View Full Version : Favorite Movies?

The Cat Factory
11-14-2002, 12:59 AM
What are everyone's favorite movies? My all time favorite movies are Gladiator and Lord Of The Rings...

Here are some more of my favorites:

Dungeons & Dragons
Sleepy Hollow
All Star Trek's
All Star Wars
All Halloween's
From Hell
Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back

There's tonnnnns more!

11-14-2002, 01:21 AM
   Babe, A little pig goes a long way.


11-14-2002, 01:31 AM
Woody Allen's films ( but not all of them)

11-14-2002, 02:10 AM
I also like Gladiator, The Lord of the Rings, and Babe.

I've never really decided on a "favorite" movie. I like too many. Some I like are:

The Sixth Sense
Don't Say a Word

Childrens movies:
The Lion King
Snow Dogs

Austin Powers (all 3)
Meet the Parents

Ok there's a lot more, and probably others I like better, but I"m too tired to think.

11-14-2002, 02:20 AM
Probably my all time fave is "One Magic Christmas" .. I can watch it any time of the year because it's a great feel good movie. I would recommend to anyone who wants a good Christmas movie, but not for very small kids who are afraid of what death means (I know that makes the movie sound horrible but it really isn't, I could just see how it would upset some kids :D )

11-14-2002, 07:04 AM
Cool Runnings
and I'll try to think of some more

11-14-2002, 07:09 AM
Pretty woman...You've got mail...A walk in the clouds...A walk to remember...The mask...A Walk Across Egypt...Mrs. Doubtfire...Tons more....

Edwina's Secretary
11-14-2002, 08:59 AM
"Plenty" with Meryl Strep (sp?) and the most gorgeous man on the face of the earth Charles Dance.

11-14-2002, 09:09 AM

11-14-2002, 10:28 AM
But I'm a Cheerleader
The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys (just saw that movie thought it was great)
Benny and Joon
And an all time favorite Clueless

11-14-2002, 10:38 AM
Dirty Dancing....I danced for 16 years and taught dance for 4...I love any movie about dancing....I even watch the dance and cheerleading competitions on CNN.

Coyote Ugly- It was just fun.

We Were Soldiers- I cried. I guess it hit home since Joey is in the Marine Corps.

Some musicals that are either going to be movies or on video:
Chicago, Caberet, Fosse

11-14-2002, 10:40 AM
Too many to think of.

Star Wars is at the top of the list. :D

11-14-2002, 11:19 AM
Lord of the rings
Nothing Hill
Mrs. Doubtfire
Miss Congeniality
Pearl Harbor
The hunt for the red October

and many many more ...

11-14-2002, 12:00 PM
The Hunt for Red October...You're right...it was a good movie..not my normal style and not what I'd see again, but parts of that movie have stuck with me.

It's been a very long time since I saw it, what I do remember is one of the men on the sub was either German or Russian(excuse my ignorance, I can't remember). He only wanted to go to the US, so he could drive from state to state without having to show any papers. When he was killed, I cried because he never got to do what he wished which was just drive around the US. That movie made me realize some of the freedoms that i took for granted and I never forgot that.

11-14-2002, 12:01 PM
I also LOVE Run Lola Run

11-14-2002, 12:33 PM
Gosh...there are so many!!

I like just about anything Disney. Lion King ranks at the top of the list, but I like all of the animated movies:)

I usually like movies that Julie Roberts is in, particularly My Best Friend's Wedding! Cute movie. Notting Hill, Runaway Bridey, Pretty Woman, Erin Brokovich...all were good.

I loved Miss Congeniality! I laughed so hard. I also like her in While you were sleeping.

LOTR was awsome!
Star Wars movies
Star Trek movies
Harry Potter! :D Seeing it this Friday!!! :D :D

The Austin Powers were hilarious and I thought Zoolander was too;)

My all time favorite Christmas movie is the George C. Scott A Christmas Carol and A Christmas Story

My favorite hindi movie is Mujhse Dosti Karoge (Will you be my friend). Cute cute movie!

I'll stop for now;)

Dakota's Mommy
11-14-2002, 01:25 PM
I've got way too many to list!

The Cat Factory
11-14-2002, 02:00 PM
I forgot to say The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, and The Scorpian King are also some of my favorites :)

11-14-2002, 02:34 PM
1) 8 MILE!! Did anyone else see that movie?? Mr and my friends are going without our parents(I know it is R rated) tomorrow!
2) Titanc
3) Flipper
4) Mr. Deeds


11-14-2002, 02:35 PM
Notting Hill
Stealing Magnolias
Bridges of Madison County
The American President

OK, I know, I'm a big mush pot :D

Desert Arabian
11-14-2002, 03:06 PM

um.... lets see what else:

1. Lord of the Rings
2. Lord of the Rings
3. Lord of the Rings
4. Lord of the Rings
5. Lord of the Rings
6. Lord of the Rings
7. Lord of the Rings
8. Lord of the Rings
9. Lord of the Rings
10. Lord of the Rings.

HA-HA-HA- well, actually I also like Black Beauty (I cry everytime I watch it :rolleyes: ),and Glory (with Matthew Broderick and Cary Elwes), and I guess you could say I am a HUGE fan of Lord of the Rings, but I don't think anybody could figure that out.

Desert Arabian
11-14-2002, 03:09 PM
and add Black Hawk Down to my list. That's because hottie Orlando Bloom is in it. He's the one who falls out of the helicopter.:( :( :( :( :( Waaaaaaaaaaa!

Ok, I'll shut up now.

11-14-2002, 04:21 PM
I liked

Lion King
Shrek - of course, so cute
monsters inc.
Big Daddy- you know...with Adam Sandler( he's so cute;) )

And there are so many others. I think I like almost every movie I watch!

11-14-2002, 06:08 PM
oooh blackhawk down is good cause josh hartnett is in it
i liked pearl harbour too

11-14-2002, 06:12 PM
I see that "soldier" movies are really popular. I can't watch those anymore :( Last one I saw was Pearl Harbor and was in a rut for weeks :)

My all time favorite is The Count Of Monte Cristo. Great movie based on an excellent book! I also love the Hannibal movies. Red Dragon was AWESOME! As were Silence of The Lambs, and Hannibal!

11-14-2002, 06:23 PM
EEEW HANNIBAL!??!?! I saw that and only the last half of it!! that bit with the guy getting his brains cooked and eaten while he was STILL ALIVE?!?!?! a. I almost puked and b. I ran screaming from the couch and actually started to cry EW EW EW
yuck!!!! ick!! LOL

11-14-2002, 06:40 PM
Without a doubt, Amelie. So adorable and touching without being saccharine slop.

11-14-2002, 06:49 PM
1. Rain Man with Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise
2. Steel Magnolias
3. As Good As It Gets
4. The Green Mile (loved the little mouse!)
5. Animal movies - Babe and Otis & Milo

11-14-2002, 06:54 PM
Okay well my list might be a little embarrassing but hey why not.

Lets see here goes

White Christmas, it's old but I really really love that movie Rosemary Clooney Rocked!

Both Sister Act movies
The Sound of Music...I think I have something about singing nuns :D

Battle Royale

anything by Jackie Chan...he's the man...hey it rhymed :)


and well the list could go on and on, 'cause well other then the dogs and agility I really have no life so I watch a lot of movies and stuff.

11-14-2002, 07:32 PM
Hmmm, basically I love 'chick flicks' and musicals.

Some of my many favorites are:

Enchanted April (one of the very few movies I like better than the book, although the book's excellent, too... I watch this when I want 'comfort food' for the mind/emotions.)

Several of the 90's Jane Austen films/mini-series:
Pride and Prejudice (Firth/Ehle version)
Sense and Sensibility
Emma (either version or the 1990s update: Clueless)

While You Were Sleeping
You've Got Mail
Kate and Leopold (even though I HATE Meg Ryan's hair in this. What were they thinking???)
Princess Diaries
Legally Blonde
As Good As It Gets
Miss Congeniality (even though I think she could've, should've done better than the boyfriend she wound up with. Didn't ALL the guys seem like jerks in this one?)
African Queen
The Bishop's Wife
Sleepless in Seattle

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Two Little Words
White Christmas (Yes, Clooney and Vera-Ellen both rocked!)
Bells of St. Marys
Sound of Music

Harry Potter and the Scorcer's Stone
11 Harrowhouse
Jurassic Park
Volcano (yeah, I know, it's a guilty pleasure)
Men In Black
Galaxy Quest

11-14-2002, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Pam
1. Rain Man with Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise
2. Steel Magnolias
3. As Good As It Gets
4. The Green Mile (loved the little mouse!)
5. Animal movies - Babe and Otis & Milo

Pam, I totally agree with your choices!!! :D I loved The Green Mile & Steel Magnolias...and especially Rain Man. Have you seen I am Sam?? If you liked the Rain Man, you probably would like I am Sam as well.

Oh another of my favorites is Deep End of the Ocean with Michelle Pfeiffer. I cried with that one, and felt that Mother's pain!

11-14-2002, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
If you liked the Rain Man, you probably would like I am Sam as well.

Cookie that is on my "must see" list!!

[QUOTE]Oh another of my favorites is Deep End of the Ocean with Michelle Pfeiffer. I cried with that one, and felt that Mother's pain!

I didn't see that movie but I read the book! Excellent!!!

11-14-2002, 08:29 PM
I LOVED I am Sam. I thought it was such a great movie. And I liked the soundtrack too, all Beatles songs.

11-14-2002, 09:01 PM
My ALL TIME Favorite movie Is The Lion King..... ever wonder why i named Simba, Simba? Lol......
Other Movies:
Next Friday
Exit Wounds
The fast and the Furious [Mmmmm Vin Diesel!!!!!!!!]
All of the Chucky movies...
The ernest movies
The Wizard of Oz
Joy Ride [ scariest movie ever!]
Star Wars Episode 1 & 2
There's plenty more...

Movies i want to see BADLY:
8 Mile!!!!
Snipes [movie Nelly is coming out with]
Ja Rule's movie... which comes out tommorow i beleive
Friday after Next

11-15-2002, 12:48 AM
If you liked Rain Man see "Charlie" and "Awakenings" too.. those are so good.

I saw 8 Mile last weekend.. I liked it but I didn't think it really lived up to the hype.

I also loved "The Green Mile" and the book was good too.. but I don't think I would have understood the book if I hadn't seen the movie first because the book kind of skips around.

11-15-2002, 01:18 AM
Several of you have listed some of my favs... I'll try and list a few that haven't been named....

Lady and the Tramp
Fox And the Hound
The Aristocats
The Piano
The Other Sister
Oh Brother Where Art Thou
Gone in 60 seconds
13 Monkeys
Raising Arizona

ummm... I had more but now I can't think of them...:confused: :rolleyes:

11-15-2002, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
I see that "soldier" movies are really popular. I can't watch those anymore :( Last one I saw was Pearl Harbor and was in a rut for weeks :)

My all time favorite is The Count Of Monte Cristo. Great movie based on an excellent book! I also love the Hannibal movies. Red Dragon was AWESOME! As were Silence of The Lambs, and Hannibal!

I thought The Count of Monte Cristo was really good too! Now on the Hannibal thing.....The Silence of The Lambs is a really good movie! Not a fan of Hannibal though. I mean, they didn't even use Jodie Foster...it's supposed to be 10 years later, and she looks 10 years younger...and well, I thought it was kind of boring. I might not even have what I just said right, as I saw it quite a long time ago, lol. I would like to see Red Dragon though.

11-15-2002, 05:02 AM
Monsoon Wedding
Clash of the Titans (gotta love that b-movie kitsch)
Mystery Science Theater 3000
The Royal Tennanbaums (amazing soundtrack)

11-15-2002, 06:06 AM
Amy, if you like reading, I would suggest reading Hannibal and Red Dragon. Red Dragon stayed pretty close to the book but Hannibal didn't follow the book as closely. Out of the three, I must say Red Dragon was the best (book and movie).

11-15-2002, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
All of the Chucky movies...

Chuck Norris movies? Yuck yuck ick ick.

The last one I saw was when they blew up the house on Christmas Eve and I had to leave the theatre. I just can't stand the violence. :D

11-15-2002, 10:22 AM
Ok for those of you who can't stand violence: MY LIST IS NOT FOR YOU!

John Carpenter's Vampires
Interview with a Vampire (gotta love it)
Queen of the Damned
The Lost Boys
(catching a pattern?)
All the Halloween movies (minus 3)
Friday the 13th movies (I think I've seen them all except for "Jason Goes to Hell")
Nighmare on Elm Street
The New Nightmare
Lake Placid
Pitch Black

(Ok you can look now)

Snow Dogs
10 Thing I Hate About You
Remember the Titans
The Fast and the Furious
Joy Ride
Hannibal movies (Red Dragon is great!)
8 Mile (Went last weekend to see it- thumbs up)
The Green Mile
The Lord of the Rings
Don't Say a Word
Austin Powers (all 3)
Pretty Woman
Dirty Dancing
We Were Soldiers
Behind Enemy Lines
The Mummy Movies

Can you guys tell I have no life?

11-15-2002, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
Amy, if you like reading, I would suggest reading Hannibal and Red Dragon. Red Dragon stayed pretty close to the book but Hannibal didn't follow the book as closely. Out of the three, I must say Red Dragon was the best (book and movie).

Ok thanks, I think I might go and get Red Dragon to read. I've thought about reading them before. I'll have to see that movie too. We were going to see it on Halloween but we ended up at The Ring instead.

11-15-2002, 11:02 AM
I forgot.... The Fast and the Furious ...Vin Diesel*sigh* how could I forget?! I own it on DVD

Also... Lilo & Stitch I took my little sister to see it and we both were crying when he went into the woods saying I'm Lost, trying to find his family. Made me want to scoop him up and hug him.

11-15-2002, 04:51 PM
Oh some older ones that I still like to watch when I'm sick in bed...3 Men & a Baby...Look who's talking...Grease...

Another favorite is Chocolat....I saw that in the theatre & it was great!!

11-15-2002, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
Amy, if you like reading, I would suggest reading Hannibal and Red Dragon. Red Dragon stayed pretty close to the book but Hannibal didn't follow the book as closely. Out of the three, I must say Red Dragon was the best (book and movie).

I didn't see the movie Red Dragon, but the book was good...although I think I liked Silence of the Lambs best of the three. Hannibal was definatly better as a book...

I have too varied of taste to pick fav movies..I like about anything.

11-15-2002, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
I see that "soldier" movies are really popular. I can't watch those anymore :( Last one I saw was Pearl Harbor and was in a rut for weeks :)

My all time favorite is The Count Of Monte Cristo. Great movie based on an excellent book! I also love the Hannibal movies. Red Dragon was AWESOME! As were Silence of The Lambs, and Hannibal!

I saw Scilence of the Lambs and Hannibal but for some stupid reason my mom is not letting me see Red Dragon. I am going tonight to see The Ring with my friends. I have a feeling it is gunna be awesome!:)

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-15-2002, 07:44 PM
GLADIATOR... has got to be my favorite... it was written soooo well the beginning was a little slow... but the rest of the movie was sooo awesome.. espically Jaquin Phoenix... he played the best bad guy I have ever seen!!!

Lion King has got to be my next favorite.

All Creatures Great And Small
11-15-2002, 11:56 PM
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Wow - I didn't think I'd meet a kindred MST3K spirit on a pet talk board! MST3K is one of those things I can watch 100 times and still laugh out loud. I actually have some episodes on tape that I've never gotten a chance to watch yet, so I'm looking forward to that.

Here's some movies I like:

The Elephant Man (depressing, but good)
Schindler's List (same here)
The Bounty (Mel Gibson in his prime.....ahhhhhh.....)
Big (Tom Hanks)
Dave (Kevin Kline, where he stands in for the president)
both Eddie Murphy Nutty Professor movies (but the 2nd one was funnier)
A League Of Their Own
Uncle Buck
The King And I
The Ten Commandments
That Thing You Do
The Full Monty
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Life of Brian
High Anxiety (Nurse Diesel - LOL)
Young Frankenstein

and probably 100's more that I can't think of right now........

11-16-2002, 12:46 AM
Zyppy, I remember when I saw Seven .
I was so scared that at the end of the movie I was in a hurry to leave the theater and moved out quickly outside , when we were on the corner I noticed that something was missing I ought to thik twice what it was.... it was my handbag, uhg! Back we went ....and found a man nicely sat on that not even noticed that a handbad was under his bottom LOL

The Cat Factory
11-16-2002, 12:53 AM
GLADIATOR... has got to be my favorite... it was written soooo well the beginning was a little slow... but the rest of the movie was sooo awesome.. espically Jaquin Phoenix... he played the best bad guy I have ever seen!!!

I loved Galdiator! And I agree that Joaquin Phoenix played the best bad guy ever!

11-16-2002, 04:32 AM
I know I posted here already ; but yesterday there was such a touching movie on TV . It was so good :

DRIVING MISS DAISY : that friendship between Miss daisy and Hoke was so sweet and sincere ...

I also remembered another goodie ; FRYING GREEN TOMATOES .

11-16-2002, 06:38 AM
Oh Lut, I love Fried Green Tomatoes. Another one like that is The Spitfire Grill. I have watched those both at least 3 times.

11-16-2002, 01:51 PM
The King And I

I used to love the King and I when I was little. Then last year I got contracted to play in the orhcestra pitt for The King and I. Debbie Boone was Anna (you know the cheesy 80s singer who sang You Light up My Life). Well anyways 20 shows later, I never want to see that again. According to my roommate one night she heard me singing the songs in my sleep!!

11-17-2002, 01:01 AM
Um lets see:
The Mummy (both of them BRENDEN FRASER *pant*!)
Coyote Ugly
The Ghost and the Darkness
Horse Whisperer
*all time favorite vampire movie* THE LOST BOYS
Lake Placid (Betty White as a crocodile loving loon was great!)
The Christmas Story with little Ralphie
Mr. Hollands Opus
Deep Impact
OH and I can't believe I forgot THE GREEN MILE
I AM SAM (watched that on the flight home from Phoenix this summer and I was bawling and and couldn't breathe b/c of the altititude, and the guy beside me was trying to be all macho and wipe his eyes nonchalantly)
The other sister

11-17-2002, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
The Christmas Story with little Ralphie

:D You'll shoot your eye out kid!

It's sooooooooo old/corny but I LOOOOVEEEE it!!!

11-17-2002, 02:10 AM
I loved Cool Runnings, too! And Benny & Joon made me a Johnny Depp fan for life. I couldn't begin to list all the films I've seen and loved over the years but a fewcome to mind:
Diggstown (for some reason, zDadcat & I can never get enough of that one!!)
Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou
MST3000 for sure!!
Any Monty Python movie
Lawrence of Arabia
Judgement at Nuremburg
Photogarphing Fairies
A Fish Called Wanda
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Hunt For Red Otober
Medicine Man
Dances With Wolves
Black Orpheus

11-17-2002, 03:07 PM
Good subject!

Okay, I have about 5 minutes (finally) today to spend on PT!

As Good As It Gets
Austin Powers
Tin Men (does anyone else remember that one?)
Rutheless People
Bottle Rocket (or anything with Owen or Luke Wilson)
Legally Blonde

Angel Heart*
Silence of the Lambs/Red Dragon
Stir Of Echos

chic flicks:
Where the Heart Is
Notting Hill
Terms of Enderment

White Oleander
White Fang
All About Eve
Forest Gump

Full Metal Jacket

I know there's more, but can't think right now.
Saw 'The Ring ' over the weekend and thought it was good/scary.

11-18-2002, 10:00 AM
I want to see 8 Mile so bad...... but here are my now favs.
1. Dante's Peak
2. Balto and Balto2:wolf quest
3. Both Lady and the Tramps
4. Cruel Intentions (not a good movie for kids who cant see "R"

11-18-2002, 06:53 PM
Ooo ooo I remembered some others I can't believe I didn't put these down before.

Goonies (Goonies never say die. But I'm not Goonie... and I'll stop before I get really carried away)
The Princess Bride...how can you not love that movie?
Lilo and Stitch. My friend actually has a dog that acts like stitch
All the Indiana Jones movies
Race the Sun
Fried Green Tomatoes (the books good to)
The Karate Kid movies (corny yes, but still.)
All the old school Muppet movies oh and The Muppet Christmas Carol...love the muppets.

11-18-2002, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon

I used to love the King and I when I was little. Then last year I got contracted to play in the orhcestra pitt for The King and I. Debbie Boone was Anna (you know the cheesy 80s singer who sang You Light up My Life). Well anyways 20 shows later, I never want to see that again. According to my roommate one night she heard me singing the songs in my sleep!!


Yes!! The Princess Bride! Excellent movie!! I had been looking for the book for the longest time and finally found the book that movie was based on. I was so excited.
Another good funny: Robin Hood: Men in Tights! LOL :D

The Christmas Story is the absolute best must-see Christmas movie. "Randy lay there like a slug...it was his only defense"! HA! :D

The Lost Boys! Yup! How could I forget! That's such a good movie, and I think they that boardwalk part by the ocean right here in Santa Cruz, didn't they??!:D

The second Harry Potter movie was excellent! I managed to see it opening night, and I'm still amazed that me and my 5 friends were able to all sit together in a sold out and packed theatre! What a riot! I had never been to an opening night for a movie and this was amazing. Everyone was cheering and whistling when the intro music started, but once the movie started...you couldn't have been in a quiter more rapt theatre! :eek: Great movie though!!:) Even better than the first one.

Desert Arabian
11-18-2002, 08:13 PM
What are some of your favorite TV shows??

Here are my favorite T.V. shows:

1) SpongeBob SquarePants!!!!(Nick)
2) The Osbournes (MTV)
3) Jackass (MTV)
4) Animal Precinct (Animal Planet)
5) Jeopardy (FOX)
6) Breed All About It (Animal Planet)
7) Emergency Vets (Animal Planet)
8) Cops (FOX)
9) Inside Edition (FOX)
10) The Price Is Right-even tho I hardly get to watch it, since I am at school when it is on :( (FOX)
11) Judge Judy (FOX)
12) I Bet You Will (MTV)
13) and any show on Discovery Channel and National Geographic

ok...sorry for getting a little bit off topic, but along the same lines.

Desert Arabian
11-18-2002, 10:29 PM
"Ralphie, I can't put my arms down!"

11-18-2002, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by wolflady


Yes!! The Princess Bride! Excellent movie!! I had been looking for the book for the longest time and finally found the book that movie was based on. I was so excited.
Another good funny: Robin Hood: Men in Tights! LOL :D

Love the book, I got a year or two ago and have read it through twice so far.

And Men In Tights rocks! actually Mel Brooks rocks in general, like Dracula dead and loving it and History of the world part 1..hehehe, I start giggling just thinking about them, though that could be because I'm tired. I get tired, I tend to get the giggles, then again I get hyper I tend to get the giggles...I get the giggles alot.


11-18-2002, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
What are some of your favorite TV shows??

Here are my favorite T.V. shows:

1) SpongeBob SquarePants!!!!(Nick)
2) The Osbournes (MTV)
3) Jackass (MTV)
4) Animal Precinct (Animal Planet)
5) Jeopardy (FOX)
6) Breed All About It (Animal Planet)
7) Emergency Vets (Animal Planet)
8) Cops (FOX)
9) Inside Edition (FOX)
10) The Price Is Right-even tho I hardly get to watch it, since I am at school when it is on :( (FOX)
11) Judge Judy (FOX)
12) I Bet You Will (MTV)
13) and any show on Discovery Channel and National Geographic

ok...sorry for getting a little bit off topic, but along the same lines.
There is a post here in general about your favorite tv shows

11-19-2002, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Crikit

Love the book, I got a year or two ago and have read it through twice so far.

And Men In Tights rocks! actually Mel Brooks rocks in general, like Dracula dead and loving it and History of the world part 1..hehehe, I start giggling just thinking about them, though that could be because I'm tired. I get tired, I tend to get the giggles, then again I get hyper I tend to get the giggles...I get the giggles alot.


LOL LOL You sound like me! The later in the night it is, the more slap-happy I get, and those silly movies always seem more silly when I'm slap happy! Mel Brooks does rock! ;) LOL


Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya...you killed my father...prepare to die! LOL

11-20-2002, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by wolflady

LOL LOL You sound like me! The later in the night it is, the more slap-happy I get, and those silly movies always seem more silly when I'm slap happy! Mel Brooks does rock! ;) LOL

I'm glad I'm not alone. But I knew that..my mom's worse then I am she get the giggles you just look at her funny and she gets starts laughing and won't stop, and of course that gets the rest of going. :D

Stop that and I mean it...anybody got a peanut?

11-21-2002, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Crikit

I'm glad I'm not alone. But I knew that..my mom's worse then I am she get the giggles you just look at her funny and she gets starts laughing and won't stop, and of course that gets the rest of going. :D

Stop that and I mean it...anybody got a peanut?

What a riot! You and your mom would fit right in with our family! LOL ;)

Fezzig...are there rocks ahead?
If there are, we'll all be dead!

12-08-2002, 07:43 PM
great thread......i like many of the films mentioned....i like many art films.....i also liked many of the woody allen films.....one i didnt see mentioned that i liked was terms of endearment and i adore many of the old, old, films (sign of my age ie guess) which depicted life in a much simpler time.