View Full Version : 17 year old cat...

01-27-2012, 07:56 AM
I got an email from someone on Sunday about a 17 year old cat that was being neglected. I made phone calls to the ACO and posted it on FB. The ACO has seized the poor little girl. She was emaciated, dehydrated and could barely walk. When the owner was told to bring her to the vet, he said, "Oh no, that costs money! I'll just get another cat from the Westport Humane Society for $80!" I notified the WHS and they've put him on a DNA list.

The cat is now at the vet getting iv fluids and having blood work done to determine if it's neglect or old age.

Now for the exciting part...

My friend Nancy offered to sponsor her if I'd take her and let her live out the rest of her life in a happy, loving home. I said YES!!!!

I called the ACO and told her. She said because the cat is evidence in an ongoing investigation, they can't release her for adoption yet. I assured her she has a home when she's released. I told her I'd understand if she was in pain and the vet says it's her time. But if it's just age, to please let her live out her life in love.

Puff-Puff will be going back to Nancy's now that he's learned how to be a housecat.

I just want everyone to know this is not a decision I made lightly. And if it weren't for Nancy offering to pay for everything, I'd never be able to do it.

I'll keep you guys posted.

01-27-2012, 08:22 AM
Oh, what a wonderful story. Thank you so much, Donna, for getting this cat rescued and the dirtbag "owner" put on the Humane Society's watch list.. AND thanks to Nancy for giving this sweet kitty the home she has deserved for so long.

God bless you both and this dear cat too.


01-27-2012, 08:59 AM
Poor kitty! Hope she is made comfortable and recovers while awaiting a verdict.