View Full Version : Tyler

11-12-2002, 10:51 AM
Right now I'm pet sitting an 11 year old Cocker Spaniel named Tyler. I feel so bad for him. They have another dog too, a lab, but for some reason they decided that they were going to take the lab to the trainers house while they were out of town and leave Tyler alone. Poor Tyler is so lonely, and I'm only there an hour in the morning because they leave him outside all day. When I get there at 8am he is so cold, his body is shivering because of how cold it is. Granted it's Az and we don't exactly have harsh winters but in the nights and mornings the tempertature drops to the mid 40s. And because he just got groomed his coat is really short and gets cold. So I feel even worse for him, not only is he lonely, but he's cold.

11-12-2002, 11:23 AM
11 years old and they left him outside!?!?! :mad:

Is there any way you can take him for short car rides to warm him up? Or give him some old blankets to wrap him in?

Does he have any kind of shelter?

11-12-2002, 11:37 AM
Poor Tyler. :( I'm so glad he has you to love on him for at least a little while every day. I hope he has a warm place to go, even if it is outdoors. Please give him a hug from us. Those senior Cockers are very close to our hearts.......we had one and loved her so much.


11-12-2002, 01:40 PM
Could you get him a sweater? Or steal him and give him to me? (heh only half kidding there). It just makes me so sad to hear about these kind of things. The awful truth is it is SO common!

11-12-2002, 04:06 PM
Is there any way you can take him for short car rides to warm him up? Or give him some old blankets to wrap him in?

Well, he's not allowed inside but he's such a good boy that when I'm in the house he goes in with me it's warm in there. And he always stays close to me, he follows me while I feed the turtles and the fish and then when I write our report sheet for the day. It's just always so hard leaving him. As soon as we go into the backyard and I'm about to leave he grabs a ball and happily runs up to me, so I usually stay a while and play ball with him.. even though we've already played ball and taken a long walk. But when I leave his face looks so sad, that's it really hard for me.