View Full Version : Missing my beloved Misty...

11-22-2011, 03:21 PM
Today is exactly 3 years since I had to say good by to my first cat Misty. She was the love of my life and lived to almost 16 yrs. old. Till this day I miss her so much. I want to say to her: "Misty mommy misses you so much and I think of you every night when saying my prayers. You will always own a piece of my heart, a very big piece. Hope you're having fun at the Bridge and I will be there with you someday. Mommy loves you." Here is a picture of her altho she is also on my Signature:


11-22-2011, 03:38 PM
Awww, redbird, I will move this up into Cat Memorial, I am sure you meant to post it there anyway. She was a beauty, and posed so nicely for the holiday picture!

11-22-2011, 04:15 PM
What a beautiful girl. My sympathy to you on this sad anniversary. May your sadness be followed by wonderful memories of all the time you and Misty had together. She knows the lovely message you just wrote to her here and sends purrs of love in return.

Love is eternal, and you and she are together always. She will welcome you home at the Bridge, One Fine Day..


Muggzy and julia
11-23-2011, 03:45 AM
i know the feeing of loss, it breaks my heart.
:love:Muggzy and julia

11-24-2011, 07:57 AM
She was a beautiful kitty and she loved you very much. Keep her spirit within you. She was blessed to have known you and you her.

I know that my heart will be torn when Spunky eventually passes. Some pets just leave that special mark on your heart. :love:

11-24-2011, 09:55 AM
I know how you feel, as I have the same feeling when I go home and theres no Michael :love: Joseph:love:Moose :love: Princess :love: Mr Scrappy and Pouncer :love::love: or My Siamese Six Pack:love::love:
Someone once wrote that the trouble with having a Cat is that they die so young, and leave such a big hole in Our hearts when they go.:(
Misty is such a Great Dear Cat , and we know that your love will be renewed in Paradise.
One Fine Day:love:

11-25-2011, 05:46 PM
What a beautiful picture. You're always going to miss her. I believe they can still see us and know how much we miss them. I lost my dog love 6 years ago and still miss him. I wish I'd see him in my dreams like I used to. Just know she's waiting for you and we will all meet up again :love: