View Full Version : Tea

11-24-2011, 09:00 PM
I am about to try a "new to me" tea - Bigelow makes what is theoretically "egg nog" tea. It suggests adding a bit of sugar, we'll see how it actually tastes.

I tend - as anyone who frequents "Thursday's" knows to enjoy chai tea, I have a couple kinds in my cupboard. There's The Republic of Tea's Cardamom Cinnamon herb tea, and Twining's French Vanilla Chi. I will also drink regular "black" tea, and sometimes add a bag of that to the Cardamom Cinnamon tea.

What kinds do you like? just thought it would be a cozy topic for a late November thread ...

11-24-2011, 09:07 PM
Don't mind black tea but at home I always drink either Chai with honey, ginger, chamomille and green tea. Also like mint tea when I don't feel well, seems to help.

11-24-2011, 09:12 PM
Well, the "Egg Nog" tea doesn't taste much like eggnog at all, I was wondering how they could manage that with no egg, and no cream ... but it is a tasty light nutmeggy tea.

11-25-2011, 03:17 AM
I used to never drink tea but I have become a big fan. There are about 10-12 different types in the cupboard & that doesn't include the earl grey, english breakfast or orange pekoe. I tend to like the Twinings or Pompadour teas but Lipton's just put out a series of teas that are really nice. My favorite tea ever is by Whittington's Eraclea. It's called winter tea it is a orange cinnamon tea that the smell alone makes you feel better. Twining has just released a green tea that is orange & ginger flavored so I will HAVE to try that.

Anyway, some of my favorites are:

Lipton's Mediterranean Blend (citrus fruits)
Lipton's Warming Blend (apple cinnamon)
Pompadour Wild Berry
Pompadour Red Orange
Pompadour Peach
Pompadour Red Fruit (strawberry, raspberry & pomegranate)
Pompadour 1001 Nights (great on a cold night, it's a bit spicy)
Twinings Blueberry
Twinings Green
Twinings English Breakfast
Twinings Green Ginseng

There are others in my cupboard as well but they are for others in the house. I don't like them but they do. hehehehe And I am sure there are others I have just forgotten about.

11-25-2011, 05:54 AM
I don't do tea - never have been able to stomach it in any form - hot or cold. However I did discover a tea drink that is quite tasty if you like cold and fruity drinks - it's V8 Fusion Raspberry Green Tea. Guess I like it because you can't detect a tea taste. Cold green tea isn't too bad either, since it really doesn't taste like tea, but I still wouldn't go out of my way for it. :eek:

11-25-2011, 06:09 AM
I normally drink Earl Grey, it has black Vietman, black Chinese, bergamot and 1% Jasmin flowers in it. I buy bags of 400 g.

I also like plain English Breakfast tea. A good one is Yorkshire Tea. I usually get 80 bags of those when I'm in England, but I've recently seen it in a supermarket here. :)

Last year, I tried a really good one from a very posh tea shop (A. C. Perch), it's called White Temple tea. That is good in the evenings, since it won't keep you awake.

Take a look here: http://www.perchs.dk/default.asp?page=specifik.asp&id=3031

11-25-2011, 07:23 AM
Grew up on tea, Mum being British!

All we ever do is Salada, though.

I've tried a few herb teas, never been impressed with any flavors. Dad won't even try those.

11-25-2011, 07:49 AM
I'm a boring tea drinker. Black tea or green tea. ;) I only add sugar to them.

11-25-2011, 08:28 AM
.......especially white and green teas......love the white/green combined tea too.....
....with a twist of lemon and/or a bit of honey.....

11-25-2011, 09:00 AM
Love tea! My favourites:

Licorice Spice (Stash)
Acai Berry (Stash)
Pineapple Chamomile (Lipton)
Bavarian Wildberry (Lipton)
English Breakfast (Bigelow)

Check out the Stash website - they have an amazing Holiday selection!!

11-25-2011, 10:48 AM
I live on my Chai. I tend to get the kind that is in a can and you add water to it, and it gets all nice and creamy. Pacific Chai is the brand.

Right now I have a box of Chai down stairs. Instead of milk and sugar in my chai, I've been adding sweetened condensed milk. It is SOOOO yummy that way!!! creamy and sweet, and just perfection!!! You should try it that way, Karen!

11-25-2011, 11:11 AM
Karen, I was never a big tea drinker, I'm a coffee drinker. In the evening when I'm cold I enjoy just a regular cup of Lipton tea with sweet n low and milk. I drink at least one cup of coffee in the morning.


11-25-2011, 11:25 AM
Karen, I was never a big tea drinker, I'm a coffee drinker. In the evening when I'm cold I enjoy just a regular cup of Lipton tea with sweet n low and milk. I drink at least one cup of coffee in the morning.


Me too...I am still a big coffee drinker. I don't do american coffee. I only drink espresso or cappuccino. I rarely have cappuccino because I am lactose intolerant so I only do it when I get soy or rice milk and those don't make as nice a foam as real milk. I will chance it now & then and use skimmed.

It was a few years ago when I had a really bad flu and was in the house for over a week hubby took me to the 'bar' (coffee shop) and I got the winter tea and that was it...I was hooked. LOL So much for not liking tea.

11-26-2011, 05:31 PM
Right now I have a box of Chai down stairs. Instead of milk and sugar in my chai, I've been adding sweetened condensed milk. It is SOOOO yummy that way!!! creamy and sweet, and just perfection!!! You should try it that way, Karen!

Hmm, I looked it up, and if it is just sweetened with sugar, I may give it a try sometime. I tend to drink my teas black, with sugar depending on the tea, but might try that as an indulgence! I used to every now and then get a vanilla chai from Dunkin Donuts, but it has coconut oil in it, so cannot any more.

11-26-2011, 06:51 PM
I just bought some Natural Flathead Cherry Tea that is made out of my state's cherries, I like it a lot. I would like to get some Huckleberry Tea too. Chammomile is also my favorite. :)

11-26-2011, 07:24 PM
I don't like tea at all, which is very strange to anyone who lives in the South as we're all good ol' sweet tea drinkers.

If I have to drink tea though, it has to have some sort of fruityness to it and it has to be cold! I don't drink hot drinks either :p

11-26-2011, 08:00 PM
I didn't mention one of my favorites - Stash Tea has a black chai which I love. I have to pick up a box of that soon.

Bri, if ya don't like any hot drinks, well, move a few states North and I bet you'd develop a liking for them, especially come February!

I also know I am lucky as Virtuous Teas (http://www.virtuousteas.com/) is nearby, and they have hundreds of jars of black, green, white, herbal, red and all kinds of tea. You could spend all day in there opening jars and sniffing to decide! They have some scrumptious fruit teas ... and they are far more reasonable in price than places like Teavana, and never try to up-sell you on anything.

But I figured I would just mentioned teas that everyone can probably get! If we ever do a Gift Swap again, it'd be fun to try teas from different places!

11-26-2011, 09:51 PM
For cold teas, I like Snapples peach tea. :) I also do like the Arizona green teas.

11-27-2011, 02:01 AM
I enjoy earl grey with milk and sugar and recently discovered good earthy sweet and spicy it is so yummy and caffeine free for the evenings...I also enjoy with milk and sugar.

I am having a glass of egg nog right now :)

11-27-2011, 07:36 AM

This "T" don't need no sugar......;)

11-27-2011, 08:39 AM
This "T" don't need no sugar......;)

I dunno, might improve his disposition a little!

Miss Z
11-27-2011, 03:09 PM
I'm not a huge fan of tea, particularly fruit teas. However I recently tried a ginger, galangal and turmeric tea - strangely very relaxing!

I also like plain English Breakfast tea. A good one is Yorkshire Tea. I usually get 80 bags of those when I'm in England, but I've recently seen it in a supermarket here. :)

I too like Yorkshire tea! Although I try to stick with the Red Rose, and buy its lesser known rival, Lancashire tea! ;) I just love the old fashioned map of my home county on the box, especially when I'm away in London.


Whittards (http://www.whittard.co.uk/?gclid=CMjfhuHc16wCFaEmtAoduiTwvQ) are probably the best here in London, their shop in Covent Garden is fantastic.

11-28-2011, 07:28 AM
I too like Yorkshire tea! Although I try to stick with the Red Rose, and buy its lesser known rival, Lancashire tea!
I haven't come across that one, yet. Do you find there's a lot of difference? I got an English Breakfast tea from Harvey Nics one year, that was good, too. Oh, one place I'd love to shopping for an unlimited amount, is Fortnum and Mason - and I wish BIBA was still open.

finn's mom
11-28-2011, 02:42 PM
I drink green tea regularly . . . daily when it's cooler out. I usually do one bag each of decaf and regular, and share it with Clara. I water hers down and sweeten it up a bit with coconut water (it helps cool it off, too, so she doesn't have to wait for it). I typically just put a bit of agave nectar or a pack of sweetener like Truvia in it.

Miss Z
11-29-2011, 02:40 PM
I haven't come across that one, yet. Do you find there's a lot of difference? I got an English Breakfast tea from Harvey Nics one year, that was good, too.

In all honesty I find there's barely any difference in taste, it's really just a question of personal allegiance. :p

I bet the Harvey Nics' tea was indeed rather good!

Suki Wingy
11-29-2011, 02:47 PM
PG Tips, a bit of sugar, nothing else in it.

11-29-2011, 07:03 PM
Hmm, I looked it up, and if it is just sweetened with sugar, I may give it a try sometime. I tend to drink my teas black, with sugar depending on the tea, but might try that as an indulgence! I used to every now and then get a vanilla chai from Dunkin Donuts, but it has coconut oil in it, so cannot any more.

@Karen - are you allergic to milk?
@Jenn- I have made my Pioneer Woman's iced coffee and used sweetened condensed milk in it. YUMMY -

but alas - after having my blood work done a few weeks back the numbers don't agree with it. So I've been drinking my iced coffee with just flavored creamer, no sweetener or sugar. Tho I do use Stevia/Truvia if needed. And when drinking my tea I've been not sweetening it at all. Which about sent my mom over the edge a few weeks ago when she took a big swig of my rose hips and hibiscus tea UNsweet. (which I found in the Oriental foods aisle)
Have you ever been to Teavana the Heaven of Tea? Talk about TEA HEAVEN! I LOVE IT!:love::love:
I've been drinking mint tea with a packet of true lemon or true lime in it.

Typically I don't care for green tea's after taste, but Trader Joe's has a peppermint ~ Decaf Candy Cane green tea that is quite good.
ZippyKat sent me a Lemon Blueberry or something tea for the Kuerig awhile ago. It was really good. I tried to duplicate it by buying lemon zinger and blueberry - close buy not the same!
When I was in New Mexico visiting Zippy Kat - we stopped at Sonic and I got a Cranberry Iced Tea Sweetened. Which I thought was awesome, but even without tasting it Zippy said she doesn't like to drink Hummingbird water! (:p)

I have a sweet tooth which obviously has gotten me into trouble with my bloodwork! :( So re-training myself to get used to tea/coffee etc UNsweet is going to take some time!

12-10-2011, 01:20 PM
I am not, thankfully, allergic to milk! Thank goodness.

And I have been experimenting, with the sweetened condensed milk and the Stash black chai I like, and finally settled on double-strength (2 teabags in a cup) chai with sweetened condensed milk - good yummy treat when I am feeling like something luxurious. I never even take milk in my tea usually, so this is a big treat, thanks, Jennie!

I worked at a Teavana briefly, and while they have lots of cool stuff, it is largely way, way overpriced. Especially compared to my beloved Virtuous Teas - they have a website http://virtuousteas.com - but if you are ever in the Boston area, Stacy, I will bring you to the store. It's wonderful, just jar upon jar of interesting teas of all sorts, and absolutely no pressure to buy - the salesperson never hovers.