View Full Version : Cat treats for one who only has 3 teeth

12-22-2011, 07:31 AM
Hi everyone,

I need some advice. One of my guys recently had dental work done and I had to have all of his teeth pulled with the exception of 3 teeth. That means there is no more hard food or Temptations. I have dealt with the food issue, but I still have to figure out about treats. Obviously the Temptations are to big and I have tried the soft Whisker Lickins', but he can't seem to eat those also.

I am looking for advice on what kind of treats I might be able to give him, any suggestions?

12-22-2011, 07:47 AM
Off hand, I'm thinking fish: tuna, salmon bites. Boiled chicken breast, shredded into small pieces. Canned sardines, bits of mackerel. Some of my cats like smoked fish, others won't touch the smoked stuff. :rolleyes: A bit of cottage cheese - some of my cats like it, others won't touch it.

Once he recovers from the dental, he will build up some toughness on his gums and it won't be quite as difficult for him. My dog Marlin had all his teeth out and the first 6 weeks were really difficult. Now, 5 years later, he manages quite well. And yes, I do make a point of giving him soft treats; but his food can be a mix of moist and kibble and he does OK with it. I have to feed him in a separate room, as he is a slower eater than the rest. Other than that, it works fine. Once you boy gets to that point, the soft treats will really be a hit with him!

12-22-2011, 07:49 AM
Thanks for the suggestions. I make cat food for everyone in the house :rolleyes::rolleyes: so it is already soft enough for him to eat and he is doing fine with that. But as I said, it was the treat part of things that I am still trying to work on, so thanks for the suggestions!

12-22-2011, 08:21 AM
Many many moons ago, we had a cat name Tillie with no teeth. She loved beef liver. But it had to be cooked and thinly diced.

12-22-2011, 09:18 AM
you can't soak regular treats in tuna water or milk until they're soft? We had a toothless dog that would occasionally stay at the kennels where I used to work. I would soak a dog biscuit in water and give it to her as a treat like the other dogs were getting.

12-22-2011, 09:19 AM
Actually Hnadsome John Hancock :love: lost all but two of his teeth years ago but that never stopped him from getting his share of Dry Cat Food, Whiskas Temptations and Aquari Yums!!!:love::love:
We bet that Your Friend will fiind no trouble either:cool::cool:

12-22-2011, 11:23 AM
Calvin LOVES these flakes that are made from fish. Bonito flakes I believe they are called. :love:They are difficult to find in stores but perhaps online would be easier.

12-22-2011, 11:48 AM
Actually Hnadsome John Hancock :love: lost all but two of his teeth years ago but that never stopped him from getting his share of Dry Cat Food, Whiskas Temptations and Aquari Yums!!!:love::love:
We bet that Your Friend will fiind no trouble either:cool::cool:

Cammie Cat only has 5 teeth and she loves crunchies. It hasn't slowed her down at all. Whiskas Temptations are her favorite too.

12-22-2011, 11:53 AM
Cassie loves bonito flakes and she also loves pureed baby food meat. I give her either chicken or turkey, about a tablespoon at a time. She's getting turkey for Christmas -- her grandmeowmie already bought her a jar ;)

12-22-2011, 12:23 PM
Thanks for all the advice on things, I really appreciate this.

BTW you should be able to buy the Bonito flakes in an Asian/Japanese grocery store.

12-22-2011, 12:33 PM
Most cats LOVE baby food. Also, have you considered Vienna Sausages? Sofe and small.

12-22-2011, 12:42 PM
He just had the teeth removed on Monday, so they are still healing but I am trying to figure things out in advance. (yes I am one of THOSE people :rolleyes:)