View Full Version : From Catster: "13 Little Things I Do Because I Have Cats"

11-30-2011, 08:12 PM
from "The Cat's Meow" column on Catster, written by Dorian Wagner... I have always thought in terms of the things I don't do because I have a cat (I don't take vacations, I don't wear light colors because the cat hair shows...) So this gave me a smile and I hope it gives you one too!

Elyse and Cassie

I was just thinking about all the little things I do during the day because I have cats. I have no idea why I thought of this, but it’s true: We cat people do a lot of things we don’t even think about that people without cats don’t do.

Here’s a few of the things I do without even thinking, that I would miss tremendously and notice if for some reason I didn’t have to do them again:

1. As soon as the alarm goes off in the morning, I do a quick check for the cats. If one is missing from the bed, I call him over, pat the bed for him to lie down, and we hit the snooze.

2. I brush my teeth with Pimp on the bathroom counter. When I’m done, I leave the water on just a dribble so he can get his morning water from the faucet.

3. I leave the bathroom and meet Moo in the closet area, where he is always waiting. “Let’s go make coffee!” I say every single morning, and we both stumble off to the kitchen.

3. I put on my makeup with Moo on the bathroom counter. It’s his turn at this point of the morning, I guess.

4. I always give Pimp treats before I leave the house. If I forget, he runs to the door as I’m leaving, gives me puppy-dog eyes, meows, and darts in the kitchen. I follow, of course.

5. I make sure I see both Pimp and Moo before I go out the door and say goodbye to each of them individually.

6. I leave empty boxes lying around the house for months, because the cats like them. (There are three here right now, all different sizes.)

7. I never sit on the couch, or anywhere for that matter, alone. There is always a Moo or a Pimp on my lap, next to me or walking over me to sit down.

8. When I eat dinner, I give Pimp a little piece of almost everything (only stuff that isn’t bad for him, of course). He begs, has his nibble, then goes about his night.

9. I leave a piece of clothing on the floor all the time, because Moo likes to bring his toys to it. A shirt, pajama pants (those are his favorite), a pair of shorts … he loves to deliver his toys to my clothes.

10. I don’t hang ornaments near the bottom of my Christmas tree.

11. I make sure my legs are all extra-super-completely dry before I step out of the shower, where Moo is always waiting to rub cat hair on me. If there is any water at all still on me, the cat hair sticks like crazy!

12. I never leave a glass of water around. That’s just asking for a cat to stick his nose in there and knock the whole thing over.

13. Before going to sleep every night, I always say, “Who’s ready for bed?” and both Pimp and Moo come with me to the bedroom. Great way to end the day!

Is there anything you all do just because you have cats? Any little quirks in your routine that you notice you do every day just for them?

11-30-2011, 08:15 PM
Because I have a cat---
I don't take vacations.
I don't take plastic bags at the supermarket- I take paper because somebody likes to inspect the inside of them.
I don't spoon all the milk off of dry cereal- I leave a little in the bowl as a treat for you-know-who.
I don't wear a lot of light clothes because the cat hair shows!
I don't make the bed too carefully because she likes to sleep in the middle of it during the day.
I watch where I step, so as not to step on her tail, and I say a warning out loud before I get out the ebil vacuum cleaner!

11-30-2011, 08:15 PM
How sweet. Too tired right now, but I will post later. :love: :D

11-30-2011, 08:47 PM
Here's my list:
I don't go on vacations.
I always have a lint remover in my house for cat hair on me and the furniture.
I never sleep alone.
I never brush my teeth, take a shower, or use the facilities alone.
I've learned to translate "cat" and am getting pretty good at it.
I've learned to ignore the cat hair on my clothes (one of the little buggers is white and I wear a lot of dark colors).
I always have a lap warmer when I am on the computer.:love:

12-01-2011, 09:36 AM
I always go to the Pet Food aisle of stores first.
I always watch where I step , there might be a Little Kitty there.
I bring in things like furniture, just in case the Cats may like it.
I always leave room for them on the bed, and My Cats :D:D and I leave the electric blanket at the end , and Scrappy Two and Miquelito are always curled up there.
I say a prayer for them, and for My Awesome Angels Army.

12-01-2011, 09:51 AM
I do not move much while I sleep because there is usually a cat laying on me.
When I open the linen closet door I check for a cat before I close it.
I have to watch the doors to outside now because I have a possible door darter in the house now. :rolleyes:
At night when getting ready to shower Jax has to have his drink of water from the bathroom faucet.
In the morning during my final potty break before leaving for work Paizly comes in and rubs all over my pants.
I have lint rollers at home, at work, and in my car.

For the dogs:
While doing anything in the kitchen I look at the floor before taking a step. They like to lay right at my feet. Dangerous when cooking! Luckily I don't do that very much, LOL. :D

12-01-2011, 11:22 AM
I tend to walk like a horse doing dressage because I have several handicapped cats and I'm always stepping over them or over and to the side.

I always cover food I'm in the process of preparing, even if I'm only going to be gone for a minute, because Nevermore is on the counter in a flash and will eat ANYTHING.

I check inside every space before I close a door - rooms, closets, oven, dishwasher, fridge, etc. (Laundry room is off limits.)

All my vacations are at home and I've learned to love that.

I always put away small items so my house is very tidy (except for cat toys, cat hairballs and the like) because I'm so afraid they will play with and swallow rubberbands, paperclips, tacks, the rubber tops to drip bags or caps to needles, etc.

I assume I won't be sleeping in a straight line and relax myself into a pretzel position as soon as I snuggle down for the night.

Immediately after hitting the snooze button, my hand drifts over to stroke Sam who sleeps by my pillow.

I assess everything I bring into the house for cat safety and use as a cat toy.

I don't leave clothing on the floor (not something I've ever done anyway) because Miss Z. will consider it softer than the newspaper on the bathroom floor and pee on it .

I leave the house at a warmer temperature all day than I would if I lived alone.

12-01-2011, 12:05 PM
All I can say is I do all. Except:
I were my cat hair proudly, there are not lint rollers in my office. My wife will go after me if I look like a wooly bear.
I have removed all the doors in the house except the one to the basement, That's my work shop and there too many things that are sharp or easy to break.
yes there are at lest 4-10 to sleep with each night, so the bed never gets made, besides they just rearrange it so they can make their pillows and folds.

12-01-2011, 12:35 PM
I love this thread! Here's my list:

-Every single time I open a can of tuna I have to leave a share for Sophie
-I have empty boxes all over my house because Sophie loves to play in them
-I MUST check up where's Sophie before leaving home, I can't leave without seeing her
-Like No.2 in the article, I leave the water on just a dribble for Sophie
-I have lint removers everywhere
-I leave all doors open for her
-I try not to get home late because Sophie doesn't like to be alone for long time, and she meows mad at me when I get home if I do so :rolleyes:
-I always have my camera ready just in case I need to take a picture/video of her :)
-Sophie is the main reason I love to stay home :)

12-01-2011, 01:55 PM
Before I even have my first cup of coffee, I give Autumn her Temptations and fresh water.
Make sure her dry food bowl has food in it.
I try never to leave the house over night.
I make sure the night light is on in the room where her litter box is.
Give her a kiss every day.

Most of all she gets lots of lovin' every day.


12-02-2011, 09:26 AM
And I cook my steaks medium rare because that is how My Cats , especially Scrappy Two Like them:love::love:

12-03-2011, 10:34 AM
Hello, I just found this site super excited :D:D
:love:I have a big ole kitty named Snickers she is about 11 years old and 19 lbs :love:
Some things I do just for her are
1. Rush home to cuddle on the couch with her and watch law and order.
2. She has her own pillow on my bed she sleeps on
3. I only get half a bed she gets the other half
4. When I work overtime she gets a small container of wet food
5. She gets her own tuna once in a while
6. I learned to speak kitty :love::love::D:D
7. Never take vacas
8. She has more hair brushes than I do ROFL
9. I am looking for a friend for her thinking a Ragamuffin ( may be spelled wrong )
10. When I get tissue paper she gets to keep it just for her .
11. My phone is all pictures of her rarely anything else :rolleyes::rolleyes:
There is way more but not thinking of it now