View Full Version : Bobbie-Cat, 2002 to 12-6-2011, we miss you.

Mike J
12-12-2011, 04:04 PM
Oh Bobbie-Cat, your candle was blown out way too soon. My heart is broken. Last Tuesday, I came home expecting you to come flying out of the front door as is your usual habit. Instead, I heard you crying, actually yowling from the basement, as if in pain. When I saw you behind the steps, my thoughts raced about what the problem could be... injury was my first thought, but then I saw that you couldn't stand, and then you dragged yourself out from behind the steps, still crying, obviously in pain. I called "Mommie-cat" and told her to come home, that there was some kind of a Bobbie-emergency. Our regular vet was already closed so we had to take you to an emergency vet clinic in the next town. The vet, after an examination told us that you had an Aortic Embolism, and she went through the symptoms, but we both new where the conversation was going... very poor prognosis... tissue death from no circulation... intractable pain. I, your 66 year-old "Daddy-cat" signed the paper to give you the final shot to forever end your pain. Your pain ended, ours began. We took your little body home buried you by Jasper, our beloved Tabby who succumbed to Lymphoma in August 2010, and Sunshine, our beloved orange Tabby/ Maine coon mix who succumbed to a brain tumor in April 2008.

You were the youngest, probably only between 9 and 10 years old, though, and fit as a fiddle, we thought, well-muscled, in-control, and feisty, but also tender and loving, especially on the couch during "pet and purr" times, or when little snacks ("Bobbie-bits"): small pieces of cheese or small samples of "parts of dead animals" (cat-perspective) were placed in your "Bobbie-bowl". Your demise was so sudden. At least with Jasper and Sunshine, we had time, as their diseases progressed, to, as much as is humanly possible, come to terms with the inevitable. Grief is another story... We both still miss Sunshine and Jasper.... Now our home is so empty. The shock and, still, disbelief of your sudden departure is sucked the wind out of our sails.

Bobbie-Cat, I still remember when you joined our household, on December 28, 2003. We had seen you from time to time before, as a young-ish Tuxedo cat, occasionally wandering through our backyard. But this time, you had a severe eye injury, so we took matters into our own hands and fed you, caught you, and took you to our vet for treatment. You have been with us ever since until 7:30 PM Tuesday December 6, 2011, when the kind veterinarian gently released your spirit.

I've heard it said, that writing can be therapeutic. I hope that is true, because I am in tears as I write this. I remember from a song, many years ago a verse that goes something like: "The Good Lord thought you needed a little sunshine, so he lent it for a while, and those silver tears your shedding, are just interest on the loan". How true, for despite the pain of loss, I could not imagine not having had my cats.

I have never written this type of post before, anywhere. I hope it is not too long, nor too maudlin-sounding. I'm just pouring my heart out over Bobbie-cat.

12-12-2011, 05:20 PM
Rest in peace dear Bobbie-cat, all the pain is now gone. Look down on your person with love from your spot there at the Rainbow Bridge, and send him some purrs in his dreams to let him know your love lives on.

Cat Daddy
12-12-2011, 05:24 PM
A beautiful tribute. God Bless

12-12-2011, 05:35 PM
I am all teared up, reading about beloved Bobbie-Cat. Good too soon, though that can be said of all our pets; their life span is so much shorter than ours. Good so suddenly, no time to prepare, to process that the end is coming.

I am very sorry for your loss. Think of the good times -- Bobbie-Cat had a wonderful life once you took over his care. And he showed his love to you, in those "pet and purr" sessions ( love that name for it!) Bobbie-Cat lives on in those memories, in your mind, and in your heart.

Meow, Bobbie-Cat! Lots of lovely spots to be in the sunshine, up there at Rainbow Bridge. RIP dear boy.

12-12-2011, 06:25 PM
Oh my gosh, I'm crying as I read this. I feel your pain. We've all been there at some point to make "the decision". It is the final act of love we can do.

RIP dear Bobbie-Cat. Your body is restored and I can see you now romping through the sweet grasses of the Rainbow Bridge.


12-12-2011, 06:33 PM
Dear Mike, I am so very, very sorry to read of the sudden loss of your beloved Bobbie-Cat. I can only begin to imagine your heartache. Deepest sympathy to you and all who love him so much.

Love is eternal, and you and Bobbie-Cat are together always.

Rest in peace, dearest Bobbie. You are greatly loved and greatly grieved and missed. Healthy and whole again at the Rainbow Bridge, you are awaiting the day you welcome your beloved Mike home.

God bless you all and give you peace and comfort.

Pat and cats (7)

12-12-2011, 07:00 PM
I hugged my youngest cat and she sends her purrs and kisses as well as the other cats and I am sending my thoughts and prayers out during this difficult.

12-12-2011, 10:01 PM
I am so sorry to hear about Bobbie-cat. :love:

12-12-2011, 10:43 PM
They all leave us much too soon. But the love never dies. It is eternal. R.I.P. Bobbie-Cat, you were dearly loved.:love:

12-13-2011, 12:48 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss.:( RIP sweet Bobbie-cat.:(

smokey the elder
12-13-2011, 07:36 AM
What a beautiful tribute to your Bobbie-Cat. I'm so sorry for your loss.

12-19-2011, 12:37 PM
Oh, gosh. Bobbie-Cat, you were much, much loved, and will be forever missed. Send your human a sign that you are pain free, and forever young at the RB, with your two kitty siblings.

Hugs to you at this sad time.