View Full Version : Golden Retrievers

11-11-2002, 04:22 PM
I am really looking into getting a Golden Retriever puppy! Can any of you please give me some website, and information to help me?? Thanks!:) ;)

11-11-2002, 04:37 PM
Here's Yahoo's results of Golden Retriever rescues. I'm not sure where you live so I can't narrow it down any.


Desert Arabian
11-11-2002, 04:44 PM
Hey *LabLoverKeb*- this is a neat little test you can take to see if you are "Golden Retriever Ownerable (if that even makes sence-LOL)

Let's see a other sorta helpful page:


yea, those are the only two ok pages I could find. FYI: Golden Retrievers are the 2nd most popualr breed, which I'm sure you already knew, isn't that cool!

11-11-2002, 07:47 PM
What a great choice!!

Speaking of Goldens, on Sunday, we went out to lunch at a small restaurant that was *very* crowded. There was a lady standing in line waiting for a very long time. We wondered why people who came in after her got seated first, and then it became apparent. She was waiting for a "window" seat, because they were leaving their golden outside while they ate. What a beautiful girl. I fell in love, I could have pet her for hours. After that, we took a short walk because the weather was so beautiful. We walked by this house & the people were working on the roof. Their golden just lay at the foot of the ladder waiting for them to come down. She was so calm & beautiful. She ran right up to us, and sat waiting for us to pet her. I am thinking (don't tell Mark!) that maybe when Malone gets a little older & more manageable that it would be awesome to get him a fur-sister Golden. They are the most beautiful and calm breed. I love them!!

Kim F
11-12-2002, 11:43 AM
We're getting a cairn terrier in the spring, but for a few minutes on Sunday, I was seriously swaying in the direction of a golden. I went to Pet Smart to do some browsing and the woman that teaches puppy obedience class there had brought in her 6 year old golden "Misty"...well I just couldn't keep away from her! She was gentle and well behaved...she stared straight ahead while I pet her while occassionally glancing up at her owner as if to say "Is it OK that she's petting me?" LOL! I had tears in my eyes..such a perfect, clean beautiful, gentle dog! I hated to leaver her!!

11-14-2002, 03:03 PM
I have had 3 goldens and they are great dogs. I have found my males to be more of a follower. They stay very close and won't let you out of their sight. My female tended to be more stubborn and definitely had a mind of her own.

11-15-2002, 09:12 AM
Here's a hilarious article about owning Golden Retrievers. You already know, Sarah, that I think they are "tops"!!!!

Golden Retrievers (http://www.laughingdogpress.com/breeds/retriever01.html)

11-15-2002, 09:24 PM
Thank you so much, everyone! I think I'm going to name him Tahoe! Because I LOVE Lake Tahoe! Thanks again!:) ;)

11-16-2002, 09:19 PM
Here's one about these great people who rescue GRs I have no idea what it has to do with this but I just wanted to show ya:
KeyStone Golden Retriever Rescue (http://www.kgrrescue.com/photos.htm)

So now here is a search result menu that I give to lots of people so you can browse around pages of links having to do with your topic.

Getting A Golden Retriever (http://aolsearch.aol.com/dirsearch.adp?knf=1&query=Getting%20A%20Golden%20Retriever)

11-17-2002, 09:30 PM
I have a 14 mos old Golden and she AIN'T calm!!!;)
I can't wait until she does in a year or 2.
Those are NOT the words I would use to describe her!!
But she is a joy to me.
One of my-not-too-smart-where-it-come to dogs friends, said "I wanna get a lab, they are so calm and nice" I said "Are you nuts? They are just like Goldens until they are 2-3 years old" Great dogs but you gotta wait for em!! ;)