View Full Version : Bean in a box

12-12-2011, 09:51 AM
Nothing makes him happier than a box...or a bag :)

Have taken a nice picture of Sunny and Moon by the tree for our card...Now we plan to get a picture of Bean in a box under the tree.

Ahh..the animals just love our photo shoots :love:

Pinot's Mom
12-12-2011, 09:56 AM
Hi cousin Bean! I like boxes, too! Aren't they fun? ;)

Purrs, Pinot

12-12-2011, 10:31 AM
You know what's pawsome in a box, Pinot? Cat nip!! See if you can get your mom to sprinkle some in there.


12-12-2011, 11:24 AM
Awwww, what a cute Bean in that box! Hello, sweet Bean!

psst, Bean... my staff received a box over the weekend, left it out for me to inspect; and I will have her sprinkle some nip in it for me. That means she'll probably get out the flashy thing, though. In the box were shooz, whatever those are for.

12-12-2011, 11:46 AM
Love it! Boxed bean. :)

12-12-2011, 12:20 PM
Awwww, what a cute Bean in that box! Hello, sweet Bean!

psst, Bean... my staff received a box over the weekend, left it out for me to inspect; and I will have her sprinkle some nip in it for me. That means she'll probably get out the flashy thing, though. In the box were shooz, whatever those are for.

Ooh Cassie...let me know how it goes. P.S...Moon likes the box too. Mom had to put out 2 boxes so we didn't fight. We trade places a lot. It's fun when she puts the nip in both boxes. It sounds like a bowling alley. Sunny gets all like "WTW?" (What the woof?) She tries to get involved and then she gets her nose picked by one of us.


12-12-2011, 01:02 PM
Ooh Cassie...let me know how it goes. P.S...Moon likes the box too. Mom had to put out 2 boxes so we didn't fight. We trade places a lot. It's fun when she puts the nip in both boxes. It sounds like a bowling alley. Sunny gets all like "WTW?" (What the woof?) She tries to get involved and then she gets her nose picked by one of us.


LOL @ WTW. Never heard that one. Love it!

I am going to try this bowling alley thing. Getting 3 boxes around, one for each cat and see what happens. :D

12-12-2011, 02:30 PM