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01-03-2012, 04:42 PM
So as of this week, I will doing a show about pet books for All PAws Pet Talk! This is instead of the show with the astrologer and animal communicators, though I can always contact them if any of you need anything.

Each week, I will have authors talk about a particular pet-themed book they want to promote, and afterwards I will also post reviews on my somewhat neglected blog, and have links to the books there.

I am pretty excited, wish me luck, okay? Tomorrow I have one dog book and one cat book for the inaugural show!

01-04-2012, 05:36 AM
That sounds very interesting.
And thankyou for sending Orion's astrology reading. I listened to it on my iPad after breakfast and Orion jumped on the table and listened too - the table was empty already and he never does that.
He seemed to be excited to hear that his moon is in taurus and his venus in scorpio. And that he has 2 souls in his little breast-one that wants to roam and one that loves us and his sister....
Now good luck with the pet books:)

01-04-2012, 10:00 AM
Thanks, I am excited!