation for the mountain) but that's how how his name is said.
Skya is also a name I came up with that seemed to fit with the other names well - I seem to like 4 letter, 2 syllable names. I had a really hard time finding a name for her she was nameless for at least a week then I came up with that, the "sky" image seems to go well with her white fur and blue eyes. I'd seen the name Skye before but never Skya.
Corby adopted Killer when he was 2 years old, that was his name, he didn't change it. It's a fitting name if you like opposites - he's just a big teddy bear not a killer. :)

01-31-2012, 12:32 PM
Zeus got his name from my obsession with greek god names lol
Ka got her name after a play we attended in vegas
Blaze got hers from a friend who insisted the name was perfect for her
Titan got his from the movie clash of the titans

01-31-2012, 01:10 PM
Baxter Our son was attending college & picked Baxter out of a litter of farm pups. He took Baxter to college that day with him also. Baxter Black is a favorite cowboy poet of our sons so that is where Baxter got his name.

Missy She was a farm pup. I sat down on the ground & two pups came running towards me. They were both females. The larger one was the first born in the litter & there was the smaller sister. Another lady was coming in the evening to take the last pup. Missy jumped up licked my face, wagged her tail, was just silly & outgoing. When she was doing all this I said your are quite the Missy & that is how she got her name.

01-31-2012, 07:04 PM
Both Molli and Sammy were just names I liked and fit them :) Molli's name was Bella and I loved the name but my mom didn't. Sam's name was Creek and I thought it was weird. hehe

My brother named Springen because it means "jump" in German. He jumps when he's excited, very HIGH in the air! I thought the name was dumb at first but it grew on me. His previous owners called him Diego. Just didn't fit him...

01-31-2012, 07:41 PM
Molly - Was named after the Unsinkable Molly Brown. She never gives up and stubborn. Full name is Miss Molly Cupcake (SO's idea)

Kirby - He came with the name and answers to it. Didn't want to take a chance and mess that up.

Muffin - She's the SO's baby and she just loves him. Her full name is Miss Honey Muffin (see a pattern here with the girls? :D)

Woofie - Came with the name Richard. Well that's my SO's name and way too complicated. We tried Wolfgang, but he's a dachshund and he woofs a lot, so Woofie works.

Shamus - Came with the name and he answers to it. Another didn't want to take a chance and mess that up.

02-01-2012, 06:50 AM
Elvis - My Mum named him after the king Elvis Prestly. I call him elvie or Bert, never Elvis Lol.
Tinny - Already came with her name and we could not decide on anything else.
Harri (Harry) - He just looked like a Harri from a tiny baby.
Clover got her name from the Poodle in the VC Andrews Flowers in the attic books (about the 3rd book i think). It suited her well :love:.

Lady's Human
02-01-2012, 06:31 PM
Lady was her name when we got her from the S-word place, and it fit in a contrarian way, so it stuck.

Besides, she was 6 months old, and had enough issues without trying to teach her a new name.

02-01-2012, 07:34 PM
One Down was named One Down because one of his ears is dangling :)

Suki Wingy
02-01-2012, 10:40 PM
Both of ours came from the shelter with their names. Well Niņo was called Nino by the shelter but my ten year old self figured he was surrendered as Niņo since he had basic obedience training in Spanish so I added the tilde. Eliza was named by shelter staff and my parents couldn't think of anything that fit her that wasn't already super common. They ran all potential names by me to check because I work in a grooming salon and see many dogs a day.

They decided to just drop the E and call her Liza, but my mom's friend called very upset because her daughter's name is Liza and she thought somehow a friend calling her dog the same thing as her child was insulting. So eventually they stuck the E back on.