View Full Version : Tolerant cat or maybe not so smart?

01-16-2012, 06:52 PM
I'd say my kitty is very tolerant of my pup, Clover. I don't really know a lot about cat behavior, the dogs never bothered the cats before I got Clover. Clover will nibble at the cat and to me it seems like she is being a bother. Sometimes when she is nibbling he will start to clean her face. She never hurts him, but she can get a little pushy. I try to separate them but the cat just comes back....I'd figure he would just jump away from her, but he always just sits there. Sometime he'll "fight" back. How can I tell if this is really bothering him? Sometimes I think they're playing together and sometimes I think she is annoying him.

Do you think Shadow is just playing with her, or could he be really frustrated with her? How could I tell? I've honestly never seen this cat hiss, or get upset over ANYTHING though. He even likes going to the vet :rolleyes: Cats come to the door? He just looks at it. He is a very silly cat.

I'm just not sure if I should keep breaking them up or if he can handle himself. Like I said, she never hurts him, I think she thinks he is a dog. Sometimes she brings him a tug toy to play with....

01-16-2012, 07:39 PM
Shadow would leave, hiss, swat Clover's nose, jump up onto a chair or counter where Clover can't reach, or all of the above, if there was a problem. You may want to keep Shadow's nails clipped, so they aren't sharp points. If he swats, this will prevent a bad gash, or a scratched eye. Other than that, for now I don't see any issue, just let them be and enjoy!

01-16-2012, 10:02 PM
Like Freedom said.

Trust me, trust us, if Clover was annoying Shadow and Shadow was upset, there would be ABSOLUTELY no doubt in your mind that Shadow is/was upset at Clover. And she wouldn't have to hurt anyone to let you know she was upset.

Sounds like she is boxing with Clover. My cats box all the time. Do keep the nails trimmed.

01-16-2012, 11:18 PM
Good to know! Like I said, I've never seen him upset so I just wasn't sure if I wasn't reading his signals right.

01-17-2012, 08:52 AM
My kitties are very tolerant of Jasper too. They're also all 100% clear when he's crossed a line. Nobody even has to lift a paw anymore, just a soft hiss sends Jasper away until they're ready to resume interpecies cuddle time. :)

01-17-2012, 09:39 AM
I think that Shadow realized that what Clover is doing is being done in the name of love:love:
Moose was like that too when the Kitten Trio were young and were being Little pests.
My MagnfiCat would just grin and bear it with a Big PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!:love: