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View Full Version : My visit to the dermatologist

01-25-2012, 05:59 PM
So today I took off to see the dermatologist. I had a bad outbreak Monday, so I was able to get in today.

My blood work from Saturday was good except for somewhat low amylase in the blood.

Of course today, my hives and other rashes were mostly clear or so I though. There were actually a lot on my back. So she took a biopsy of a good welt, but on my back. I'll see her in two weeks. and I have to figure out how to get bacitracin on my back to keep the wound moist. She wants to see if it is hives or something else.

We discussed a lot of possibilities. I will limit the different types of antihistamines. For now, I will stick with benadryl and ranitidine. And see if any of my normal four meds could be causing this. The ingredients could have changed without telling anyone. It's not required.

She also related that I could be allergic to an infection. Wow.

01-25-2012, 06:58 PM
Good luck in narrowing it down and figuring out the cause of all the itchiness! We'll be thinking of you.