View Full Version : Catsitting Noisette

12-17-2011, 11:01 AM
Noisette is a tortie, 3 years old and so soft. She lives in house where Dali used to live (he and his family moved to Qatar), so I know the layout of the place, even though I haven’t been there after they moved. Strange to visit the same house with different furniture.

Today was my first day of catsitting Noisette. Her mom had told me very little about her, or where to find things, and when I arrived, Noisette wanted attention and food! She let me per her for a bit. :) Her food bowl was empty and so was her water bowl, even though the family left yesterday at midday. I searched high and low for her food, but could not find it. I got a slice of ham out of the fridge for her, while I kept searching.

Finally, I went to the living room where Noisette was playing under the Christmas tree. Lo and behold... in the back of it, she was dragging a bag of Whiskas dry around and had bitten a hole in it. She must have been starving!

One of the next few days, I’ll try to get some pictures of her.

Edwina's Secretary
12-17-2011, 12:08 PM
What a wonderful name - Noisette!

Do you think Santa brought her the food and put it under the tree or had she decided if no was going to feed her she would feed herself! :D:D

More adventures in catsitting for you...

12-17-2011, 12:52 PM
What a wonderful name - Noisette!

Do you think Santa brought her the food and put it under the tree or had she decided if no was going to feed her she would feed herself! :D:D

More adventures in catsitting for you...

I think Santa Paws made an early Christmas visit to Noisette!

12-17-2011, 03:15 PM
Oh dear, family gone, plus no food and no water - she must have wondered what the heck is happening?! Glad you stopped by when you did.

I have to keep cat (and all ) food in a closet, or the cats will open cabinets and help themselves. I wonder where Noisette's family normally stores her food? LOL Obviously she found it!

Have fun with her, she sounds full of spunk.

12-17-2011, 04:06 PM
Wow! I can't believe that you didn't get either verbal or written instructions about where things are kept and how much and how often to feed her. I'm glad that you visited her today and were able to find some food. I also have to keep my cats dry food in tight locking food containers. Once I had a bag of my RB Pepper's Diabetic food left out and Sky got really hungry so he decided to rip a hole in it and help himself.;)

12-17-2011, 05:15 PM
What kind of pet owners would leave their pets without enough food and water until someone could check in on them?? And to not tell you where everything is, is totally irresponsible in my book.

I have a pet sitting business. I make SURE my clients have me over and give me the layout, where everything is, vet phone numbers, etc. I then meet the pets and spend time interacting with them.

I'd have a little chat with them if I were you. But that's only my opinion.

12-18-2011, 12:30 PM
What an unusual name for a Cat , Noisette!
Does she live up to her name?:rolleyes:
I am a bit surprised that you were not told where Noisettes food was , but Noisette is a Tortie and took things into her own paws the way that Pouncer and Pouncer Roccalno would have.
We look forward to photos:love: