View Full Version : Petmate or Drinkwell fountain?

01-16-2012, 12:05 AM
Calvin is now obsessed with running water. He will stand ankle deep in the bathroom sink filled with water to drink "running" water. I'm at work all day and can't be running the faucet for him. He used a Petmate fountain years ago but the pump died and I never replaced it. I think I need to get him a fountain for use all day. Any input?

01-16-2012, 06:30 AM
I've had both the Drinkwell and the PetMate. My cats prefer the Drinkwell, since it pours into the bowl as opposed to trickling down into it.

My cat Bad @$$ Buddy LOVES the bathroom sink faucet. It's sort of a morning ritual with him. That and his "sippy" of half and half when I make my morning coffee.

The Drinkwell is a little more expensive but well worth the investment. I recently purchased a used one on Ebay because I had the $30 reservoir to my old one and it holds a lot more water. One suggestion would be to buy a used one on ebay and give it a try.

Good luck!!

01-16-2012, 07:26 AM
I've had both the Drinkwell and the PetMate. My cats prefer the Drinkwell, since it pours into the bowl as opposed to trickling down into it.

My cat Bad @$$ Buddy LOVES the bathroom sink faucet. It's sort of a morning ritual with him. That and his "sippy" of half and half when I make my morning coffee.

The Drinkwell is a little more expensive but well worth the investment. I recently purchased a used one on Ebay because I had the $30 reservoir to my old one and it holds a lot more water. One suggestion would be to buy a used one on ebay and give it a try.

Good luck!!

I bought a Drinkwell, but returned it because it was too difficult to clean; almost impossible to get the pump out. Had a Petmate for years, and since I moved away, I bought another one and am very happy with it.

01-16-2012, 08:06 AM
I have both and have had other brands in the past that also died. I am thinking of adding another fountain because they are work horses of the house. The best input I would offer is to make sure the resevior is large enough for your use. I bought the largest that would fit my space, and I have to fill it every day. I keep a gallon of water next to the unit to refil. I wishj I had space for a larger unit so that I didn't have to pour water into it twice a day.

01-16-2012, 09:06 AM
I've used Drinkwell for years; I bought my first one when my Merlin was diagnosed with CRD in the (futile) hope that it would encourage him to drink more. That was in 2001; I'm still using that same fountain. I bought another one to use at my mountain cabin, and I think I have two stashed away (one in each house) in case of failure. In spite of this, Mordred has me trained to turn on the bathroom faucet so that he can drink from it. Used to be, he'd simply jump onto the vanity when I went in to shower; then he started sitting on the vanity (which is next to the door) so that he could reach out & grab me as I walked by. He's now taken my training to new heights: last week, while I was working in the kitchen, he came and meowed and meowed until I noticed him, asked him his problem - and he led me straight to the bathroom!

Anyway, I've had great luck with the Drinkwell; I've never tried the Petmate, so I can't speak to that. Whatever you get, I'm sure you'll find it reassuring to know that the water is kept fresher - although it's of major importance to keep the unit, especially the filter, clean.

01-16-2012, 03:45 PM
I had a Drinkwell 360 and I donated it to GoodWill. The filter was too small for the amount of water it had to filter and I used purified distilled water. I had to thoroughly clean it at least once per week and I couldn't get into all of the parts. I had to change the filter too.

I now use a Cat-IT fountain. I do wash it once for week but the filter is good for 2 weeks. I have to fill mine every day. I have a second one I haven't set up yet. I am hoping it might extend the filter life.

01-16-2012, 04:27 PM
The previous Drinkwell I had, it was also a pain getting the pump out. When I did get the pump out, I accidentally cracked the bowl, so it began leaking. I tossed the bowl out but kept the parts. Now, rather than taking the pump out, I just take the propeller out and clean the inside of it with a small nipple brush. I don't want to crack this second one.

I also had a CatIt and didn't like it. Was too noisy and my cats didn't use it so I sold it to my friend (she has 16 cats). My friend Carol got a deal on a ceramic cat fountain. She bought 4 (they go for $79/each) on ebay for $30/each. I bought two (one for my cats, one for my grandkitties). It's okay, doesn't come with a reservoir, but the bowl is big enough to hold a lot of water. My cats seem to like it.

01-16-2012, 06:32 PM
Donna, how long ago did you have your Cat-IT? I bought mine about 2 years ago and it makes very little noise. I have three boys who love it so I have to fill it about twice a day. It's easy to clean and reassembles very easily. I love it! I also have what looks like a Sparklett's dispenser for cats that I keep in the living room. They love that one as well.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-17-2012, 06:17 AM
My girls have this drinking fountain from Catit They love it!!
I like it too, because it is very easy to clean, and there is plenty of water in it, enough for my 4 girls for 2 days!

01-17-2012, 07:50 PM
The previous Drinkwell I had, it was also a pain getting the pump out. When I did get the pump out, I accidentally cracked the bowl, so it began leaking. I tossed the bowl out but kept the parts. Now, rather than taking the pump out, I just take the propeller out and clean the inside of it with a small nipple brush. I don't want to crack this second one.

I also had a CatIt and didn't like it. Was too noisy and my cats didn't use it so I sold it to my friend (she has 16 cats). My friend Carol got a deal on a ceramic cat fountain. She bought 4 (they go for $79/each) on ebay for $30/each. I bought two (one for my cats, one for my grandkitties). It's okay, doesn't come with a reservoir, but the bowl is big enough to hold a lot of water. My cats seem to like it.

Mine was making noise at one time.

I replace the water every week and rinse the filter. I also use a pipe cleaner on the pump and clean all small parts and crevices. No more noise.

01-17-2012, 09:50 PM
Thanks everyone for your input. I knew I could count on PT to direct me. I'm leaning towards the Drinkwell. I saw it @ Petsmart for $49.99 on sale for $39.99. It's on Amazon for $31.00. I'm going to shop around! Thanks again!