View Full Version : Newark NJ: 2 cats alone in foreclosed home

12-19-2011, 03:49 PM
CONTACT JACKIE AT [email protected]

Fred and Ramsey are two neutered Turkish Van Mixed feline buddies. Their pet mom's house has been foreclosed upon due to expenditures preceding and proceeding Hurricane Irene. Although she is very sad about giving up her boys, her finances and health are leaving her without options.
She took excellent care of the two by loving them (she speaks to them using baby talk), keeping them indoors, and vetting them annually.
The boys are presently in the foreclosed home with no water, no heat, and no humans.
The women has been displaced and the house is the only place where she can keep Fred and Ramsey. In a week she'll undergo an operation that will leave her near incapacitated for at least two months. Who will care for Fred and Ramsey? They need a loving home right now. Please help them before it's too late. They deserve so much better.