View Full Version : Pets of the Homeless

12-15-2011, 09:18 AM
Pets of the Homeless provides food & vet care for pets of homeless people throughout the US & parts of Canada. They have expanded to meet an increased need caused by job losses, depleted retirement income & foreclosures. Click on a link to see where there is a collection site in your area. If there isn't one near you, please donate generously. Pets of the homeless don't choose their owners but that doesn't matter as long as they receive attention and love.


12-15-2011, 10:26 AM
A nice gesture, and a good reminder. The food pantry in my church basement sadly does not give out pet food, as there is too much of a language barrier* issue for the volunteers and staffer, so they don't give out anything not meant for human consumption. So it's good to find there are placing in Massachusetts that do participate in this.

*We are in a densely populated area, and the Boston area has a lot of immigrants, which has always been true, I guess. The languages spoken by people visiting the food pantry range from Armenian, to Hmong, Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Portuguese, Lebanese, Russian and more, so as the Food Pantry relies mostly on volunteers, it's not possible to guarantee there will be anyone available who speaks the language of whoever shows up in need!

12-15-2011, 10:28 AM
Another thing that I like about it is that they point the homeless in the right direction and give them guidance as to how they can put homelessness behind them.

12-15-2011, 12:26 PM
As soon ad I'm able, I want to donate regularly. I've seen it before and it breaks my heart.