View Full Version : Pictures of the Pups and Update

11-23-2011, 10:46 PM
Just realized it's been months since I've posted pictures of my fur butts. I've mostly been using my phone since I got it for PT and FB. Well, here's long overdue pics!

These of Springen are actually from a camping trip we took this summer. We took all three pups, it was fun! Absolutely beautiful scenery as well. Finally got Springen to swim, kind of. The first time he went out where he couldn't reach and his head just went under! He came back up though and learned quickly. He still prefers only to get his pawsies in, nothing more. hehe
I don't see my boxer boy as much anymore. With school and work I just don't get the chance to go to my brothers as often.

Here's just some random photos I've taken of my babies with my phone within the last couple months.
Molli's halloween dress:
I love the way Sam lays down. We call it his "super puppy" position hehe
Sam's Halloween bandana

11-23-2011, 10:52 PM
Sam's been spending a lot of time with me at work. He's such a good boy and the residents just LOVE animals.

Miss Molli is doing as well as ever. She's become incredibly attached to me, so it's been hard on her with me gone so much.
Sammy has had recurring bouts of colitis again. We thought we nipped it in the bud, and I guess not :( We tried some intestinal probiotics and all that did was give him horrible gas! He did so well on this food for so long, I don't know why it came back again! Doesn't surprise me, he eats EVERYTHING that is edible, and some things that aren't. Living in apartments, there is garbage in the grass that you can't see until he's gobbled it up. :rolleyes:

And here's a few pics of Luna for good measure. (My boyfriend's brothers pittie) She's over a year old now and just as sweet as can be! She's only around 35 pounds I would guess. Her socializing is going well with other dogs and has made a new pittie boyfriend in the apartment complex they live in. haha

(Sorry about the large pics, photobucket takes forever to change the sizes after I resize them..)

11-23-2011, 11:09 PM
Aww cuties all of them! :) You know I love Luna. :love:

11-24-2011, 07:48 AM
Adorable pups, all of them! Molli looks so cute in her Halloween dress!:D

11-24-2011, 09:18 AM
Yay! Its great to see all four puppers! They are all four so different...I love it!
Molli with her little poof on her head. Sammy with his big floppy ears and sad puppy dog eyes. Springen with his little stubby tail. And Luna with her big pittie smile. :D :D Thanks for sharing!

11-24-2011, 11:06 AM
Great pictures! They're all super adorable! I love Boxers, very beautiful!

11-24-2011, 11:22 AM
Swimming - heh, that's for Newfoundlands, right Springen? ;) Thanks for sharing the pictures!

11-26-2011, 06:40 PM
Thanks for posting pics of your dogs. I enjoyed each and every one of them. Cute dogs.

11-26-2011, 07:09 PM
Don't know how I missed this thread!

Sam and Molli are precious as always. I love Molli's dress, and the pictures of Sam from your work!

Springen is also adorable as always! It's okay not to like the water, Springen :D.

Luna is gorgeous! She reminds me a lot of Brennan :) and I love her smiling picture!

11-27-2011, 06:58 AM
Such sweethearts love them all. :)

11-28-2011, 08:47 PM
Awwww! :love: So good to see your adorable crew! All four have some serious cuteness going on!

11-29-2011, 03:20 PM
How did I NOT post on this yet?! Your pups are gorgeous as always. :love: ALL of them, Springen looks like he's a really fun dog. I bet you miss him. Love the picture of him and your brother in the water with the mountains it looks beautiful.:)

Molli, Sam, and pretty little Luna are all so cute. I love the one of Sam at work with you with his ball. :p What phone did you end up with?

11-30-2011, 03:32 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments! :) Yes, they are all so different, and so are their personalities! Each special in their own way! :love:

Alyssa, I got the HTC Thunderbolt. I like it... kinda wish I got the HTC Incredible 2 because this one is so heavy and big. But it's lightening fast which I love.