View Full Version : My Favorite Earthly Possession

11-26-2011, 11:59 AM
I think I've narrowed it down to one thing, but want you to name yours.

11-26-2011, 12:02 PM
I do not think I could narrow it down! In a few minutes I came up with so many, and choosing one over the others, well, cannot do it!

11-26-2011, 12:06 PM
I do not think I could narrow it down! In a few minutes I came up with so many, and choosing one over the others, well, cannot do it!

Think about it for awhile.:) Oh, and our Pets don't count is this instance,
besides they're family.:love:

11-26-2011, 12:28 PM
Can it be a tie between several things? hahaha

It's between my MacBook Pro/camera/car/bed/multiple sentimental items... I don't think I can pick just one :eek:

11-26-2011, 12:35 PM
Impossible to pick just one:

Family photos
My mother's diamond engagement ring
Lighthouse collection
My first teddybear

And in that order.........:)

The longer I think, the more I could add. :eek:

11-26-2011, 01:09 PM
The ring my husband gave me.

Scooter's Mom
11-26-2011, 01:18 PM
I have to choose the ring my mom loved the most, it was her diamond anniversary band. She always told me when she bought a new ring, "See what you get when I die?" and she would laugh. She had a weird sense of humor.

I chose that ring in particular because she loved it so much, and it was the last jewelry item she actually was able to purchase at a store before her illness kept her bedridden. I didn't choose my other items of jewelry because they are from people who are still here, and sad to say it but there is no love like a mother's love. Friends and spouses may come & go, but in my life - the love my mother gave me was forever, even though she's been gone 10 years.

11-26-2011, 02:17 PM
I was going to say my Droid but it would have to be whatever camera I have at the time. Photography makes me feel so alive and happy.

11-26-2011, 02:19 PM
I have to choose the ring my mom loved the most, it was her diamond anniversary band. She always told me when she bought a new ring, "See what you get when I die?" and she would laugh. She had a weird sense of humor.

I chose that ring in particular because she loved it so much, and it was the last jewelry item she actually was able to purchase at a store before her illness kept her bedridden. I didn't choose my other items of jewelry because they are from people who are still here, and sad to say it but there is no love like a mother's love. Friends and spouses may come & go, but in my life - the love my mother gave me was forever, even though she's been gone 10 years.
Now why'd you have to go and make me all teary eyed? That was sweet.

11-26-2011, 02:27 PM
Not sure if this counts but it would be Angus's ashes. Otherwise my pictures.

11-26-2011, 04:15 PM
How would I ever choose? My wedding ring - which was Paul's grandmother's, and is unique and has tiny sapphires and is a symbol of our marriage; my little brown bear that Aunt Dottie made for me when I was born, the old tiny mosaic stone and shell necklace given to my grandfather as thanks from an elderly Polish couple he took care of and which was passed to me, the pictures of various generations of family members, my great-grandmother's desk and the photo album that was hers that contains pictures from unknown family members before she came to America from England ... the signed Ray Bradbury book I got or the signed Ursula K. Leguin book Paul stood in line to get me ...

And that's just a partial list!

11-26-2011, 05:15 PM
I have a stuffed bunny that was the first gift ever given to me as a baby. It's so old and falling apart at this point, it's not really attractive any longer, and it's dingy as anything, but I love it to death. I don't even remember who it was from at this point any more, but I love it.

Other than that, it would have to be the necklace that Glacier made me that has the ashes of my foster kitty, Bear, in them. It is beautiful and I loved him very much. :love:

11-26-2011, 09:11 PM
The things I have between my ears.:eek:;)

Somedays I stop and think about all the events, places and people that I have known in my lifetime and feel like I am very lucky.

There are some moments that I have experienced that without the right timing I would have never been able to experience.


I used to drive up into the mountains above El Lay to load up the bed of my trick with snow to bring back to the neighborhood.

I would drive to my sibs houses and get the kids in the neighborhood to stage snowball fights in the street.

During one trip I was at a turn off in the mountains when I saw an ominous set of clouds rolling up the mountains toward the area where we were at.

In the matter of minutes, I was stuck in a snow storm and had to drive down the hill to get home.

It was a great experience and something that I cherish more than any physical possession I will ever have.;)

11-26-2011, 09:16 PM
The things I have between my ears.:eek:;)

Somedays I stop and think about all the events, places and people that I have known in my lifetime and feel like I am very lucky.

There are some moments that I have experienced that without the right timing I would have never been able to experience.


I used to drive up into the mountains above El Lay to load up the bed of my trick with snow to bring back to the neighborhood.

I would drive to my sibs houses and get the kids in the neighborhood to stage snowball fights in the street.

During one trip I was at a turn off in the mountains when I saw an ominous set of clouds rolling up the mountains toward the area where we were at.

In the matter of minutes, I was stuck in a snow storm and had to drive down the hill to get home.

It was a great experience and something that I cherish more than any physical possession I will ever have.;)
That is beautiful.

11-26-2011, 09:37 PM
Well without thinking too deeply about it at this hour my first instinct is my iphone. It was a gift from hubby... I already had a phone and he surprised me with an iphone.

I picked ths as my favorite earthly posession because it allOws me to do so much. Hannah gets to video talk with her grammy (who lives in florida) whenever she wants to. When hubby is working late he can video call us to say hello or tell hannah goodnight or even in the middle of the day if we just miss each others face.

I can take photos and video when i dont have my good camera on me

I can take a photo of whatever we are doing and text it to the people who cant be with us like grammy or daddy if he is at work. I can post that photo to facebook so my family in canada can also keep up with what we are doing. This has proved to be invaluable in our family.

We can play games and watch movies (hannah included) read books, create a shopping list, etc, etc, Etc

It Is so many things in one and it helps make the grandparents feel like they arent so far away and it keeps our little family close when we cant be together

11-26-2011, 09:58 PM
Our home. It's ours. It's paid for. And it's full of people and cats that I love. :love::love::love:

11-26-2011, 10:25 PM
I'd have to say, if I could only pick ONE, it would be my car. I have so many good memories in that car already and have only had it for about a year now..it's fully paid for and it's MINE, never gave me problems yet, it's gorgeous, it is customized as MINE, it takes me to where awesome memories happen, it allows my family and friends to be closer in that way and accessible.

If I had the option to choose a few more I'd pick my laptop and my phone as well as my camera. They all allow me to do so much, keep in touch with loved one especially, which I love.

As for photos well, of course I find those important to, but I will always have the memories of the amazing things I've done. Photos don't help me all that much in that respect.

11-26-2011, 10:28 PM
I like kuhio's response - our home is also paid for, it's all ours for as long as we want it to be.

Inside this home, I guess I would say my Grandfather's Clock. It really is my Grandfather's clock. It's over 100 years old, and I can remember as a child seeing it standing tall and elegant just to the left of the fireplace in my grandparent's home. Every time I wind it, I think of how many times my grandfather wound it - so many years ago. It keeps perfect time and plays the Westminster tune every 15 minutes.

11-26-2011, 10:37 PM
Very good idea for a thread Lizbud! Never in a million years could I narrow it down to one! I'll have to think long and hard about this.:confused:

11-27-2011, 05:33 PM
I think my one favorite is my house. It's all mine & almost paid for too.
It's my favorite for all the freedom it affords me.:) It's a great place to
keep all the other favorite worldly possessions.:D

11-27-2011, 10:41 PM
My body pillow. I :love: it. Also, my iPhone. I :love: it too.

11-28-2011, 05:35 AM
My maternal grandmother's ("Nanny") wedding ring.

11-28-2011, 07:35 AM
Does your own body count as one, because it is kind of...worldly-ish. Without I wouldn't be me! :D But, if it can't be counted as one, then....I guess, I have a verrry long list!! :o

11-28-2011, 02:11 PM
I saw this piece on 60 Minutes last night.

I wonder what THOSE kids consider their one most prized possession?


11-29-2011, 08:43 AM
My home, bought and paid for with my own blood, sweat and tears (many tears over the years). Inside my home my ONE thing would be an old black and white, small framed photo of my brother and me at Rehoboth Beach DE taken one summer when I was about three, he was about seven and was holding my hand, pointing out in the ocean at a porpoise swimming rather close to shore. It's the little things.


11-29-2011, 05:16 PM
Boy, I sure have a way of killing a perfectly good, interesting thread don't I. Heavy sigh.... :confused::(:( It's happened several times in the last months or so.. Why?

11-29-2011, 05:32 PM
Boy, I sure have a way of killing a perfectly good, interesting thread don't I. Heavy sigh.... :confused::(:( It's happened several times in the last months or so.. Why?

Don't be silly girlfriend.:) In fact after I read your response, I started
to think of all of the baby pictures my Mom saved for us. My SIL used them
to make calenders for all of us children. I really treasure that.:love:

If I could scan them, I'd love to post them on PT.:D

11-29-2011, 06:14 PM
Boy, I sure have a way of killing a perfectly good, interesting thread don't I. Heavy sigh.... :confused::(:( It's happened several times in the last months or so.. Why?

You didn't ruin anything! I thought your response was very heartfelt. :)

11-29-2011, 07:32 PM
You didn't ruin anything! I thought your response was very heartfelt. :)

I totally agree! Its a possession/picture so it totally applies!

I would have to say without thinking too much - my water pillow that I sleep with every night (even tho it CAN be replaced and has been) it has really helped my migraines!

11-29-2011, 09:54 PM
I think I've narrowed it down to one thing, but want you to name yours.

Well... My first thought was my flute. When I started playing in the praise band at church I was playing my student flute. For my 39th birthday my whole family pitched in and gave me a gift card toward the purchase of a "step-up" model, the one most people have who play regularly as an amateur. I've definitely been practicing and looking for opportunities to play.

Thinking about it further (and I should probably have all these things in fireproof storage with backup copies in the bank lock-box)...
Degree from Loyola because it represents one heck of a lot of work! (and lost sleep)
Photo album and yearbooks from Valpo (BSN) because they represent a lot of good times and a few life-changing experiences.
My mom and dad's wedding portrait.
Pictures of my nephew and nieces from when they were first born, and family pictures just taken this summer because we hadn't had one "done" for a long time.
My favorite photo of me and my very best friend, who died much too soon.
My nursing pin and my name tag from my first job because it was such a terrific place and time to be starting out my career. The mug from which I used to drink strong coffee in the morning when I was working nights, trying to stay awake long enough to get through report, finish charting and go home.

11-29-2011, 10:19 PM
Boy, I sure have a way of killing a perfectly good, interesting thread don't I. Heavy sigh.... :confused::(:( It's happened several times in the last months or so.. Why?

I post about a silly pillow and you post this amazingly heartfelt, lovely thing. You most certainly did NOT kill the post. Quite the contrary actually. Makes my Earthly Possession seem so silly hehe. :love:

11-30-2011, 07:05 AM
Richard, thanks for posting the 60 Minutes feature......so troubling.....things are so much worse than i imagined and seemingly not getting any better.....

11-30-2011, 07:54 AM
That's a sad but true story, Richard. It makes me wonder the fate of my former next door neighbor.
He was a private contractor - did mostly renovations and small jobs. After the devastating hurricanes hit FL several years ago, he decided he was going to move there and get rich quick with all the work that there would be for him. So he sold his house, packed up the family, and moved to FL. Sure hope it worked out well for him and his family.
I just can't imagine the living conditions that so many folks down there are faced with now. Such a shame - and so terrible for the children. :(

12-11-2011, 06:12 PM
A recorded tape my brother made when we were kids. he recorded a lot of things. like us laughing together an goofing around. our mom an dad talking. even Brute(Pug mix we had through our child hood) barking an play growling in tug of wars.

ya know... its weird. we think we'll never forget the sound of those we hold dear to us but we do. over time the sound of their voice an their laugh(or bark/neigh etc) fade or leave our memory completely.

with recordings though its kinda like having pictures. pictures that you can hear