View Full Version : do you believe?

11-12-2002, 01:15 AM
how many of you believe in angels, spirits, etc? also- in supernatural happenings? have you ever felt the presence of a loved one that has passed away? what about a pet thats passed away? I don't want to seem like a freak, but I SWEAR a week or 2 ago, I was sitting right here, typing, and thinking about my Cookie
when suddenly I heard a noise just like a cat jumping on the desk and landing on a bunch of papers, I have heard that sound many times, so I recognized it, and there was a stack of papers, but not even one of my cats were in the room, nowhere near the desk...:confused: :eek:

years ago when I was very upset over something, I felt my fathers presence, like he was trying to comfort me. I hope you don't think Im nutty.
has anyone else have any experiences like that?

11-12-2002, 01:25 AM
I believe in ghosts etc. I have had MANY instances in my lifetime! Even got pics to prove.

Miss Meow
11-12-2002, 01:26 AM
I don't think you're nutty. I think there's a lot we don't know about our sixth sense and maybe sometimes we do tap into it.

And it's nice to believe anyway that our departed loved ones are checking in.

My friend Andrew committed suicide four years ago and sometimes I swear he pops into my head to say hello. It happens when I'm thinking of other things so it's not like I was thinking of him at the time. No one else I know who's deceased does that. Strange.

11-12-2002, 01:41 AM
I totally believe in angels and ghosts. My grandma died last year in the house I still live in, and I was sitting in my room one night doing homework when suddenly Tilly and Bassett did the arched back Halloween cat thing and got all fluffed up, and stared into the hall.. then as quick as it happened they smoothed out again but still stared, like they recognized her.

I also had a cat that disappeared one night, and we didnt know what happened. We searched for like five days and nothing came of it. As I was falling asleep I heard purring and I felt a lump at the end of my bed, where Cleady used to always lay. I looked up but there was no cat there - then I remembered that our other cat was in his room for the night. I layed down again and heard the purring, and felt the lump again. I looked, nothing there. This happened again and I finally realised it was Cleady. That night I dreamed that he was running in a huge field of flowers chasing a butterfly. His arthritis was gone and he was purring and happy. I know he was there that night to tell me he was ok, and if that's what the RB looks like he couldnt' be in a lovlier place.

I think that there are spirits all around us and that the ones we love most stay in our lives forever.

11-12-2002, 02:51 AM
Yes on all counts!

11-12-2002, 02:59 AM
This is tough. I don't really believe in an after-life, but I do believe that there are supernatural things around us. My reasoning is that there is just so much we do not know about the way our own brains work as well as physics, etc.

11-12-2002, 08:36 AM
Absolutely!! I had an experience once just after my father passed away. I was sound asleep in bed when I could smell the faint aroma of a cigar. (My father smoked cigars). I sat straight up in bed. I couldn't believe it. No one was living downstairs in the first floor apt and no one in my building smoked cigars. It was VERY eerie. I was told by a medium that whenever you dream about deceased people (which I do frequently), it's their spirit trying to communicate with you. I dream about my mom and dad alot. Never say never!

11-12-2002, 09:53 AM
I do. :) I've had some odd things happen to me on occassion.

11-12-2002, 10:15 AM
We live in Dad's parents' house so every now and then I feel like they are checking in with us. It's just little things, like the tv in the front room turns on right before my little brother gets home from school. Sometimes you can catch a glimpse of someone beside you out the corner of your eyes. When we added on to the house, tools were moved around. (I thought it was the cat playing with them til the sledge hammer ended up out in the front yard-they were building on to the back end of the house) Sometimes I think Grandma runs Katie off the couch cuz sometimes she startes barking at no one and won't get back on the couch for the rest of the day. (Grandma didn't allow animals on the funiture)

Sometimes I feel Grandpa Louie (Mom's dad) near me, usually when I'm having one of my lil hissy fits. Kinda telling me to calm down and stop showing my butt.

So yes I believe in ghosts!

11-12-2002, 10:27 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by popcornbird

." Those are the creatures that the devils are, but there are also good ones in them too. They are of all religions. In fact, they are like humans but a different creature, invisible to our eye, but they can see us. They are made of fire, as we are -

I don't think I understand your statement - " creatures that the devils are, but there are also good ones in them too. "?????????

11-12-2002, 11:54 AM
TC - No you're not nutty - I do believe there are many things which happen and there is no explanation for them.
I remember reading a book some months ago re: angels and if you see a white feather floating to earth with no reason as to why it is there - eg. no birds around - it is an angel passing.
Since reading this I have on the odd occasion noticed floating white feathers - and the thought that it's a passing angel is thrilling.
I also believe that often people who have passed over do try and communicate with loved ones left behind. In times of stress I notice I 'talk' to my late Mum and Dad. It often helps.


11-12-2002, 12:01 PM
I absolutely believe in angels and life after death. Let's just say, I have many reasons to believe.

11-12-2002, 12:05 PM
I ditto what MOFF said...you worded that nicely. ;)

11-12-2002, 01:19 PM
Just out of curiosity, Popcornbird, what nationality are you?

11-12-2002, 02:39 PM
Is the word you are trying to describe demons?

11-13-2002, 06:33 AM
Per popcornbird's request, I will try and further explain what "Jinns" are. Arabic is my native language, but I will post URLs so that you may also have references :)

The word "jinn" (this is how it is pronounced in Arabic) translates to genii (Arabic To English Dictionary (http://www.almisbar.com/dict_page.html) ). If you are interested in seeing for yourself, select the Arabic To English option and type in hg[hk. These letters correspond to the Arabic letters that spell out Jinn.

Genii is plural for genious and also mean jinni. According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary (http://www.m-w.com) , jinni is one of a class of spirits that according to Muslim demonology inhabit the earth, assume various forms, and exercise supernatural power. Demons is a term used to describe an evil supernatural being; a devil. However, Muslims do not believe all Jinnis are evil.

God created the angels from light, created the jinni from the pure flame of fire, and Adam from clay. Satan is a jinni and is the father of all the jinni-kind as Adam is a human and is the father of all the human kind.

Does this help explain it?

11-13-2002, 08:54 AM
Very cool Souraya. :)

Is Genii where the word Genie comes from? Kinda like the Americanized version?

11-13-2002, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by ramanth
Very cool Souraya. :)

Is Genii where the word Genie comes from? Kinda like the Americanized version?

I think so, Kimmy!

11-13-2002, 10:25 AM
I remember seeing a book about the tale "Arabian Nights" and the word Jinn was used.

Whether the word was used in the wrong context, I'm not sure, but I'm familier with Jinns and their background.

(I love History) :)

11-13-2002, 03:17 PM
I believe.

Keisha would always walk to my side of the bed to say goodnight. I was having a very hard time dealing with her death & one night I heard her walk to my side of the bed. I could feel her presence, it felt to me like she wanted me to know she was alright & I should not feel guilty any more. It was a strange, but wonderful feeling.