View Full Version : Ellie-mae will be leaving me today....

01-19-2012, 03:22 PM
It is with so much sadness i tell you i will have to take Ellie to be put to sleep at 4.15pm today, Ellie was doing so great considering, the steroids were helping and she was eating right up until yesterday, yesterday was not good, she ate a small amount of food in the morning , then would not eat the rest of the day, she also just keep vomiting.She cannot even keep water down now.

I made the decision last night if there was no improvement, then i would let her go peacefully, sadly she won't eat at all, is vomiting even water up, continually going in the dirt box, doing a small pee, and trying to poo and nothing happening, she is not at all well.

I Let her out today as usual this morning and she disappeared, i never even gave it a thought ,silly me, but she took off, i found her in the neighbour's driveway, sitting hunched up looking miserable, i think she was going away to die.

I hate having to shut her in on her last day, she loves outside in the courtyard, i took her out to supervise her but she was going to take off again, of course she sure knows something is up.

I have given her a pain relief steroid this morning, even though it is on an empty stomach, i just did not know what else to do, my vet is in surgery all morning, and i so want him to be the one to let her go, he has such a bond with her and done so much for her. I think it will be sad for him too.

Please pray my ellie can be stable until then, and not in too much pain and let her go peacefully.

My heart is breaking right now, and i don't know how i will get through this day, but somehow i will have to, i know i am going to be a mess this afternoon.

I feel sick to the stomach ,knowing what lies ahead.

I also know it will be a blessing to let her go , as she is now starting to suffer, i honestly thought my girl was going to show them all they were wrong, i guess it was the calm before the storm, and at least Ellie had another week with us, and she was not too bad until yesterday.

I am worried about Nikki her daughter, how she will react, they have been together all their lives, although not very close now, i still think she will feel it and grieve for her, i just don't know what to expect.

I have attached a pic of Ellie before her illness and one taken two days ago, you can see how much weight she has lost, poor wee darling.

Well folks that is all i can write for now, my heart is heavy, my eyes filled with tears and i just cannot write about it anymore, thanks for listening and being there for me.

01-19-2012, 03:33 PM
Oh no Carole - I'm so sorry. I know what you are going thru, and my heart breaks right along with yours. There's nothing I can say to ease your pain, but please know that you and Ellie-Mae are in my prayers. Please don't tell her good-bye when the time comes - just tell her "farewell and Godspeed". Good-bye is final, and we all know that when our beloved furkids leave us in body, that they are always with us in spirit and in our hearts. You'll meet again one day.

Peace and hugs to you, my friend, and give that sweet girl a little kiss for me please. :love:

01-19-2012, 03:34 PM
Thank you, your words mean such a lot.:love:

01-19-2012, 03:36 PM
I am so very sorry.:(:( (((Hugs)))

So many PT pets making their trips to Rainbow Bridge lately.:(

01-19-2012, 03:39 PM
Yes it is a trip i wish she did not have to make, but she has been battling with cancer for some time now, she has been through enough, she is a fighter and she never gave up until now, now it is just time to be at peace.

finn's mom
01-19-2012, 03:45 PM
Aw, friend. My heart is hurting for you and your sweet girl. My thoughts are with you. Be at peace with her as much as you can, she is probably just as worried about you as you are about her. xoxo

01-19-2012, 03:54 PM
You will be in our prayers, this is never easy, even when it is the right thing to do. Rest in the comfort of knowing she will then be pain free, and remember only the happy time of being a beloved kitty.

01-19-2012, 04:28 PM
Carole, my heart goes out to you. This is always such a difficult time. You KNOW how much has been done - by you and the white coats - to help Ellie Mae, to keep her comfortable, to keep her going. Nevertheless when this decision is needed, it is never easy. I truly believe our pets know the things we do to help them, so she knows you have tried. And fighter that she is, she made the most of all of it! I will keep you in my prayers.

Felicia's Mom
01-19-2012, 04:31 PM
I am so sorry to hear this. Remember that she will be painfree and waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.

01-19-2012, 04:31 PM
You will be in our prayers, this is never easy, even when it is the right thing to do. Rest in the comfort of knowing she will then be pain free, and remember only the happy time of being a beloved kitty.

.....know you are in our thoughts.....

01-19-2012, 05:02 PM
oh yes Ellie is so intuitive, she probably knows what's up because i am blubbering so much, i read the brains of a cat are quite similar with humans ,especially the emotional side of it.

She is just resting, had a drink, no food, and i can see the look in her eyes, that is what really lets me know it is time for her.

I am going to feel so lost without her, you know looking after a sick or terminal cat is very emotionally draining and physically tiring, but i would not trade it for anything, i am just so pleased i could do it for her and my late Ash,they both got two years longer than they would have without the vet care and homecare,that is a long time in a kitties life, and i know rescuing her gave her another 6 to 7 years,so i have to be thankful for that.

Just cannot imagine life without her, just be so empty, despite having my other two kitties, Ellie is extra special, there is just something about her.

Thanks everyone, i am finding this day so hard, watching Ellie,i should try and keep busy, but i just cannot settle to anything, my mind is only on one thing, coming up here on the computer to release my feelings is always a good thing and can only but help me.

I have decided not to be a pet owner anymore once my other two have left me, it is just too hard on me and my coping skills are not what they used to be,.

01-19-2012, 05:08 PM
Oh Carole, I am SO sorry!:(:(:(

Take comfort in knowing you did all you could for Ellie-Mae.

RIP sweet beautiful girl.

Love and hugs to you, dear friend


01-19-2012, 05:09 PM
I am so sorry Carole.:( Even if it is the right thing to do, it is the hardest thing. Sending much love and prayers for you both.

01-19-2012, 05:12 PM
Thank you both, appreciate your kind words of love and support.

It is so strange, in some ways i just want the time to come and it be over for her and me, no more suffering for her, and the stress of watching her suffer, but the other part of me never wants the time to come, because i have to say goodbye and that is so very painful to do,such a horrible feeling isn't it?

01-19-2012, 05:17 PM
I understand perfectly Carole, that's just how I felt with Bobs, and yes it is a horrible feeling, horrible and so very sad.{{hugs}}

01-19-2012, 05:25 PM
Thank you both, appreciate your kind words of love and support.

It is so strange, in some ways i just want the time to come and it be over for her and me, no more suffering for her, and the stress of watching her suffer, but the other part of me never wants the time to come, because i have to say goodbye and that is so very painful to do,such a horrible feeling isn't it?

Its the worst. I remember my ex building a small wooden box to bury our beloved cat in that was so, so, sick. We were getting prepared as best we could for the awful time to take her to the vet. We cried each time we saw her try to get up and walk. She was so weak and barely had a B/P when we got her to the wonderful vet who cared for her through the years. We all know what you're going through and like you say, when you look in their eyes you know its time to help them over the bridge. Take care. You have my deepest sympathy, Carole.


01-19-2012, 05:28 PM
((((HUGS)))) for Carole and Ellie-Mae,


01-19-2012, 05:31 PM
I'm so very sorry - (((((hugs for all of you)))))

01-19-2012, 05:47 PM
Sometimes doing the right thing just plain sucks!!! She knows you love her and will take that love with her. Prayers for you both. :love::love:

Pinot's Mom
01-19-2012, 05:58 PM
Carole, I'm so very sorry; {{{hugs}}}. Kitty kisses for sweet Ellie Mae. :love:

01-19-2012, 05:59 PM
Oh, Carole, I am so very sorry. Such a hard decision to make, after the two of you have already been through so much together.

I wish I could reach out around the world and hug you so tightly. My cats and I are all sending you love and prayers for peace and comfort. You are giving Ellie-mae the best gift you can give her now, as you have always given her your best and most loving gifts.

The love that you and Ellie-mae share is eternal, and you are together always. She will be healthy and whole and happy again at the Bridge, waiting there with Ash to welcome you home, One Fine Day.

{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} and ~~~~~~~PURRS~~~~~~~ and :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:,
Pat, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bob, Sparkler, Lavinia, and Poppaea Sabina

01-19-2012, 06:05 PM
Gentle hugs and shoulders for you to cry on. You have done as much and more for her as you could. She will live on in your heart and memory until you meet again One Fine Day.

Some day you will be able to smile at silly things she did, and remember happier times. :love::love::love:

01-19-2012, 06:34 PM
I am so sorry that Ellie-Mae cannot get better. You really are doing what is best for her so she won't have to suffer any more... but I know it is so hard. I got tears reading about it. ((Hugs)) Kay

Scooter's Mom
01-19-2012, 06:52 PM
I've just gotten home from work and saw this.
I am so sorry, Carole. Ellie-Mae is a beautiful girl and you've done everything you could do to keep her healthy. ((Hugs)) and prayers go out to you from across the miles.

01-19-2012, 07:18 PM
thanks so much everyone, all i can do is come here and look at your threads, i cannot concentrate very well to do much else, time is getting closer and my stomach is in knots, i have taken some gastrosoothe to help with that.

She is drinking a lot of water, but apart from that, she has that not there look and sleeps with her eyes open some of the time, her eyes look glazed and i think it is pain, so i just want the time to come in that way for her, the ride there will be just awful for her, and me too, and then the wait, oh gosh i have played this scene over in my head so many times, just hoping it will be over for her soon.

oh my gosh she just came up the stairs to see me,gorgeous wee girl she is,did not think she would have the energy, another water bowl up here so she is sitting close by it and probably will have a drink hopefully.

Edwina's Secretary
01-19-2012, 07:39 PM
Oh Carole...my heart breaks for you...Godpseed Ellie-mae, godspeed...

01-19-2012, 07:59 PM
I hardly ever get to the Cat side, but saw your post and had to come say...my heart breaks for you...Your day must have seemed to be never ending, but your Ellie-mae is staying close because she knows that you will give her peace soon even if it is at the risk of your own. You are proving the greatest love there is for her. {{hugs}}

01-19-2012, 08:09 PM
Carole ~ I'm so sorry to hear that Ellie-mae is leaving you.
It sounds like she is letting go and thank you so much for listening to her.

Good journey Ellie-mae. Until we meet again -- never to be parted. You are definitely one amazing soul that I am looking forward to meeting when I cross the bridge.

01-19-2012, 09:01 PM
This is the hardest part to pet ownership and I'm so sorry you have to make that final decision. I know how gut wrenching this is and sending you all the support and prayers I can. She will continue living on in your heart, try remembering all the good times, eventually it feels a bit better but it does take a while. And keep in mind that you are showing real love by doing the right thing.

01-19-2012, 11:17 PM
Ellie left us peacefully, we had plenty of time to say goodbye to her.

The trip out was the hardest and the waiting, she was given a tranquiliser and then unfortunately he could not get her first vein, was too tiny ,so had to try on the other leg, this was somewhat stressful for me, but Ellie was fine, she was away with the fairies already.

I still cannot believe she is gone really, but i feel more peaceful and relief that she is no longer suffering, she hardly put up any fight to go in the cage and only miaowed about once on the way, so i knew she was more than ready to leave us.

Oh yes it hurts like anything right now, but i am finding comfort coming here, i am posting some pics of her, so if it upsets anyone sorry, but it makes me feel a tiny bit better to share with you.

I hope to do the box up a bit more later on, the rose was kindly given to me by the vets nurse, who is real lovely lady.

Thanks everyone for your support, kindness, caring and love through out all of my ups and downs with precious wee Ellie, and special thanks to Lisa and Donna, who loved my girl as much as me.

01-20-2012, 12:53 AM
Carole, I am typing this through tears.:( Ellie-mae has been on my mind constantly for many days now. I am glad your wee girl is at peace and out of pain now, but my heart is breaking for you. Know that though I never met her in person, I really loved Ellie-mae. R.I.P. Sweet, Pretty, Girl.:love:

01-20-2012, 01:09 AM
Carole, I'm so sorry for your loss.:( You've been such a wonderful cat meowmie to her and she let you know when it was time and you listened to her. I know how hard it is to let a beloved pet go and it never gets any easier.:( Now she's at peace and will live in your heart forever. RIP sweet Ellie-mae.:( Please take care. (((HUGS)))

01-20-2012, 02:46 AM
Thank you , you are all so sweet, i wish you all could have met my Ellie, such a fantastic furbaby, fiesty, cute,unique, so many words to describe her beautiful purrsonality.

It has been such a tough day,my emotions up and down, feelings of complete and utter distraught,some relief and now that empty feeling in the pit of your stomach that hits you,i think i shall retire early, i am taking my girl upstairs to sleep beside my bed, i don't want her to leave me just yet, besides my daughter wants to see her before we bury her and we have some things to add to her box yet.

Nikki has had a sniff of her mama, but that is all, i am not sure what she thinks, she does seem a bit sad, but maybe i am reading too much in to it.

01-20-2012, 04:57 AM
I am so very sorry, Carole. {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}, Pat :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

01-20-2012, 07:19 AM
She is peacefully sleeping now.............:love:

01-20-2012, 07:48 AM
Carole: I'm so sorry to read this but this is the last act of love you can do. RIP sweet Ellie-mae.:(

smokey the elder
01-20-2012, 08:43 AM
I'm so sorry about Ellie-Mae. You and she put up one heck of a fight.

01-20-2012, 09:18 AM
Carol, I don't come here as much as I should, so am a bit of a stranger, but if I were writing this by hand, the ink would be smudged by my teardrops. I'm a stranger here, but I am not a stranger to your pain and emptiness, and I am so very, very sorry. Ellie Mae is a beautiful girl, absolutely beautiful - and even moreso at the Bridge, where she glows with youth and Life! It was a great, great day for her - to leave your loving arms and find herself in light and Love, young, healthy, and happy once again - and forever! She loves you more than ever now, for she has a greater understanding of love. And she knows that you showed her the greatest love of all: you knowingly took pain upon yourself to spare her any more. There is no greater love than that! She's there, at the Bridge, waiting for you; your love and care ensures that you are hers forever. The reunion will come in good time - and it will be forever; what a glorious day that will be!

May Ellie Mae's Creator hold you gently in the hollow of His hands, comfort you, and lead your heart to peace.:love:

01-20-2012, 09:55 AM
Carole, I am so very sorry for your loss, I know how heartbreaking it is. :( You will miss Ellie-Mae terribly, but you have done everything possible for her, and made her as comfortable as you could, and she took your love with her.

I hope it will comfort you that you gave her 6-7 years extra to live, and that she had such a good and happy life with you. :) She is painfree and resting peacefully now. You will be reunited some day.

My deepest sympathy and big ((((hugs)))) :love: :love: :love:

01-20-2012, 01:19 PM
Crying here....have followed the story of Ellie-Mae for so long it seems like I knew her.
Carol, you always went above and beyond the "call of duty" with your wee girl. What a strong, loving, caring cat mom you are!
Sending you hugs from me and purrs from Franklin and Chelsea,
Godspeed, Ellie-Mae......

01-20-2012, 01:32 PM
I am so sorry for your loss..here come the tears, nonetheless I will write through them.

Like you, I experienced my greatest loss just a few short months ago. I, too cared and nursed her for around 18 months..the toll that took on me wasnt realized until after I let her go..if you're anything like me and I am sure you are, the love you have for her is unmeasurable..the loss is bottomless...almost three months later it is like it was just yesterday. I can finally look at pictures..I cannot speak about her, my voice still trembles.

After I made that haunting decision, it all happened very fast..and immediately after I felt numb and lifeless, lost and bewildered. I believe that was some form of shock..that takes days, maybe even weeks to go through..you must now pay attention to yourself..lean on your friends/family..they will be of great comfort. It's like you get deflated and are vulnerable to anything..

Nothing can erase the pain we feel, especially when we have that heavy decision on our shoulders to make, and be responsible for. The only thing that I can truly take comfort in, is that our babies are free of the pain and restrictions they had at the end and that was our goal and our only alternative in achieving that peace for them.

I had trouble, like you deciding WHEN..up and down and all over the place..I trusted her to tell me when, and she did, just as Ellie Mae did for you..it's so difficult sometimes to decifer, and then go through with it..I struggled with it too. It still haunts me, but deep in my heart I know as you will too at some point..she's better off..

Ellie Mae is a beautiful, gorgeous girl, you I can tell by your thoughts and expressive feelings that she was as much a part of you as anything ever could be..and very very much loved. I am sure she knew just how much she meant to you and you to her, I know you saw the love in her eyes..I did..nothing or no one can ever change that. When they leave you lock them in your heart, never to let them go completely.

I hope you'll reconsider (as I did) at some point, to let another little life into yours, you are such a loving and caring cat mom, they would be so fortunate to be selected to be yours. I said the exact same thing, (I have three others) but, nearly three months later there's going to be a new kid in town, in the next few weeks..you'd be surprised how it lifts you. I feel Tinkerbelle would approve.

Godspeed little Ellie Mae..look up Tinkerbelle at the bridge I think you would be fast friends.
RIP Ellie Mae

01-20-2012, 02:07 PM
Hi Carole-

Words cannot express how sorry I am to read your thread today. I'm so sorry. I hope time will heal your pain. RIP dear sweet Ellie-mae.

My prayers,

01-20-2012, 02:28 PM
I have been following Ellie Mae's story for awhile now. Even though it was difficult, you did the best thing for her. She is now up in Heaven playing with the angels.

Rest in peace, sweet sweet Ellie Mae. :love:

01-20-2012, 04:23 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. I know your pain. It is something we have to do for our babies when the time comes but it is so hard.:(

01-20-2012, 05:14 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. I read this entire thread and I have started to cry. The pain we feel when we lose a beloved fur child is deep and leaves a huge hole in our hearts. She was a pretty girl, and now she is at peace, whole and pain free. Sending healing thoughts to you during this difficult time. :love:


01-20-2012, 08:25 PM
Oh thank you all from the bottom of my heart, the lovely words expressed here are just amazing and so comforting to me, i thank you all for taking the time to come here and post them,i will treasure them forever.

Today has been hard, getting up was the worst, not finding her there to greet me, yes looking after a terminally ill patient is very emotionally and physically demanding,but when it all ends you just want it to be like that again, i know in time it will make life easier, but truthfully i would rather have my wee girl back.

Every morning, i had to mash her food up, heat it in the microwave, and then pat and stroke, her and talk to her to encourage her to eat, for over two years now first with her mouth problem and then the cancer,then one had to use the fork to push up a bit so she could eat it easier, Ellie always responded to the pats and chats, even in the last few days, i would sit right beside her, and say come on sweetie you can do it,and she would eat for me, even just a little, i felt she did it just to please me,especially in those last days.

I finished decorating her box this morning, and when my daughter gets home to say her goodbyes, and put her messages there i will post a pic of her before we bury her out in the courtyard, she will be in a place that i saved for her, i had it in my mind all a long,but did not want to share it, as i just kept hoping Ellie would beat this, although she tried, and my gosh she tried so hard, a real little fighter with so much spirit ,alas it was not to be.
She will be so close beside me, i have a table and chairs right beside where her grave will be and it is by my chair.

I am so fortunate to have such caring friends here that understand so well how i feel, i also have a close friend who has been ringing me with support, my hubby is great, a facebook friend wonderful, and my mother came over to hug me and see Ellie,even those who don't really understand quite the same as we do here, are kind because they love me and hate seeing me in pain.

I also wanted to say i am so sorry for others who have posted here, that the pain of loosing their beloved furbaby is still so raw, and i hope in time you will feel better, time does heal, but it takes it's time.

I am worried about Nikkita, i am not sure if she is a bit off colour at the moment, but she is also sad, i can see it, i feel so much for her poor furbaby, this is her mama, she has been with her all her life, she has had a few sniffs of her , but that is all,but she just looks sad, and is being a bit odd,a bit distance, but i just give her lots of cuddles and love.

I made the decision not to replace any of my furbabies as they pass on a while ago, financially it has been extremely difficult and i just want the best for any kitty i have, we have done as best we could, and i don't out rule owning one cat, but it will be either none or just one,also the emotional toll on me has just been too much,don't think i can take much more, two kitties lost in two years.

I am already thinking about the lovely memories i have of my special girl, how when she first came here, I would hear this unusual chirpy loud noise outside, and i would find Ellie outside with a stick or maybe a sausage, gosh knows where she got that from, she was letting me see it, so funny, she also used to follow me and stay outside the bathroom when i was having a bath, and start her miaowing, i often just had to let her in to see me, this was in the much earlier days, most of these she has stopped in later years,how she used to just sit there and stare at me constantly until i got up and fed her,this was in the later years when the steriods made her constantly hungry, i never could feed her enough then.I remember how an easily stressed wee cat she was, hated thunder, storms ,guy fawkes, always wanted outside at these times, because she was a complete outdoor kitty when i rescued her, she saw outside as her safe haven, but after a year or two she finally realised inside was the safest place to be.

I also remember the day i was really sick, how she jumped up on the bed sat very near my head and went to sleep, this was most unlike her as she was not one to snuggle up on the bed with you, i think she sensed it , she was a very sensitive cat and she came to comfort me,in fact i am convinced of it.

Yes Ellie was different to any other cat i have ever owned or known,she was very very special, i will miss her so much, i just still not imagine how life will be without her, just sad and hard, but i know in time things will heal, she will never be forgotten and is within my heart and memories forever.

GOODBYE my gorgeous girl, until we meet again my precious girl, LOVE YOU FOREVER.:love::love::love::love::love::love::love: :love::love:

01-20-2012, 09:07 PM
I am so sorry to hear of Ellie passing. :love: I know how hard it is to make that decision. Play hard at the Bridge, Ellie Mae. You fought the good fight and now you have your rest and freedom from pain. Look in on us here at Pet Talk from time to time, please. :love:

01-20-2012, 09:23 PM
I knew it was the right time, Ellie let me know and i think she was going to go away somewhere to die, she knew it too,it is a very hard call, but we just have to make it sometime, no matter how heartbreaking it is, yep i reckon she is up there at the Rainbow Bridge now, sorting Ash out, they had rather an odd relationship, not that friendly, both tried to be boss cat, i think Ellie won most of the time.

I have to bury her soon, i just don't want to let go of her, i want her here forever, just to see her everyday and stroke her, until she is buried it still does not seem real and she is still with me, even though i know she is no longer alive, it comforts me, but i have to do it, let her go,hard as it is.

01-20-2012, 09:41 PM
God bless you, Carole, and bring peace and comfort to you and all who love dear beautiful little Ellie-mae so much.

Love and hugs and purrs :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:,
Pat and the cats

01-20-2012, 11:05 PM
Thank you Pat and everyone here who has been so kind.

I thought i would post some pics of my Ellie, some of my favourites and also nikki and her together, then i have some of the her finished little coffin before we bury her tonight.

01-20-2012, 11:06 PM
Two more of my precious girl.

01-21-2012, 12:07 AM
Ellie's final resting place.

Ellie will have a little plaque made in gold, it is plastic, but looks the real thing, Ash has one, it will say much Treasured furbaby,Ellie-Mae 1999-2012 with two paw prints each side, it will be screwed on to the edging around the garden.,will post a pic when i have it.

01-21-2012, 12:14 AM
What a beautiful resting place..Godspeed Ellie..pretty girl.

01-21-2012, 05:51 AM
Such a beautiful girl, and so beloved. Godspeed, sweetest Ellie-mae.

01-21-2012, 12:49 PM
She is a beautiful kitty! I feel your pain and sadness. I too just recently lost my Rusty to cancer. The meds gave us an extra six months together for which I'm very grateful. When the time came to say goodbye it seemed so sudden, even though I knew it was coming. But as soon as I saw he had crossed the threshold from being "comfortable" to actually suffering I let him go. You did the right thing. Otherwise she would have stayed beyond her condition. It was the most loving thing you could have done, and the most difficult. Sending prayers and hugs your way.

"The only pain or sadness you ever brought me…..was the day you left me." -Carolyn Scott, about her dancing dog, Rookie.

01-22-2012, 12:31 PM
We are so sory to hear about Ellie Mae Carole:(
I know that Ellie Mae will alwys be a part of your life as Ebony Beau Tubster, Orangie , Muchkin and Buster Kitten will be part of mine.
They too were Cats who went too early and too young.
We have printed a photo of Elie Mae for Our Awesome Anges Photo Book, and she will be part of our Lunch and Dinner excursions.
And she will find just that place where you can all be reunited in love FurrEver.
One Fine Day.:love:

01-22-2012, 01:54 PM
My deepest sympathies, Carole. You loved Ellie-mae so devotedly, so totally. I know she knew the strength of your love, and it will sustain her until you two meet again. She was a beauty.


01-22-2012, 06:09 PM
I'm very sorry for your loss of Ellie-mae. :(

01-22-2012, 09:06 PM
Thanks to everyone here, and Gary that is so sweet,i appreciate every single comment, and all the support you have given me,days are tough, miss her so much,so much reminds me of her, i just feel lost without her, Nikki is grieving, that i am sure of too, she just has a sad look in her eyes, she looks depressed,poor baby , only knows her mama is no longer here, not why? so sad,breaks my heart yet again.

01-27-2012, 12:17 PM
Carole, I just came here to check the new PT look, and then I saw the sad news... :( I'm so very sorry about your loss! (((HUGS)))

01-29-2012, 08:52 PM
Today i made the decision to clear all Ellie's plates and feeding area away, it was hard to do, but there was no point in leaving it, Nikki and Lexie have always had other areas, Ellie's was in the kitchen,it made me feel very sad though.

01-29-2012, 09:01 PM
Today i made the decision to clear all Ellie's plates and feeding area away, it was hard to do, but there was no point in leaving it, Nikki and Lexie have always had other areas, Ellie's was in the kitchen,it made me feel very sad though.

I know exactly how you feel Carole..just when you think your mind can be taken off them just for a little bit, there's always something there to remind us..I washed all of the beds Tinkerbelle used..and there were lot's, I'm going to a couple to my vet for his patients and some to the humane society here in Toronto the others dont use beds all the while I was doing it and bagging them up I was bawling like a baby....the rest of the stuff here is communal between the other little ones.

It takes time Carole..lot's of time..I've come to the conclusion that we have to let that happen, to me it signifies how much we loved, and how much we cared and still do..

It will get better, but it wont go away, I'm sure you know..and I dont think I want it to..completely..we have to let it run it's course...grieving is a complicated process..

Take care..and I'm thinking of you.


Lori Jordan
01-29-2012, 11:39 PM
Carole,I'm truly sorry for your Loss.Ellie was blessed to have a Mum like you,There for her until they end.Loss is never easy,Sometimes hard to understand.Now Ellie is hole again,and she will walk with you every step of the way until you meet again.Find comfort in your new Guardian Angel.I don't think our Fur-babies truly ever leave us.

Hugs to you and your family.

01-29-2012, 11:52 PM
Shady and Lori your words are so comforting and i can so well relate, i guess with animals, some people just expect you to be over it in few days time, but luckily i have wonderful friends here and others in my life who really understand how i feel, yep it comes and goes ,some days i just burst in to tears thinking about her, it will take time, and hey i have time now don't I ?again thanks so much for everything you all have said, it really does help me so much.