View Full Version : Kyubey is not a happy camper

01-20-2012, 10:02 PM
Today was Kyubey's big day. I dropped him off at the vet's this morning for cryptorchid sir jury. Unluckily for him, his boy bits were hiding. He has THREE incisions! Poor guy is on a lot of pain medication, but he's still miserable. I suspect the sutures are itchy, since he keeps trying to nibble at them. After hours of trying to discourage suture nibbling, I gave up and put a cone on him. He PANICKED, and no amount of soothing or distraction could settle him. :( Eventually, my hubby stopped by my work and got him a balloon collar. He HATES IT, but he is much more angry than afraid. My poor little man, I hate this, but I don't know what else to do.


01-20-2012, 10:34 PM
Aw, Kyubey! We all know those cones and balloon collars are a pain and most importantly, silly looking! :p But they're worth it, trust me. It'll be off in no time. Get well soon, sweetie! :love:

01-21-2012, 01:45 AM
Poor boy.:( I remember when my RB Starr had this surgery done. He had a lot of stitches and he didn't like wearing his e-collar either. He ended up tearing it up so he then had to wear one of the horrible plastic ones. I hope that Kyubey heals up quickly and starts feeling better soon.

01-21-2012, 09:18 AM
Poor little Kyubey boy. You look so miserable. I am sorry you have to wear that horriblencollar but I am suree you get some extra treats and in a few days it will be over.

01-21-2012, 09:22 AM
I remember when Precious had that collar on, and she soon was shed of that!!
It is a shame that you cannot tell Kyubey that its all for the best and that he will feel better soon.:love:

Scooter's Mom
01-21-2012, 09:54 AM
Charlie is a Cryptorchid kitty as well and after hours in surgery the vet was unable to locate of his "bits"... he's an odd one.

Hope your little guy starts feeling better soon!

01-21-2012, 11:08 AM
Thank you PTers! This morning, Mr Kyubey is in much better spirits. We swapped the balloon back to a cloth E-collar, which he still doesn't like but doesn't get SO upset about. He actually slept through the night wearing it, and this morning he's hiding under the bed to demonstrate his displeasure....but he's not above pouncing any toes that get too close to the edge of the bed. Thank goodness! His incisions all look great this morning, and hopefully he'll be back to 100% very soon!

01-22-2012, 08:44 PM
Sweetie Kyubey, I hope you feel much better soon!

01-23-2012, 06:43 PM
How is sweet Mr. Kyubey doing today? Please give him some lovies from me? :love: :love:

01-24-2012, 11:48 PM
Kyubey seems a little better. More cheerful, certainly! I'm going to sit down with my sis in law tomorrow and trim off the long ends left after his sutures were tied off. I think those are what's bothering him the most. My sister is going to come over for a few hours tomorrow while I'm at work and make sure he's comfortable enough to leave them alone, and if he's not, she's going to put the hard cone on him when she leaves. That way he'll only be stuck with the hard cone for a few hours instead of all day.

01-24-2012, 11:53 PM
Oh sweet baby - don't worry. It will soon pass and you won't even miss your bits. Yes, the after sir jury is a bit uncomfortable and can make you really miserable but in the end (no pun intended) it is worth it.

Get better soon sweetie. :love: