View Full Version : New pit bull puppy advice

12-30-2011, 09:49 PM
A friend of mine found a pretty pit puppy in her driveway. Her adult daughter is going to take the pup. She looks to be like maybe 4 months old or so...they haven't taken her to the vet yet. They are dog people but have never had experience with this breed. From what I've heard on this board, I know (as with any dog) training is imperative. What other advice about owning and raising a pit bull puppy do you have? She seems to be a very sweet puppy who was skinny and very hungry when found. Thanks! Any advice would be appreciated!

12-30-2011, 09:51 PM
Have them join Pit Bull Chat (http://www.pitbull-chat.com). :)

12-30-2011, 11:05 PM
Start training right away, especially leash training (get a harness that fits) and socialization. And be prepared for energy energy energy and remember, a tired puppy gets into less trouble!

01-02-2012, 09:16 PM
Training is imperative along with socialization. We had two Pitbulls next door who were never obedience trained and left to themselves, tied down and they
broke their tie and jumped and broke through our wood fence that was on top of a four foot cinderblock wall and into our patio where our two mini Schnauzers were, we made a quick trip to the grocery store and we came back to find them attacked, Perry our male dog had lungs collapsed and bites, Daisy our little Schnauzer girl had her shoulder ripped open. We rushed them to the Vet and thankfully after a long period at the Vet Perry came along and is still doing well today, Daisy had to have surgery and he was a wonderful Vet and she did well and still could run and play until last June when she went to the Bridge. I think training, obedience and socialization is so important.


01-02-2012, 09:50 PM
Socialization, socialization, SOCIALIZATION! This is SO important in this breed and really every breed of dog out there. These are fantastic dogs, and are unfortunately so unbelievably misunderstood. :(

Omg, Jackie is that you?!! We have all missed you here on Pet Talk so so much! I really hope to see you on here more often! :love:

01-03-2012, 05:15 AM
First and foremost get the dog checked for a microchip and look to see if someone is missing the pup ;).

01-03-2012, 06:13 AM
thanks for all of the responses. Her name will be Lexie Grace, and she has been checked for a chip, but didn't have one....I'm sure she is probably in a much better home than where she came....just a hunch. She is already spoiled rotten, I think. They've been taking her for walks and such, and she is doing very well on the leash. With the holiday, it has been hard getting her into the vet, but hopefully they were able to yesterday. She will be a spoiled princess, believe me! LOL

01-03-2012, 07:17 AM
If feel sorry for this breed and similar breeds, as you get stupid yobbo's thinking they are just worth being agressive dogs and use them for horrible things. So glad she is with a family that love her.

From previous dogs we have had, socialising and obedience is the best thing. It ruins it so much when you go for a walk and the other owner can't keep their own dog in order, when your dog just wants to say hello. I remember we were in a pet shop with our white german shephard, she was only young, 6 months or so, and this man was letting his own dog wander around without a lead. Banny went to say hello and nearly got her nose bitten off, but could have been worse if I hadn't picked her up as the dog went for her again. My mum was literally battering the guy, while my brother went to get staff to tell them to get him to put the lead on. But if his dog had been socialised, it wouldn't have been so bad, and obedience, so it would have listened to him.

01-03-2012, 08:04 AM
I guess you have your answer by now, lol, socialization and training classes.

I don't know the folks who now own Lexie. As an adult, she will be a strong dog. This is why those 2 things are so important. Lexie will easily pull a petite person off their feet as she charges to meet another dog, or a person (even if she is running to meet them happily, and not aggressively). So the 2 things combined will help with this. Lexie will learn to meet others politely, and not to pull (one can only hope ha haa), as well as to obey when she hears a command to leave it.

Not knowing her background makes these 2 things even more important, as you don't know the breeding history. Many pitties today are bred to be loving family pets, but you can't be sure with this girl. Also, she may have some trauma left over from her first months, which sound less than ideal.

I think a breed specific forum is always a great idea. Behavior, health issues, not too many grooming issues with pitties, lol, it all gets covered and there is always someone who had to cope with it before you. Sharing that experience is quite helpful.

Tell your friends Good luck with her!

01-04-2012, 07:31 PM
Thanks for the advice, everyone. She got a clean bill of health from the vet, and he said she wasn't pure pit because of the length of her legs or something....She seems like a sweet pup, so hopefully she has found a forever home.

01-09-2012, 11:47 AM
Have them join Pit Bull Chat (http://www.pitbull-chat.com). :)
I second this!

Training and socialization are the most critical things in any Pit Bull's life. Also, if they have any other pets, make sure that they are ALWAYS supervising. Supervision is key. Crate training would also be a good start for the puppy, Brennan's crate has been a lifesaver for us :).