View Full Version : Mikey almost got full-on attacked

12-02-2011, 02:02 PM
I am pretty shaken up right now. Maybe I'm exaggerating but Mikey was almost attacked by a lab mix. She lives down the block and she is so sweet to humans, I figured she doesn't like other dogs since every time a dog walks by she lunges at the door, growling. But what I don't like is irresponsibility. I've never seen this dog ONCE on a leash. EVER. I could see if she liked dogs, fine have her off the leash, but if she is going to attack, why the hell do you let her in the front?! I am just so lucky she behaves well, but it took the lady telling her to come three times for her to stop. We were walking by, the lady just got home and let the dog in the front to go to the bathroom JUST AS I WAS WALKING by, with no leash on! :mad: The dog barrels out the door and comes charging down the lawn snarling. Mikey, of course didn't help and kept wagging his butt and barking a little, 'cause of course, when he sees another dog, all he thinks is..PLAY! :rolleyes: Maybe I am a bit at fault for that, but if you know that people walk dogs around here, you shouldn't be letting your dog aggressive animal OUTSIDE without a leash on! She stopped the first time her owner called her, the second time she got closer and finally the lady came and made her go inside. Not to mention, this dog has no collar on either.

Maybe I am paranoid, this dog is bigger than Mikey by alot. She is old, but still who knows how much damage she could have done. :eek: I guess I'm just lucky that she listens, but have your dog on a leash! There are some dog aggressive dogs on our block but they are never outside without a leash on. Elderly people, families with kids, walk down the block with dogs...geez have some decency. Granted it was their property, but Mikey was on the sidewalk with me ON A LEASH.

Sorry for the rant. I'm just upset over this. Mikey is such a good dog, he loves everyone, he doesn't deserve to be torn apart by an aggressive dog. What is weird is this dog will come up to any human wagging her tail, but with dogs it's apparently the exact opposite.

12-02-2011, 02:04 PM
It is good she is well trained enough to listen when the owner calls her. Maybe you could suggest she get a tie-out for the dog for when she wants to let her out, just so others with dogs know she cannot make it all the way to the sidewalk.

12-02-2011, 02:20 PM
Wow, you are not over-exaggerating at all. I would be VERY upset. The owner needs to keep the dog on a leash with collar. VERY irresponsible on her part!!!:eek:

Poor Mikey. He wanted to be friends! Pick him up and give him a cuddle for me please.

I would talk to the neighbor. Next step would be call the authorities.

Do you live near a road at all??? I would never let my dog out like that without a collar/leash.

Queen of Poop
12-02-2011, 03:05 PM
I'm so sorry you had such an awful encounter with that dog. At least she listened, but not before scaring the crap out of you - not fair. I'd speak to the woman if it would do any good, otherwise just always keep your guard up when passing by.

Glad you're both ok. Give Mikey a big hug, it'll make you both feel better.

Scooter's Mom
12-02-2011, 06:51 PM
I'm glad Mikey (and you!) are okay. Things like this is why I get my hubby to walk Jadie, I am so scared of something happening and not being able to defend her.

12-03-2011, 07:52 AM
Very scarey!:( I'm glad Mikey's ok. This is the reason I don't walk my dogs, other irresponsibly owned dogs.:mad: Mine do have a fence, but I'd love to walk them.:( Can you try and avoid certain houses, maybe a different route?

12-03-2011, 08:37 AM
Geepers! Walks are supposed to be fun, not stressful. Can you take a different route and avoid this house? I know that may not be possible. What about the other side of the street? Do you have treats with you on walks - maybe tossing one will distract the dog in another event. I hope you've calmed down, by now.

You know, Mikey's reaction probably also helped calm the other dog. :cool:

I'm glad you and Mikey are fine.

12-03-2011, 08:52 AM
Like I said on Facebook, this is awful. I'm really glad Mikey is okay. But I agree with you, if you have a dog aggressive dog, and you know about it, put the dog on a LEASH! People can be so stupid sometimes. :rolleyes:

I have the stray dog (and cats!) problem here, at least be glad there was someone to call that dog off of Mikey, with Brennan we just have to run or kick at the dog or something to get it to go away :/.

I'd report this woman to someone and get her cited to obey the freakin' leash law or I'd take another route if you could.

12-03-2011, 06:23 PM
I don't want to get authorities involved, simply because, nothing happened...also this dog is a very nice dog to people so it's really not fair to get an dangerous dog warrant put on her. There are worse dogs on our block who'd attack a person any chance it got. It just really scared me. I was also thinking, since we were in front of her house, do you think she was being territorial? I'm not sure. I definitely will start walking a different route, and if I go that way, I will definitely look out for her. Good ideas though! Thanks guys! :)

12-03-2011, 09:41 PM
That would certainly be scary! I had kinda the opposite probably with my last lab. She was a little aggressive as she got older, but she never hurt anyone. She'd just growl and snap if a dog came in her space. I never let her off leash so I wouldn't cause a fight. I had a lot of people let their dogs run around here who wouldn't listen to their owners and would come up to us. I would get really upset too. It's very scary to see dogs fight.

I just wish people would keep their dogs on leash where there might be other dogs if they don't listen. People around here just don't seem to care and let their dogs go everywhere.

I really think that person should keep her dog on a leash at all times, especially if it's so aggressive!

12-04-2011, 09:54 AM
But I agree with you, if you have a dog aggressive dog, and you know about it, put the dog on a LEASH! People can be so stupid sometimes. :rolleyes:

Ditto! My Rita girl was dangerously aggressive... when and IF I walked her, she'd be under leash control with a gentle leader, and a muzzle. I NEVER let her off the leash under ANY circumstances, never wanted to take that chance with her!

I'm so sorry this happened to you, but I'm SO GLAD Mikey is ok!!

12-04-2011, 05:01 PM
I don't want to get authorities involved, simply because, nothing happened...also this dog is a very nice dog to people so it's really not fair to get an dangerous dog warrant put on her. There are worse dogs on our block who'd attack a person any chance it got. It just really scared me. I was also thinking, since we were in front of her house, do you think she was being territorial? I'm not sure. I definitely will start walking a different route, and if I go that way, I will definitely look out for her. Good ideas though! Thanks guys! :)

I am sure she was "protecting" her property, that's a pretty basic instinct. Yup, taking a different route is a good idea. And it'd give Mikey different scenery to sniff!