View Full Version : Fluff Videos

11-30-2011, 04:14 PM
I think I may have mentioned, Marlin has aged quite a bit. What with his hip dysplasia, severe arthritis all along his spine, and doggie dementia . . . he is not able to do much. For a few weeks while it is still nice weather, Dad has come along to Bridgham Farm with me, so I can make ONE trip and take all 5 pups. He sits with Marlin while I walk the other 4. Then I take Marlin for a short walk.

This works well as it --
- saves me time (I did a few times make TWO trips, one with 4 fluffs, one with Marlin)
- ensures Dad gets out
- ensures Marlin gets out. When we didn't all go, often I'd just walk Marlin around the block, which we both found quite boring. This way, Marlin is up on his feet for a good hour, and moving about, finding interesting scents to keep his mind going, and then moving on the walk at the end.

A few stills of Dad and Marlin (Dad has a blanket as it is getting cool, not sure how much longer we can do this). Its a bit of work, getting 5 fluffs in harness, loading Dad a chair, blanket, and the newspaper, getting Dad ready and in the car, and then setting it all up at the Farm, not to mention the break down and return home after. But so worth it as Marlin has a great time.



And some vids.

This is when we initially arrive (Marlin and Sugar)

This is Marlin, walking. You can see he has just one very S L O W pace.

Marlin also has "reverse," though he can only take 3 steps or so and then the rump goes down. Since the front legs are still moving back, he ends up tilting to the side and lying down.

This is Tasha, she is always VERY EXCITED when we get to start our "farm walkies." You will also see Willy doing his 4 - legged scratch, he heee.


11-30-2011, 04:54 PM
Thanks for posting, Sandie. I always love seeing pics of my Marlin Darlin! Poor little guy is getting so feeble, but I can identify! I move like that when I first get up in the morning, or if I've been sitting for a while. :eek::p

So glad to see that Dad can get out and enjoy the farm too. Bet he really enjoys that as much as The Fluffs do.

Hugs and smooches and belly rubs to all The Fluffs. :love::love::love::love::love:

11-30-2011, 05:29 PM
Poor sweet Marlin :(. Give him a hug for me!

I'm glad he and your dad are able to get out and enjoy time with the family.

I love Tasha's zoomies and Willy's scratch! :love:

11-30-2011, 10:56 PM
Oh my goodness, Tasha! You look excited to be going for walkies on a lovely fall day! And Marlin Darlin, I'm with Pomtzu ... that's how I walk after extended sitting or first thing in the morning. You got outside for your farm visit with your mum and granddad, at your pace!

What a lot of work to organize everyone, Sandie! Thank you for sharing the photos and videos! Hugs and smooches (some for the clowder of kitties too :love:)!

12-01-2011, 08:00 AM
I enjoyed all the videos and listening to your Yankee accent (laugh). Poor ole Marlin keeps trying, doesnt he? All your dogs are just precious. Kay in NC

12-01-2011, 08:29 AM
Thanks for sharing! Put a big smile on my face!

12-01-2011, 09:51 AM
Marlin says thanks to all!

Bri, you may not find Willy's scratch so funny if you were trying to maintain a back yard lawn, ha ha haaa.

Kay, that is one of the great things about vids, we get to hear one another!

Elyse, Tasha is just such a happy girl, she loves life to the fullest ALL the time! lol

12-02-2011, 06:26 AM
The fresh air out in the country is good for everyone.:) I bet everyone slept good that night. :D Thanks for sharing.

12-02-2011, 07:58 AM
Bri, you may not find Willy's scratch so funny if you were trying to maintain a back yard lawn, ha ha haaa.
Ha ha, I can relate to this, Jake has made quite a mess doing this in the yard and turning it to mud.:rolleyes:
Great to see Marlin and your dad can be part of the fun at the farm! Looks like the fluffs really enjoy the day out!:D

12-02-2011, 09:08 AM
Aww, how sweet they are! :love: Marlin sure enjoys the outside trips, too, in spite of his hip dysplasia and arthritis. Tasha is so exited - what fun she's having. :D Your dad is having a great time, too, I'm sure.

You're such a good doggie mom - and daughter. :)

12-02-2011, 09:50 AM
I really enjoyed the videos of the fluffs.:love: It's so nice that you are
able to take everyone out to enjoy the weather. It must be a lot of work
getting it all together, but they all seem to love it.:)

12-02-2011, 05:27 PM
Marlin is such a sweetie! He's still game to try the walk - gotta give him a lot of credit for that. Love those fluffies!!