View Full Version : What would cause this?

12-30-2011, 02:03 PM
Eight months ago or so, my brother and his girlfriend found a little dog running loose. He's an older dog. He had just been shaved, he had a scab running all the way around his neck from an embedded collar having been ripped out, and his teeth were so rotten that you could see the roots all the way to the tip on some of them.

After not finding any owners (not that they looked terribly hard given the state he was in) they had him neutered, his rotten teeth pulled, and he's loving the good life. He's eating EVO canned food, cuddling with two other dogs, and generally being spoiled rotten.

Now, his bill of health from the vet has come back clean. He's had two blood panels run (one for the neuter, one for the teeth), and he seems to be overall in great shape. Except one little thing....most of his fur isn't coming back. He's got tufts of luxuriously silky black fur, and a little "cape" of it grew back in around his neck. The rest of him has retained the freshly shaved look. He's got some coarse brown fuzz, but it's the same length it was the day they found him. He had razor lines and some razor burns the day he was found, so we know it was shaved off and he hasn't always been like this.

What would cause this to be all of the hair growth he's regained in eight months??



Boris doesn't care. He knows he's adorable. See what he has to say to everyone who comments about his hair at the dog park?


I've never met another dog so lovable. If there ever comes a day when my brother and his gf can't keep him (yeah right, they're practically glued together!) I'll take him in a heartbeat. He even loves the kitties.


12-30-2011, 02:06 PM
Maybe he's just part one of the hairless breeds, and it's genetic?

12-30-2011, 02:08 PM
Maybe he's just part one of the hairless breeds, and it's genetic?

I suppose. He had that short coarse fur all over when he was found and bits and pieces of silky black stuff came in. We were all hoping he's grow it in all over and look almost like a normal dog! I was hoping it would be something we could fix, LoL. Poor guy looks so goofy and he's chilly right now!

12-30-2011, 02:23 PM
He is adorable, just be careful in the sun. Kudos to your brother and his girlfriend for saving him.

12-30-2011, 03:07 PM
Poor guy looks so goofy and he's chilly right now!

Just an excuse to buy him cute sweaters! If you look at a "show" version of the Chinese Crested, they do have fur on their head and necks, so that's why I thought of that, as that seems to be where his coat is thickest! Only time will tell, I suppose!

12-30-2011, 03:59 PM
It sounds like a classic case of post-shave alopecia. Its a typical risk for any fur-bearing breed that gets shaved. Either the hair just doesn't grow back or it grows back in patches. Mostly its harmless but it can be a sign of futher complications like black skin disease, which can be hormonal or auto-immune. Either way if his blood panels look good for thyroid, hormones, and kidneys it shouldn't harm him (these are probably NOT the blood panels he had for teeth and neutering). I've seen cases of black skin disease where dogs get huge open sores though so make sure they don't shave him ever again if it grows back. Cutting a fur-bearing breed with scissors is better. I don't know what starts it but shaving seems to irritate the skin enough on a dog predisposed to alopecia and then it goes from there. It can happen anytime in a dog's life too, even if previous shavings have been fine. I can understand he had to be shaved due to his condition, but medical is the only reason a fur-bearing breed should be shaved. I fhe was shaved when they got him and had a recovering scar from the collar I bet somebody was treating him when he got away.

12-30-2011, 05:30 PM
Wonder what that poor little dog went through before he was found and taken in?? I shudder to think what may have been done to him in the past. He is such a cute little feller and he sounds so sweet and loving. I have no idea about his hair.

12-30-2011, 05:40 PM
Boris has got ATTITUDE! :D I love your photo caption, this is what he has to say at the dog park when they make fun of his coat, ahahahahaaaaaa. GOOD ONE, funny you caught that photo, too.

I've no input on the the fur, but thank goodness your brother and gf took him in and are willing to keep him! Of course it helps he is so sweet, and gets along with the rest of the family. I know of one guardian angel who was VERY BUSY, getting Boris out of his prior life and into this setting. Whew! Someone was looking out for this pup, for him to land in such a great home, that is for sure.

Target has some really cute dog sweaters, in the bins when you first walk in, for about $2.50. Measure from his neck to the base of the tail for size. I bet he will look dashing in a sweater!

12-30-2011, 07:15 PM
I was thinking alopecia too, brought on by faulty immune system. Without knowing what kind of abuse the little guy went through I guess it would be hard to guess at...would need more testing that could be very costly.
I think he's adorable even without the hair so I probably would just love him as he is and be very careful of sun and extremes in temperatures...little sweaters and raincoats are so cute.
With luck it could be genetic from some hairless breed as was mentioned. He's adorable regardless.

12-30-2011, 10:35 PM
I don't have any input on the lack of fur either but I hope it's nothing serious.

Thanks goodness that they saved that charming little guy. He is just adorable :love:

12-31-2011, 03:58 PM
I agree with Irescue, it sounds like someone has found/rescued this poor little thing and started to help him back to health (maybe they didn't have clippers and he was in such a state that shaving seemed like the best option) and then lost him. He may have been too sick for dental work at the time. Thank goodness he has fallen on his feet and someone has taken in the little chap, despite his problems and age. Wonderful.

12-31-2011, 09:25 PM
I was thinking thyroid disease too. I'm glad Boris's lab panels look okay! I love the picture of him saying pffft on anyone who comments about his hair :D Boris, I am sure you will look terrific in a sweater! And it will help keep you warm, too. I'm glad you are getting lots of healthy food, play time and especially love :love: from your caring family. Happy New Year , sweety!

01-01-2012, 12:29 AM
Thanks for the detailed answer IRescue!! I'm going to call the vet he saw on Monday and find out what panels he had run...if more detailed bloodwork is in order I'll pay for it since I forgot to get my brother's gf a Christmas gift! :eek:

The research I've done on post-shave alopecia suggests that one thing that might help if there's no medical root is to card his coat regularly to help unclog the hair follicles. Does anyone have any experience with or input on this? Any other ideas? Since his remaining hair is so short I'm thinking a lava stone would be better than trying ot use my FURminator and possibly irritating his skin.

They have no intention of shaving him ever again...but I'll pass this information on, just in case. Since Boris LOVES any kind of touching or contact, keeping him groomed won't be an issue even if he suddenly turns into cousin It. :D

He's now the proud owner of a sweater and a quilted coat to go OVER the sweater, so I think he's no longer chilly!

01-01-2012, 12:40 AM
Awww, and I bet he looks even cuter with his sweater on! ;)

01-01-2012, 12:58 AM
He is adorable, just be careful in the sun. Kudos to your brother and his girlfriend for saving him.

ACK! It didn't even occur ot me that he might get sunburned!! I'll pass this along ASAP iwth the other information!!

01-02-2012, 10:19 PM
Quick update: When he was first found the vet did check his thyroid and a general senior panel which checks kindey/liver function among other things, and everything came back within normal ranges. He doesn't have any lesions on the skin or anything, so I think post shave alopecia is correct. I ordered a ShedEnder to help card out some of the old fur, and I'll keep everyone posted. :D