View Full Version : Need post-neuter advice?

01-04-2012, 07:27 AM
Patches got the big snipp yesterday, and the instructions are to "keep him quiet for a week." :eek: Really???? How do you keep a kitten quiet?

The very moment I opened his travelling crate when we got home, he ran in circles and jumped off the couch with a flying leap. So we got out the large dog crate, and got him all cozy with his bed, scratching post, litterbox, food, water (we fondly call it the Suite at the ZooKeepers Hotel)....and next thing I knew, he was hanging from the ceiling of it (no joke!), and taking flying leaps around it like a crazy wild child (nevermind the exceedingly pitiful yeowls at the top of his lungs).

Sooo, this is stressing me out. Should I just not worry about it too much? Trust that he knows what hurts? Any advice on how to make it through this next week with my sanity intact?

01-04-2012, 07:37 AM
As you know, the male surgery is not invasive, and not nearly as serious as for the female.

While it would be nice for him to stay calm, well, you've seen what HE thinks of that! Obviously he had no lingering effects from the anesthesia, either.

Is he on pain meds, or wearing an e collar? Is he licking the area at all -- that would be the most important thing to watch for.

It's been 14 years since I last had a male fixed, so I'm hopelessly out of touch at this point, can't be more specific, sorry. (Wow, Chestnut is 14?!) (I should say, a male who wasn't a feral and hence hiding in a cage to start with)

01-04-2012, 07:43 AM
Whenever I had a male pet neutered, I pretty much let them go about "life as usual". It's much less of a procedure than when a female is spayed, so if the boy feels good, he must not be in much/if any pain. It's a lot more difficult to keep a cat quiet for a week, than it is a dog. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Patches - be a good boy and quit worrying your Mom! It won't hurt to rest and relax, you know! :D;)

01-04-2012, 09:23 AM
I remember when I got My Little Michael home, I was told to keep him quiet too.:confused:
But he lurched about like a drunken sailor, and stumbled around until he was over the anasthetic.:rolleyes:
Theres no keeping a Good Kitten down.:love:

01-04-2012, 11:39 AM
Most of the boys I have had neutered came home and acted like nothing had happened. You don't have to keep them quiet, in fact, you can't. Your kitty is completely normal and will not hurt himself.:)

01-04-2012, 12:33 PM
Keeping kittens quiet is impossible. Every boy I ever had neutered was running about as if they had a mini spa vacation earlier that morning. Let him do things as usual while keeping an eye out for swelling and red coloring.

01-04-2012, 04:14 PM
Okay, thanks for the advice....reading your experiences really helped me to relax a lot!! I let the very un-happy kitty out of his cage earlier today, and he promptly peed in our girl's playroom. Grrr! Now it was my turn to be very un-happy!!!

He bombed around here like he was pent up for weeks, and eventually climbed into my lap. He was very snippy and trying to bite me, but eventually mellowed out and even gave me a few purrs. Now he's chilled out, and sleeping in a drawer of blankets. I do hope my sweet Patches is back tomorrow! :P

01-04-2012, 06:57 PM
He was probably stressed from the experience.

When Spunky had his cancer surgery and had a tumor removed, I was given the same instructions. He was so happy to be home that he bounced around the first day back home. He didn't come out of anesthesia quick enough so he was there an extra night. He was ready to go home when I retrieved him.

He doesn't jump well or accurately so I just made sure that he could climb wherever he needed to be. He wore himself out the first day and settled into convalescence for the next week or so.

Your kitty will be okay. He was just stretching himself after being cooped up for the surgery.

01-04-2012, 10:14 PM
I'm glad to hear that Patches is doing well after his surgery, hopefully he settles down for a good cuddle session soon.
Any chance you could post a new photo or two of him? I bet he has grown a lot since you last posted pictures of him.:)
Please give him a hug and a kiss from me.:love:

01-05-2012, 04:35 AM

Keeping a newly neutered kitten quiet is like nailing jello to a wall. GOOD LUCK!!!! LOL

01-05-2012, 11:09 AM
I couldn't have put it better, Donna. Purrfect!:D

01-08-2012, 01:01 PM
One thing that you ahve to keep an eye is spryaing from a newly neutered male, and leaving thier droppings uncovered as a show of Top Cat Dom.
It certainly adds a fragrance to the Found Cat Hotel with Mikey Flufftail, Malcom, Ebony Beau Two competing.:eek::eek: