View Full Version : Kitties know Christmas is coming.....

Queen of Poop
12-21-2011, 10:21 AM
I think Cali and Diego know that it's almost time for Santa to come.

Cali is so excited she can barely contain herself. She's been ripping around our wee condo like a wild cat. She's also been doing a good amount of sucking up to mom in the wee hours of the morning.

Diego has become a real snuggler of sorts. He will sit right beside me on the couch, look directly into my eyes and then snuggle right beside me, often rolling over to let me rub his belly!! :eek: Such surprising behaviour for this boy. He will also demand I sit on the couch with him if I happen to plunk down in the chair.

Anyone else got kitties ready for Santa to come?:D

12-21-2011, 11:55 AM
My two lap cats, Mac and Kimba, have been working overtime on their lap work. Any time I sit anywhere (and I do mean anywhere) they jump right up and start the head bumpies and purrs. Ming is not a lap cat, he waits until you are in bed and then he lays next to you and gently taps you with his paw to get pets. He's Siamese so he also chirps, mrrps, and purrs the entire time he's doing this. They are sucking up big time!:D

12-21-2011, 01:17 PM
I think Cali and Diego know that it's almost time for Santa to come.

Cali is so excited she can barely contain herself. She's been ripping around our wee condo like a wild cat. She's also been doing a good amount of sucking up to mom in the wee hours of the morning.

Diego has become a real snuggler of sorts. He will sit right beside me on the couch, look directly into my eyes and then snuggle right beside me, often rolling over to let me rub his belly!! :eek: Such surprising behaviour for this boy. He will also demand I sit on the couch with him if I happen to plunk down in the chair.

Anyone else got kitties ready for Santa to come?:D

Kisses for Cali and Diego!

My two lap cats, Mac and Kimba, have been working overtime on their lap work. Any time I sit anywhere (and I do mean anywhere) they jump right up and start the head bumpies and purrs. Ming is not a lap cat, he waits until you are in bed and then he lays next to you and gently taps you with his paw to get pets. He's Siamese so he also chirps, mrrps, and purrs the entire time he's doing this. They are sucking up big time!:D

Kisses for Mac, Kimba and Ming!

Cassie knows something is up because there are more bags in the house for her to inspect. Any paper bag that comes in the place requires a kitty-inspection. So far she has inspected Hallmark, Bath and Body Works and Urban Outfitters (my niece's birthday gift). I let her sniff the plastic ones too but I don't leave them within her reach.

12-22-2011, 09:25 AM
To My Found Cats I pray that they think that everyday is PetMas.:love::love::love:
I certainly feel that it is Christmas when they all grant me the gift of thier love.:love::love::love:

12-22-2011, 12:47 PM
You are so right, Gary! The love our kitties give us is far more precious than anything that can be bought in a store.:love::love:

12-22-2011, 01:30 PM
Dear Auntie Gayle,

I definitely know Christmas is coming because my fudz lady has been bringing home lots of BAGS for me to inspect! They have stuff in them, but I am much more interested in the bags. She even lets me inspect plastic bags before she puts them away.

I was very lovey, cuddly and snuggly last night and early this morning. She was SO HAPPY to pet and skritch me! I heard her tell grandmeowmie she doesn't "werk" tomorrow so that means she will have lots of time for ME!

We adopted each other that day at the shelter, that's for sure.

Could you give a zillion hugs, snuggles and kisses to Cali and Diego for my fudz lady, please and I am sending purrs and head bumpies.

LUBZ :love:

Queen of Poop
12-23-2011, 07:23 AM
Dear, sweet Cassie: I'm so glad you'll get some extra time with Meowmie. I hope you're continuing to be a very good kitty before Christmas. Cali and Diego decided at 1:50 am this morning that it would be a good time to rip around like wild cats!! :eek: Needless to say I've not had a good sleep and those kitties are in the bad books right now. I've got to work today, in fact I'm already at work (got here at 6 am). I hope they rethink their antics and are better behaved when I get home later today so I can properly deliver those snuggles. You and your Meowmie have a wonderful, snuggly Christmas!!

Loves from your Auntie Gayle

:love: :love: :love: