View Full Version : cat watching

11-12-2002, 09:06 PM
do you ever just watch your cats at play? it is really interesting to watch them when they don't know you are watching, (sometimes not too easy!)
I watch my cats as they watch each other, as they stalk others in play, etc. it can be very funny sometimes.
at times there will be a couple of them playing, and one might get hurt accidently, and cry out, then the others all run over there and look to see what happend! or if one chases the other and that one hisses, oh! the rest stop everything, and stare! frozen in place staring! then they will slowly creep over there and look at whats going to happen next! it is so FUNNY!:D :D

life with 7 cats is never dull!!:cool:

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-12-2002, 10:14 PM
Yeah I love to watch T & J play.... espically when they get low to the ground and do the butt wiggle right before they attack... so funny!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-13-2002, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by toughCookie
and one might get hurt accidently, and cry out, then the others all run over there and look to see what happend!

This is so true. As you all know, Tubby and Peanut aren't the best of friends, although they don't hate each other either. It's more like they tolerate each other although Peanut will put up a fuss if Tubby invades her space too much (by licking on her head). But if Tubby is throwing up, it's so sweet to see that Peanut will come running. She'll sit and watch with a concerned look on her face, and when he's done she'll go over and sniff him to make sure he's ok. That is the only time that she will willingly walk up to him, and as soon as she knows he's ok she will walk away again, but will keep an eye on him until she knows for sure that he's done throwing up and he's ok.

And of course, I've observed this while Tubby could have cared less if I were there because he is in the process of throwing up (poor Tubby) and Peanut is distracted by Tubby so she doesn't even know I'm there. So yes, it is fun to watch them when they don't know they're being watched just to see the little interactions that go on that we would normally miss. :)

11-14-2002, 07:09 AM
I love to watch my cats. It's better than TV.. I watch them play, sleep, bathe each other. They are absolutely fascnating.

12-08-2002, 10:23 PM
i can watch my cats all day. they are fascinating to me, i guess thats why i am never lonely.;)