View Full Version : URGENT!!! John Gill's email account hacked into...

01-23-2012, 05:48 AM
John's email was hacked into and emails were sent out to his entire addy book asking for money as he is stuck in Madrid, Spain with all his personal belongings were stolen. NOT TRUE!!!

I strongly urge EVERYONE here who got the email to change your passwords IMMEDIATELY!!! (I did it last night after I called John to verify. He said he's been getting a lot of phone calls). He said he hadn't been to Spain in over 40 years. I kinda figured it. If these hackers can get into HIS email, they can also get into everyone else's.

Just a precaution. Hope you don't mind, John.

01-23-2012, 09:50 AM
Lots of people have had that happen to them. If you simply received the email, don't worry about it. Just John needs to change his passwords and regain control of his email address.