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View Full Version : Clover's training classes

01-20-2012, 10:30 PM
I think I mentioned before I have Clover signed up for a few private training lessons with the lady who had her puppy classes.

Today was our second class (week 2) and I'm already noticing a difference. Mostly what we've been working on is loose leash walking. She would pull sooo hard before it was hard to walk. I've trained my past 2 dogs with pinch collars, which worked fine. I really wanted to try positive training with Clover to see which I like more.

I honestly think collar training is much easier but I think this method is maybe more rewarding. Plus I think it's a lot more fun for Clover. She seems to think everything is a game.

Anyway she's very good to walk next to me. She stares at me the WHOLE time though which I'd kinda like to figure out how to show her she doesn't need that unless I ask but we're still working on that. She also gets distracted pretty easily. She has good days where she's perfect, and days she's a brat and doesn't listen at all. :rolleyes: Trainer says shes got good focus for an 8 month old pup though. (she's 8 months today!) We taught her "swing" today too. She if she's not "heeling" then she'll turn around back to my side. Eventually I'm hoping she'll learn she can go a head so long as she doesn't pull, but also heel if I ask.

Next week we're going to work on off leash recall and not crashing into people at the park.

I'm really excited about her training. I'm thinking of getting her into Rally-O which apparently the trainer is going to start classes for eventually.

I think I'll take a video of her doing her new stuff to show everyone. Sorry for the pointless post, just excited!