View Full Version : Big horses meet little girls (cute!)

01-02-2012, 01:21 PM
I swear...the bigger the horses get at my barn, the gentler they become.

This is Hopper, a 17.3hh Dutch Warmblood (I would TOTALLY buy this horse if I had the funds. He is absolutely flawless)
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/374294_10150538371321014_649316013_11119514_193409 4477_n.jpg

And this is George, my trainer's Thoroughbred jumper (he's done 5' without too much effort)
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/264366_1928238566646_1262640329_31880550_3053589_n .jpg

:p The big guys are so gentle with the little kids! The little girl was actually riding Hopper around and he couldn't care less!

Meanwhile, I'm on the little 11hh pony to try and convince him to stop dumping kids:
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/317803_10150293082336966_639256965_7915364_1164236 358_n.jpg

01-02-2012, 08:47 PM
How much is your trainer asking for Hoppper? How old is he?

He's certainly a great looking horse, love his size.

01-02-2012, 09:01 PM
Yes, the draft horses are sweetest, as over the eons they have been bred for gentler temperament. The smaller horses were bred for different things, stamina, speed, etc., ....

01-03-2012, 07:59 AM
Ha ha, Melanie, you need to trade horses with the little girl!:D Those are some big horses!;)

01-03-2012, 09:11 AM
What sweet horses!

I remember when we were talking about getting a pony for my oldest son. Everyone told us "don't get a pony, get a horse". We ended up getting an older rescued quarter horse and she's the most gentle and amazing horse I could have imagined, especially for a mare. She's got some scars on her face and definitely not going to win any beauty contests, but she's amazing with our kids. My 4 year old rides her and even my 20 month old sits on her while either my husband or I lead her around. She's so great with them.

01-03-2012, 02:32 PM
How much is your trainer asking for Hoppper? How old is he?

He's certainly a great looking horse, love his size.

I'm not sure how much they're asking. You'd have to contact her. He's an 8yr old, 17.3hh Dutch Warmblood though, schooling 4'. I don't think it says the price on our website, either (http://www.oaklandhillsfarm.com/sales.htm)

Ha ha, Melanie, you need to trade horses with the little girl!:D Those are some big horses!;)

I know, right?!?! I was schooling a 14hh pony last night and this little girl was riding Lily, who's roughly 16. I swear, it's ridiculous sometimes! That was after a ride from Hell on Gunner though, who's a normal sized horse, so I wasn't gonna complain about an "easy" ride with the pony.

What sweet horses!

I remember when we were talking about getting a pony for my oldest son. Everyone told us "don't get a pony, get a horse". We ended up getting an older rescued quarter horse and she's the most gentle and amazing horse I could have imagined, especially for a mare. She's got some scars on her face and definitely not going to win any beauty contests, but she's amazing with our kids. My 4 year old rides her and even my 20 month old sits on her while either my husband or I lead her around. She's so great with them.

The best horse at our barn is, without a doubt, Lily. She's a full sized horse and parents are always worried about letting their kids get on, but she is an ANGEL! I swear, she puts up with everything!

My barn just uploaded a video of Vivian riding Hopper - SO CUTE! I love that he's just hacking around on a loose rein :p

01-22-2012, 12:25 PM
Hi, look at the "Pet of the day" 21st of Janary 2012... Do you know what I mean?