View Full Version : They say cats don't undersatand english

12-05-2011, 07:49 AM
I had to take Mystic to the vet for yet another recheck. I told him that he'd get to stay home if he peed for me. I followed him with a clean cup all morning. I fed him wet food. I watched him drink a gallon of water (ok, so maybe a little less than a gallon) Alas, no pee.

I guess he knew I meant business about peeing and staying home, because no sooner did I put him in the carrier, I heard the tell-tale sound. I wish I didn't have a nice cozy blankie on the bottom, because now I have to go round and round again tomorrow. But maybe tomorrow he'll listen to me and give a sample before the carrier gate opens. :)

I swear though, he knew what I was saying all along. I get the feeling they all do! They just like to pretend they have no idea what we're saying.

12-05-2011, 08:26 AM
Oh Mystic! :D

And WHO says they don't understand English? I've read they are multi - species lingual, understanding dog and elephant, among others!

12-05-2011, 08:35 AM
They most certainly understand.
Words and phrases in my house are:
1. Time for bed
2. NO
3. GO (move so I don’t trip on you)
4. I'm eating (they all clear the area)
5. My chair (same as I’m eating)
6. Snuggle
7. Hugs
8. Kisses
9. Mine
10.Be nice (if not you get wet)
11. Nails (making bread)
12. Loving

12-05-2011, 08:49 AM
Cassie definitely understands but she doesn't always respond! Example: "Scuse you" (means the same thing as GO at Gill's house) - usually gets me a look but she doesn't always move. Most of the time I end up stepping over or around her.

12-05-2011, 08:59 AM
First of all, they are cats...so, they understand what they want to. :D

Buddy understands "go outside". He zooms to the mudroom and waits for me to put his collar and leash on.

Bud also understands "food".

Notice the pattern here...things they like. :p

I hope Mystic is okay. I always had trouble getting mine to go piddle in those crystals when they had bladder issues. :(

12-05-2011, 09:29 AM
Cats understand English, its just that they are selective about those words that they will comprehend and those words taht they will ignore.:love:

12-05-2011, 09:47 AM
They read minds, and they understand all "languages."

12-05-2011, 12:15 PM
Mine ALL know their names and will not respond to the name of one of the others. Mac knows it's treat time when he hears "Dya want sumpin?" Ming knows it's time for his medicine when he hears my son say, "It's time for you-know-what." Kimba is young yet. He, like the others, knows the command "move it", and he knows he is "the best white cat ever!", that makes him purr. When I call Mac "Mac Attack" he knows it's time to play and he really gets ready. Mac and Ming both know when I spell out v-e-t, it is time to hide under the sofa or the bed. The phrase they all know best is "I wuv u". They know that means lap time or lots of pets and kisses. They learn our language much faster than we learn theirs.:D

12-05-2011, 12:55 PM
Mine ALL know their names and will not respond to the name of one of the others. Mac knows it's treat time when he hears "Dya want sumpin?" Ming knows it's time for his medicine when he hears my son say, "It's time for you-know-what." Kimba is young yet. He, like the others, knows the command "move it", and he knows he is "the best white cat ever!", that makes him purr. When I call Mac "Mac Attack" he knows it's time to play and he really gets ready. Mac and Ming both know when I spell out v-e-t, it is time to hide under the sofa or the bed. The phrase they all know best is "I wuv u". They know that means lap time or lots of pets and kisses. They learn our language much faster than we learn theirs.:D

I laughed when I read spelling out v-e-t means go hide under the couch. They do know how to disappear when they want to.

Laura's Babies
12-05-2011, 07:22 PM
I had a talk with Caramella just about a week ago. I told her Boo was my lap companion.... Boo came got in my lap off and on all day and now that Boo is gone, I need somebody to fill that spot. I miss not having someone in my lap and she needs to help me not miss Boo so much..

I am not kidding, that day she started coming to get in my lap. She spends about 5 minutes with me each time, making sure I love on her and she gives me kisses and goes on about her business. This has gone on ever since that day I had that talk with her... at least 5, 6, 7 or more times a day....

The rest of them understand;
nite, nite!
Come on
noise....noise..(warning that I am about to use my dust buster)
BIG NOISE!!! BIG NOISE!!! (The big vaccume is about to start)
I love you!

12-05-2011, 10:38 PM
"They read minds, and they understand all "languages." "

I COMPLETELY agree with this. I will THINK of getting the vacumn and Calvin is in the closet! He'll be sleeping on his condo and I'll think of pulling out the monster and he will wake and look at me like "You wouldn't would you?" Then he scampers off! :eek:
Verbally he knows:
Come here (he knows when I say it, I mean business so he usually does)
No uppies
Flippa flip? (which causes him to flip on his back and roll back and forth for tummy rubs)
What's that? (which he knows means there's a squirly squirl on the patio)

I also agree they have "selective" hearing. LOL!:love:

12-06-2011, 04:21 PM
Oh boy, if I were to list all the words or phrases they know... it'd be quite long!

Mostly they know anything food related "hungry, starving, dying" as in "the kities are dyyyyying of hunger! We need to feed them"

As for Mystic, he had his umteenth recheck. and again, lots of blood and still showing a bacterial infection. We have no idea what to do. We're sending his work out for a second opinion.

12-06-2011, 07:56 PM
Sam and Jane know their names as well as Spunky, who is quite smart.

Prayers for you and Mystic

12-07-2011, 11:39 AM
:love: Aweee poor wittle baby Mystic.. ** Hey my cats have Selective Hearing :p They Hear the word Treats all the time ** If I say any other word then I get these funny looks (like what do I think they know english).. :D

12-15-2011, 03:22 PM
Scene: I come in the front door and take off my coat.

Cassie: Mrreow!
Me: Hi, sweets, how was your day?
Cassie: Meow!
Me: Are you ready for your dinner?
Cassie: Mrrp!
Me: Got anything else you'd like to tell me?
Cassie: Meow! Meow!

We have this conversation every day! I love it!

12-16-2011, 08:47 AM
I agree adding to my last list are the names when they want too. All I have to do is say the name in a normal means loving, in a stern voice and the named knows who is in trouble.
Lucky come- he will come and snuggle on my chest, "LUCKY" now he ducks.
Demetri dose about the same, but when he gets "DEMETRI" he just stops and looks at me like, what, I didn't do anything.
No they WILL NOT answer to anothers name.
It is funny that with 6-8 around at any time, ONLY the one in troublle knows it.

12-16-2011, 04:15 PM
Franklin wil respond appropriately to the commands: treats, here, sit, up, turn, and gimme five

Chelsea will just give me one of those haughty cat looks regardless of what I say. She does know her name but most of the time just chooses to ignore me.....:rolleyes:

Love 'em both to bits! :D