View Full Version : Kitten keeps sucking my arms

12-27-2011, 06:09 PM
Hi there. I've been reading various threads on this forum since our gorgeous kitten Tigger arrived with us 4 weeks ago so thought that it would be a good place to get some advice from experience cat owners. Tigger has settled in extremely well, and is eating, drinking, playing and sleeping, and doing all the mischevious things that kittens do, so I have no real concerns. He is now 12 weeks old and the only thing I am not sure about is that sometimes he likes to suck on my arms or hands, he purrs very loudly whilst doing this and kneads me with both paws (and claws...). I just wondered if this behaviour is OK? I don't like to push him away as he seems so happy, but just wanted to know if anyone else had experienced this with their kitties, and whether it should be discouraged. I would appreciate any advice. Thank you :)

12-27-2011, 07:43 PM
He was taken from his mama too soon. Generally, kittens SHOULD be kept with their mama till they're at least 8-10 weeks old.

He may grow out of it. But it's definitely nothing to worry about. And don't feel bad. My soulmate RB kitty MooShoo (he was a hairless cat) used to suck on his own teats when he was little. He grew out of it after about a year and a half.

Give your furbaby kisses for me.

12-27-2011, 08:34 PM
As moosmom said, it is nothing to worry about. Some cats will do this their whole lives, even if they stayed with their mother cat 12 weeks, others never do. If it gets painful, just push him away, no harm done!

12-27-2011, 09:29 PM
Yup, totally normal. In fact, my three year old kitty sucks on her own toes. :) I say she's sucking her thumb. :p

12-28-2011, 09:40 AM
Pouncer did that as she was a very young Kitten who was also taken from her Mamma too soon.
We are sure that Tigger will soon grow out of that although Mr Scrappy sucked on my neck and made pawing motions for years!!!:love:

12-28-2011, 10:01 AM
I have a kitty that from a kitten to age 2 1/2 (now) likes to suck on my earlobes and eyelashes. I imagine she will always do this, but at some point she may outgrow it. She was picked up by animal control at a very young age so I'm sure she does it because she was taken from her mom so young. I'm not sure if her mother abandoned her or was killed or what. Nothing wrong with them doing it. :)

12-28-2011, 05:23 PM
Thank you all for your helpful replies, you have put my mind at rest that my gorgeous boy is totally normal! I haven't had a cat since my parents took in a stray when I was very young (which was a while ago...) so can't remember much about cat behaviour. Thanks again to you all and I have attached a photo of my lovely boy :)

12-28-2011, 07:57 PM
Oh, he's so cute! Thank you!

12-29-2011, 12:37 PM
Precious!!! I miss having young ones. they grow up too quick!