View Full Version : Tessa's 'almost' vet visit.

11-21-2011, 02:01 PM
FAIL! Checkup at the vet, a fail! Almost had her in the crate, tried to scruff her, she's too lean, nothing to grab onto!!! Suppose I should have tried luring her into the crate with food? Any suggestions, anyone, to catch a not so tame cat?
Not all that worried about vaccines as she is inside and other cats are up to date. I'm a bit worried, what if she is sick, how will I catch her? :(
She did not try to bite me.

11-21-2011, 02:42 PM
Next time try throwing a big towel over her and then grab her and stuff her in the crate - towel and all. :D That trick worked for me on a few occasions. :)

11-21-2011, 02:42 PM
Have you tried leaving the crate out for a time? I have no issues with any of mine with the crate. I leave the crate/carrier out with a blankie in it for them as a cat bed so they think nothing of the carrier meaning anything when they see it. I had a cat years ago that had major issues with the carrier and would be the devil to get in the carrier. When she went to the bridge I decided I didn't want that to happen with the next cat I got so asked my vet what to do. He told me if I had the space to leave it out all the time then leave it out. If I didn't then take it out 2 or 3 days before a vet visit so they would get used to seeing it and not think much of it by the time came to be crated.

11-21-2011, 03:19 PM
Thanks Ellie and Michelle! Never thought of a blanket. I did have the crate out for a few days and only ever saw Angel in it. I was SO close, she was 1/2 way in.:rolleyes:

Queen of Poop
11-21-2011, 03:20 PM
I leave Cali and Diego's crates out all the time, with a really soft, snuggly fleece blanket inside. They use them as beds on occassion, they both really like fleece. So when it comes time to travel they don't mind being loaded in at all.

11-21-2011, 03:41 PM
There's always the pillowcase method, though is can make for a very disgruntled kitty! When she' not expecting it load her into a pillowcase - softer, more flexible and easier to be stealthy with, then empty the pillowcase into the carrier, which you have stood on end. It's not necessarily dignified, but can be effective.

11-21-2011, 03:43 PM
Well, I suppose I should be glad I at least got a hold of her.;) I have never picked her up before. She's not mean at all, although I did get stratched. I might not have had a good enough hold on her as I recently had surgery on my hand, it's not as strong yet as it should be.
Thanks Gayle, I will leave the crate out with a blankie in it.:)

11-21-2011, 03:46 PM
Thanks Karen. I did have the crate stood on end. It's their back feet they latch on with as you try to push them in!:D Can't honestly say it was any worse than RB Sassy and she did bite!:eek:

11-22-2011, 12:47 AM
I have a top-loading crate. So much easier!:D

11-22-2011, 04:59 AM
Top loading carriers are the best!

When you know you have to take her to the vet, take the carrier out and put it somewhere with the doors open. Leave it so they have the chance to examine it, sleep in it, walk in and out of it. It'll definitely help them feel comfortable in and around it.

The day of the vet visit, leave only the side door open and spray catnip in it. Toss a couple of treats in it.

Hope this helps. Good luck. Oh, and I don't over vaccinate my cats either as they're all indoors. I have it done if and when they have a vet visit.

Now MY issue with Bartie is, he hids WAY under the bed when I approach him because he thinks he's getting medicated (I have to do it twice a day). One time he did it a half hour before his visit. Fortunately, they had a later appointment, to give me time to get him in the carrier.

Please let us know how you make out.

11-22-2011, 07:46 AM
Glad she didn't bite you.

Toss in some catnip when you put the crate out a few days early -- it will entice them in. OR leave the crate out all the time, not just for a few days -- they are smart. ;)

11-22-2011, 08:06 AM
Thank you guys. I have the big carrier open so they can get in it if they want. Don't want to spook her for a while, so not gonna worry about her vaccinations.
Donna, I only do staggered vaccinations for my cats and dogs. The cats, I'm not as worried as they don't go outside. Missy will never get another rabies vaccination, law or not, after she had a reaction to it last time!:(

11-22-2011, 08:24 AM
The sad thing is that Pouncierge who is very nervous has never been to the Vets since I have had her, and Miquelito and Scrappy Two have only been a few times as they are so skittish.
I have tried having Scrappy Two looked at, but she broke free from my Vet, His assistant and My Aunt Joan!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I too worry , as John Hancock:love:
was ill, and by the time I could catch him, it was too late.:(
If only he had a smater faster Guardian.:(

11-22-2011, 09:19 AM
Don't be so hard on yourself Gary, you give your cats the very best life. Sometimes, cats being cats, have their own plans.
I know I will be able to 'grab' Tessa again, but not for a while as I don't want to spook her. She really doesn't know human touch, having been feral. We're getting there.:) Just need to find a better plan to get her in the carrier. Some high value food in the carrier might work, we shall see.;)