View Full Version : My new boy ... Alfie.

01-23-2012, 05:36 AM
He is a four year old ex-breeding Shi Tzu

There has been a bit of a kerfuffle about the wall in my garden ... to cut a long story short, the lady who home checked suggested changes, came back out this morning, (bless her) got back in touch with the rescue and the foster home and they, Jill and her hubby, are bringing him here this morning, bless them too because it is way off normal for them to do so.

All being well I will be back to this thread with more about him and, of course, photos. :D

01-23-2012, 06:30 AM
Awwwww - he's a real cutie! :love: Welcome to the world of Shih Tzu's, Chris. Wishing you many happy and healthy years together. Hoping that he's a sweet little love-bug like my Sparky is. :)

01-23-2012, 06:57 AM
What a sweet face. Cannot wait to see more pics and hear stories. :)

01-23-2012, 09:19 AM
Thanks! :)

Meet Alfie.

click to see larger

sizing each other up



Actually he has an undershot jaw so is not handsome as he could be, imo they shouldn't have bred from him.

01-23-2012, 09:22 AM
Hi, Alfie, cutie! Welcome to PT! Hi, beautiful Ebby! hughughughughug!

01-23-2012, 09:44 AM
Oh Chris, how cute he is! It's probably a good idea to have gotten one who is a small breed.

Now Alfie, go and make friends with Ebby. :) :love:

01-23-2012, 09:45 AM
Welcome, Alfie!!!

That underbite is very typical of Shih Tzu's, but I think it makes them even cuter - if that's at all possible. Sparky has it, and I'm always telling him to put his teeth back in his mouth. :D

Lilith Cherry
01-23-2012, 11:38 AM
Welcome Alfie! He is just so cute! The three shih tzus (or crosses)at my house all have underbites too. They are such loving little guys and a pleasure to be owned by! Have fun Chris:D

01-23-2012, 11:41 AM
Congrats!!!:D Well I think he's a cutie pie and I hope that Ebbs will learn to accept him soon.:)

01-23-2012, 11:47 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Alfie, and you've landed yourself the best possible home!

01-23-2012, 12:17 PM
Hello Alfie.:love:

I think you are a cutie, with a very sweet looking face.:) I loved the pictures too. Looks
like those time lapse pics. Going from opposite ends & each checking out the other.:D
You have a new friend to meet now Ebby.Thanks for sharing pictures of the new addition.:)

01-23-2012, 12:58 PM
Grats! What a cutie :)

01-23-2012, 01:15 PM
AAAWWWW, Chris! :love::love:

Scooter's Mom
01-23-2012, 01:32 PM
I'm a little bit partial to Shih-Tzu's, but I think he is adorable!
Welcome to your new PT home, Alfie. :) Congrats on the new addition!

01-23-2012, 02:57 PM
Thanks guys. :)

I Alfie for a walk and he was lovely on the lead ... some heartbreaking moments though, walking in Bobby's footsteps.

I had to put the pet gate at the bedroom door once again, and lock the cat flap too because Alfie could get through it. I am feeling guilty about Ebby though, just praying she will accept his being here sooner rather than later.

01-23-2012, 05:16 PM
Oh Chris, he's so cute! Congratulations! Just so happy you've found someone else to share all that love that you have to give. Bobby would be so proud of you.

Maybe a little extra attention to Ebby will help the transition.


01-23-2012, 05:52 PM
Thanks Robin.

Okay, so, no getting on the furniture ... but right now he's sneaked on there and is fast asleep. :rolleyes:

01-24-2012, 07:20 AM
Oh congratulations!!! I am so excited for you. Bobby would be proud of you. I hope you and Alfie have many happy years together. And give Ebby time... she can't stay mad forever, trust me!:)

01-24-2012, 08:46 AM
What a cute fella. The underbite is normal, as far as I know. I find it adorable for dogs.

I compromised with the furniture thing with my dog. I make her stay on her bed, on the furniture. Of course, Prue the dog often has to deal with a cat already in her bed, but they work it out.

I am glad your new friend is nice and small. I wish you great fun and luck with your new Alfie. Keep those photos coming!

Enjoy your new one. I am sure Ebbs will come around eventually.

01-24-2012, 09:09 AM
Thanks lolli and sas.

He was a good boy though the night, no crying, just a little whimper at being left behind the gate. He slept on the sofa, :rolleyes: a pushover that's me. :D

He really needs a bath 'cos he stinks! Gill, who fostered him was apologetic about not bathing him before he came, but had just used some Avocet(?), (a combination flea/wormer), on him and didn't want to risk making in ineffective. As I told her, it's no biggie.

Ebby seems calmer today, less of the 'on pins glaring' taking place. I'll open the gate to see if she wants a wander but keeping Alfie on the lead.

01-24-2012, 09:48 AM
Your Alfie is adorable and I see no problem with his underbite. He is lucky to have a home with you. It's so good that you were able to open your heart again to another doggy. Hopefully Ebby will like him sooner than later. Best Wishes! I want to see more photos in the future.

Edwina's Secretary
01-24-2012, 10:51 AM
What's it all about....Alfie? It is all about your new forever home and your new best friend! Who knows...Ebby may come around and you will have TWO new best friends!

Chris, I could not be happier for you and Alfie!

01-24-2012, 02:09 PM
Thank you kaycg and Sara.

I chose the name Alfie because his name at the rescue was Addi and it was just a bit too close to Ebby for me, I could see confusion reigning. :) He looks like an Alfie anyway don't you think?

01-24-2012, 02:25 PM
The name Alfie... I like it. Funny, the first thing I thought of when I saw it, was Michael Caine.

Alfie seems like a sweet and easy boy, and he'll surely befriend Ebby one of these days. :)

01-24-2012, 05:27 PM
Welcome home Alfie! You're a sweetie!:love:

01-24-2012, 06:51 PM
Congratulations on the new addition Chris! He is a little cutie.
Has he lived with cats before? Hopefully Ebby will get used to having him around soon and will warm up to him.

01-24-2012, 11:47 PM
2013. That's when I will visit. :love::)

Alfie - I can hardly wait to meet you and your Mommy. Be a good boy now and give Ebby a wide berth for now. She will come around.

Love you all
Slick and Merlin :love::love::love:

01-26-2012, 02:19 PM
Alfie seems like a sweet and easy boy, and he'll surely befriend Ebby one of these days. :)
Thanks, and I hope you are right!:)

Welcome home Alfie! You're a sweetie!:love:

Congratulations on the new addition Chris! He is a little cutie.
Has he lived with cats before? Hopefully Ebby will get used to having him around soon and will warm up to him.
Thanks! He is an ex breeding dog and presumably lived in kennels with other such dogs but the lady who fostered him breeds ragdolls and he was okay with them

2013. That's when I will visit. :love::)
Alfie - I can hardly wait to meet you and your Mommy. Be a good boy now and give Ebby a wide berth for now. She will come around.
Love you all
Slick and Merlin :love::love::love:
Slick {{hugs}} xxx

01-26-2012, 02:38 PM
A new photo of Alfie


Hoping. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Smiles/e3c7c46d.gifhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/CwmmawrJet/Smiles/8a63548a.gif



01-26-2012, 03:12 PM
Aww, what a sweet picture of Alfie, he looks so trusting and already seems to have settled in, and both he and Ebby can relax in the same room. :love: :love: I bet it won't be long wlll be before they both are snuggled up together on the sofa. :D

01-26-2012, 04:09 PM
Awwww, great pictures.:love: Looks very very good to see Ebby & Alfie relaxing so much & in the same room.:D

01-26-2012, 04:26 PM
Chris, how do you explain the very obvious difference in the sofa rules? It seems that Ebby is allowed on the sofa, but not Alfie. Just saying.....and of course, just kidding you.

Like I said in an earlier post, I allow Prue my dog, on the sofa but only if she stays in her bed. Same with my bed. She sleeps at the bottom of the bed, in her bed. Of course you need to follow whatever works for you.

It seems that the two critters are getting along nicely now. I wonder if they will play together. Prue and Lucy play when they are outside. Well, Lucy, not so much, but Prue tries to herd her and she tolerates it to a certain degree.

Did you ever get Alfie that promised bath? I think he has hair and not fur. Meaning that it will tangle more easily and get oily like people's hair. They are also less likely to create problems for people with allergies, since they have hair. I don't know where I heard all this but since Prue is a Tibetan Terrier and Alfie is a ..... of I forgot what he is, but they are related in breed.

Again, it is good to see that you are having an easy time of it with Alfie. Is he housebroken? Some breeder dogs are not.

Keep those pictures coming!


01-26-2012, 05:09 PM
Oh, Chris, after reading SAS's post, I remembered what I wanted to ask you. If you have
attempted to bathe Alfie yet? I wanted to know how he felt about that.:)

01-26-2012, 06:15 PM
Alfie,you look like a very wonderful Shih Tzu,hope you bring Chris lots of years of happiness,I am sure Chris will give you a good home and love you very much,too bad you are in Wales,Heidi would love a Shih Tzu pal,especially a male.

01-27-2012, 07:25 AM
I had a ST and she was the bestest.

The only problem?

She hated my GF, which, in retrospect, was a good thing.

Be prepared for many years of companionship, cuddling and loyalty.

(LOL, it's almost like being stalked.......)

01-27-2012, 11:54 AM
Alfie is adorable!

01-27-2012, 12:44 PM
Thanks guys.

He's being a pain in two ways, growling at my neighbour(s) and going more than a little ballistic at other dogs when out for a walk. Plus, a short while ago he peed on his bed. :mad:

Other than that ... (see next post)

01-27-2012, 01:16 PM
What a cutie! A belated congratulations on your new addition!

01-27-2012, 01:32 PM
Thanks Bri.

Like I said in an earlier post, I allow Prue my dog, on the sofa but only if she stays in her bed. Same with my bed. She sleeps at the bottom of the bed, in her bed. Of course you need to follow whatever works for you.

Did you ever get Alfie that promised bath? I think he has hair and not fur. Meaning that it will tangle more easily and get oily like people's hair. They are also less likely to create problems for people with allergies, since they have hair. I don't know where I heard all this but since Prue is a Tibetan Terrier and Alfie is a ..... of I forgot what he is, but they are related in breed.

Again, it is good to see that you are having an easy time of it with Alfie. Is he housebroken? Some breeder dogs are not.
On the sofa? Been doing something like you do with Prue, he can lie on there in his bed after I have gone to bed. Housebroken? Yes, whilst at the foster and has been fine here ... until tonight. :( And yes, he is a Shih Tzu and does have hair not fur.

Oh, Chris, after reading SAS's post, I remembered what I wanted to ask you. If you have
attempted to bathe Alfie yet? I wanted to know how he felt about that.:)
Gave him a bath this afternoon ... technically a shower, or a bath in the shower :D anyhow, he was pretty good.



Killearn Kitties
01-27-2012, 02:49 PM
What a cutie he is Chris. I hope he is just settling down and these little issues vanish quickly.

Sending kisses to you Alfie (now you have had your bath). :D

Edwina's Secretary
01-27-2012, 03:48 PM
Hello back to you pretty, clean Alfie!

01-28-2012, 12:15 PM
Congratulations on your Alfie. What a handsome boy. :)

01-28-2012, 06:52 PM
He's even more adorable in his video. I also love the pictures of Ebby and Alfie sharing the same room.:) I hope he'll settle down more and stop peeing on his bed. Good luck.:)
It could be worse because he could be peeing in your bed.;)

01-28-2012, 07:34 PM
Welcome to PT, Alfie!!:love: His face is so cute Chris, congrats :)

01-29-2012, 07:45 AM
Thanks guys.

Got a few things to work on, oddly enough problems I didn't ever have with Bob, but Alfie is a bright boy and I'm sure we'll get there eventually. Time and patience.

01-29-2012, 08:23 AM
Hello, I just looked at the additional photos and the video. What a cute dog! Looks like everybody is comfy in the pics.

01-29-2012, 09:56 AM
Barking comes along with the breed. I try to curb Prue's barking and how I manage it varies from day to day. Prue has finally become used to the neighbors and if I spy them first, I announce that there is to be NO BARKS. Taking treats along with you might help. You may want to have the neighbor give Alfie a treat when they next meet. I also yank on Prue's leash when she starts barking in an out of control fashion. It drives me nuts, but think of the protection he's giving you. Maybe give Alfie a treat if he shuts up. Treats do wonders for some dogs.

Glad the little guy tolerated his bath. He looks happy now. Sorry about peeing on the bed! I hope it was just an accident. Was it Bob's bed? Maybe there is still a little scent left?

Well, I am glad he is keeping you company. I bet he will really bond with you. :cool:

01-29-2012, 11:59 AM
Barking comes along with the breed. I try to curb Prue's barking and how I manage it varies from day to day. Prue has finally become used to the neighbors and if I spy them first, I announce that there is to be NO BARKS. Taking treats along with you might help. You may want to have the neighbor give Alfie a treat when they next meet. I also yank on Prue's leash when she starts barking in an out of control fashion. It drives me nuts, but think of the protection he's giving you. Maybe give Alfie a treat if he shuts up. Treats do wonders for some dogs.

I throw this out there for whatever anyone might find it is worth. Which might be nothing, LOL! When Jasper barks, I no longer 'shush' him. I thank him for whatever reason he is doing it for. Usually to announce a guest to the home, or an intruder (mail person, person in front of the house). I have found that be recognizing that he is doing his 'job', he barks a lot less than if I direct him to stop. He seemed to feel that tension in my voice and position in 'hushing' him up.

Jasper will low bark as someone walks on the porch, and it goes to a straight bark when they get to the door. I immediately go to him, pet him and say, "thank you for letting me know someone is here, I have it now", calmly and in an appreciative tone. He stops. He doesn't bark much when we are out walking, but does the whimper/whine to get closer, and I do the same thing. "I see that cute doggy, thank you fo letting me know..." and we keep on walking. I really believe, with Jasper, it works.

I will admit he is a low barker in general.

01-29-2012, 01:58 PM
Chris, Alfie looks so wonderfully sweet. I am so happy for you, and for Alfie, that you can help give each other a new life. Alfie is one very fortunate pup. I know you still miss Bob terribly. In some ways it must hit you anew as Alfie begins making this his new home. I wish you both the best and I know Bob must be wagging that ever-wagging tail of his to see you smile again.

01-29-2012, 03:52 PM
Thanks kaycg. :)

Barking comes along with the breed. I try to curb Prue's barking and how I manage it varies from day to day. Prue has finally become used to the neighbors and if I spy them first, I announce that there is to be NO BARKS. Taking treats along with you might help. You may want to have the neighbor give Alfie a treat when they next meet. I also yank on Prue's leash when she starts barking in an out of control fashion. It drives me nuts, but think of the protection he's giving you. Maybe give Alfie a treat if he shuts up. Treats do wonders for some dogs.

Glad the little guy tolerated his bath. He looks happy now. Sorry about peeing on the bed! I hope it was just an accident. Was it Bob's bed? Maybe there is still a little scent left?

Well, I am glad he is keeping you company. I bet he will really bond with you. :cool:
Thanks sas. :)
When he was fostered he would go out for a walk along with a number of other dogs so I think it must be a bit confusing for him at the moment. Today the only other dogs about were in the distance and yesterday we only met one dog, a Springer no less. He wasn't on a leash and bounded up to Alfie and in a matter of seconds had sniffed and licked and bounded off again. Alfie whine/barked cos he'd gone but I blocked his view and gently made him focus on me. By the time we moved off again a minute or so later the Springer was long gone out of sight and all was calm.

I throw this out there for whatever anyone might find it is worth. Which might be nothing, LOL! When Jasper barks, I no longer 'shush' him. I thank him for whatever reason he is doing it for. Usually to announce a guest to the home, or an intruder (mail person, person in front of the house). I have found that be recognizing that he is doing his 'job', he barks a lot less than if I direct him to stop. He seemed to feel that tension in my voice and position in 'hushing' him up.

Jasper will low bark as someone walks on the porch, and it goes to a straight bark when they get to the door. I immediately go to him, pet him and say, "thank you for letting me know someone is here, I have it now", calmly and in an appreciative tone. He stops. He doesn't bark much when we are out walking, but does the whimper/whine to get closer, and I do the same thing. "I see that cute doggy, thank you fo letting me know..." and we keep on walking. I really believe, with Jasper, it works.

I will admit he is a low barker in general.
Thanks Johanna, it's good advice. :)
I've recently been watching 'The Dog Listener' Jan Fennell's video and begun re-reading her book and her advice is very similar to yours.

Chris, Alfie looks so wonderfully sweet. I am so happy for you, and for Alfie, that you can help give each other a new life. Alfie is one very fortunate pup. I know you still miss Bob terribly. In some ways it must hit you anew as Alfie begins making this his new home. I wish you both the best and I know Bob must be wagging that ever-wagging tail of his to see you smile again.
Thanks Jess. ;)
You are so right, the loss of Bobby does hit me anew at times, mostly due to Alfie's different ways. Bobby barked at the doorbell and got agitated when the phone rang, Alfie doesn't, Bobby pulled on the lead and ignored other dogs, Alfie is the opposite ... I do, I still miss my Bobby boy very much.

02-02-2012, 09:57 PM
Chris, I am posting congratulations to you from K9 Karen, she was so sad for you when I told her about Bobby, and now she's thrilled for you and Alfie both!

02-03-2012, 07:02 AM
Oh what a sweetie!!!! I just watched the video and i loved it!!!

02-03-2012, 09:17 AM
Alfie is adorable!! :D
The pictures of Ebby on the couch looks like Ebby is pretty relaxed with Alfie right there. That is great!

I throw this out there for whatever anyone might find it is worth. Which might be nothing, LOL! When Jasper barks, I no longer 'shush' him. I thank him for whatever reason he is doing it for. Usually to announce a guest to the home, or an intruder (mail person, person in front of the house). I have found that be recognizing that he is doing his 'job', he barks a lot less than if I direct him to stop. He seemed to feel that tension in my voice and position in 'hushing' him up.

Jasper will low bark as someone walks on the porch, and it goes to a straight bark when they get to the door. I immediately go to him, pet him and say, "thank you for letting me know someone is here, I have it now", calmly and in an appreciative tone. He stops. He doesn't bark much when we are out walking, but does the whimper/whine to get closer, and I do the same thing. "I see that cute doggy, thank you fo letting me know..." and we keep on walking. I really believe, with Jasper, it works.

I will admit he is a low barker in general.

This is exactly what I do with Taggart (he is also a low barker). I try to do it with Zoee, but she is such a loud (and constant) barker it is a little more difficult. But I do not do what my BF does, which is immediately YELL when she starts barking. I get off my rear and go see why she is barking. And usually when I get up she'll stop barking....unless someone is outside. Which I think is GREAT! :)

02-03-2012, 10:30 AM
he is adorable! looking forward to hearing stories of him and Ebony! :D)

02-18-2012, 04:23 AM
Helloooooo Alfie!!
Boy do you have a cutie pie face!!!!

Be nice to Ebby, it might get you on the couch more :)

Congrats again Chris. You needed him ..... (hugs)

02-18-2012, 11:42 AM
Thanks Michelle. :)

02-18-2012, 02:34 PM
Chris, is this new fella behaving himself? I surely hope so. It usually takes a while for the new patterns to set in but I am sure he will be a quick learner.

Let us know! And more pictures would be fun for us! ;):D

02-18-2012, 03:15 PM
Yes, sas, thanks for asking, he's been behaving pretty good, especially as I've been quite ill for a couple of weeks so no walks and training has been reduced to practically zero. He's been a lovely cuddle companion though. :)

One thing I found a bit disquieting today, I was brushing him and he snapped when I brushed his nether region. I wondered if it was because the wire toothed brush I was using caught at his skin, or perhaps he's still touchy where he's been neutered. I hope to work out what it's all about before he goes to be groomed professionally so I can at least warn her if it is not a one off.

Something I have to get around to pretty soon is to take him to be checked out by my vet. He seems ok and of course he was fully checked out by the rescue vet but he seems a bit underweight to me and I would like to know if he is or not for sure.

02-20-2012, 05:46 PM
i'm partial to shih tzus as one of my favorite small breeds.. they are so goofy n cuddly!! they look like lil old men haha but they act as if they are only children.. Welcome to the new addition Alfie! Sometimes my moms shih tzu snaps at the groomer when he gets his feet pads shaved, you probably just nipped a mat and pulled the skin, shih tzus can be wimpy when it comes to grooming ;)

02-21-2012, 09:20 AM
Thanks. :)

We had a dusting of snow on Sunday which I think Alfie kind of liked. :) (Warning, noisy)


02-21-2012, 09:40 AM
Thanks. :)

We had a dusting of snow on Sunday which I think Alfie kind of liked. :) (Warning, noisy)


Sure looks like he was having fun. :D Both of mine hate it.

Sparky was at the front window looking for that barking dog while I was watching the video. Goofy pup!

Scooter's Mom
02-21-2012, 10:20 PM
Jadie was up in my lap just barking and "Talking" to Alfie while that video played!
Hope he is having a good time with you. It looks like he is adapting fairly well.

03-12-2012, 05:24 PM
One odd thing about Alfie is that he doesn't wag his tail, or rather the only time I've seen it wagged is when playing tug with a toy. After Bob, who near always had a wagging tail I find it very weird.

Anyone own, or knows someone who owns, a dog that doesn't do waggy tails?

03-12-2012, 05:39 PM
Sparky isn't much of a wagger unless he is really excited about something, or someone is making a big fuss over him. Myndi is even less so than Sparky, but they both are definitely happy pups. The spaniels are just naturally butt waggers, and not just the tail. :)

03-13-2012, 06:08 AM
One of my BCs is not a wagger, takes a bit to get a tail wag out of him.