View Full Version : Chip finally did it!!!

11-10-2011, 04:18 PM
I have told that boy and told him he was going to get into a heap of trouble if he didn't stop jumping up on the window blinds.

This after noon he came zooming in here, jumped on the blinds on the front window, richocheted off and jumped on the ones on the side window. There he got stuck.

My computer is right beside that window so when I heard him squawking and saw him hanging upside down, I was able to reach him fast. I thought he was hanging by one foot. Oh, no! The stinker was hanging by one toe!!! :eek:

He managed to get the lines between the slats wrapped around one toe on his left hind foot. I was trying to hold him up so he didn't dangle down and cut his toe off and he was trying to bite me.

I finally calmed him down enough I could lift him up and I could move his foot enough I could loosen the string around his toe and slip it off. It did look like it may have bled a bit between toes but not much.

He spent the rest of the afternoon in jail resting after the ordeal. He seems fine now and not even limping. If I hadn't been home, he would have cut his toe off. I sure hope this calms him down some now. :eek: :love:

11-10-2011, 04:27 PM
Sounds like it's time to get vertical blinds or draw drapes..........:eek:

Boy - he just doesn't give up - does he???? Glad he didn't get hurt tho!

11-10-2011, 04:30 PM
Thank goodness you were home to help him out! Maybe he will steer clear of them now that he knows they attack right back?

11-10-2011, 05:01 PM
Thank goodness you were home to help him out! Maybe he will steer clear of them now that he knows they attack right back?

I'm going to go with Karen. One time when Paizly was a kitten she got tangled up in the cord to the blinds. Luckily Bruce was home (he was on the phone with a client, but told them hold on real quick) and was able to help her. We do try to keep those up out of reach these days and she, and Jax have never had a problem since....knocks on wood!

Chip, you better calm down before you really hurt yourself! Goofy boy!

Queen of Poop
11-10-2011, 05:02 PM
Chip, I'm glad you're ok and that Meowmie was home to rescue you. But dude, you need to settle down a bit, you could have lost a wee toe!!! And that would have been really ouchie!!

11-10-2011, 05:11 PM
How scary!!!:eek: I'm so glad that you were home to rescue him. Hopefully he'll stop trying to play/attack the blinds now. Maybe you can get your brother to come over and take them down and put something else more cat friendly up. Good luck.:)

11-10-2011, 05:13 PM
The problem with virtical blinds or drapes is I have no way of putting them up. My arthritis does not do well on step ladders. The weird thing was chip got his toe caught in the strings in the blinds not the ones that dangle down.

He certainly is quiet tonight. Hopefully he is thinking over his adventure and will decide to grow up a bit. :love:

11-10-2011, 05:19 PM
Hopefully Chip has learned his lesson & will be laying low, for a few
days at least.:) Reminds me of my Joey who does the same kind of loopy
and unexpected things every once in awhile. Last thing was to jump up
on top of the shower curtain rod & then discovered he couldn't balance as
well as he thought. Ended up sliding down on the curtain itself & ripping
it all the way down.:rolleyes:

He is so sweet when he's asleep.:D

11-10-2011, 05:47 PM
He is so sweet when he's asleep.:D

Yep, that's Chips saving grace too!!! :D :love:

11-10-2011, 08:46 PM
CHIP!!!! My goodness, that sounds like it was a close call. I am SO glad you were home to help him.

I urge you to replace the blinds, before something major happens -- you know the vet bills will cost you most than hiring some neighbor to hang the new stuff for you. I'm afraid I don't agree with the rest, Chip is not going to stop --

he is going to try and CONQUER those nasty blinds! :D

11-10-2011, 09:41 PM
Chip, I'm so glad meowmie was home to help you! Please calm down before another owie happens :eek:!

11-11-2011, 06:17 AM
CHIP!!!! My goodness, that sounds like it was a close call. I am SO glad you were home to help him.

I urge you to replace the blinds, before something major happens -- you know the vet bills will cost you most than hiring some neighbor to hang the new stuff for you. I'm afraid I don't agree with the rest, Chip is not going to stop --

he is going to try and CONQUER those nasty blinds! :D

I have no neighbor I could hire nor can I replace all the blinds. I guess I can just yank them all down and let everyone see in all the time. :love:

11-11-2011, 09:34 AM
Cats just love to dive into blinds , and nothing you do can stop them.
Thats sadly one case where we have to accomidate your Cat Companions.
But thats a small price to pay for Furry Friends!!!

11-11-2011, 09:49 AM
I have no neighbor I could hire nor can I replace all the blinds. I guess I can just yank them all down and let everyone see in all the time. :love:

When I wanted to replace the vertical blinds in my living room, I found
some nice ones on sale from Home Depot. They even scheduled a guy to
come out & install them For a extra 20.00.He even put up 3 horizontal
blinds that I bought from Kmart. (for free)

11-11-2011, 10:15 AM
Gosh, you would think that this has taught Chip a lesson, but you never know. :rolleyes: I'm glad you were there to rescue him. :) Hope it won't happen again.

11-11-2011, 10:31 AM
I wonder what Old Block he came off of?:rolleyes::eek:;)

11-11-2011, 12:13 PM
:love: Poor wittle baby Chip.. How so horrified he & you was I am sure.. But the way you tell the story was pretty funny.. Wish I could have seen this.. Boys will be boys right.. :D

11-11-2011, 12:22 PM
When I wanted to replace the vertical blinds in my living room, I found
some nice ones on sale from Home Depot. They even scheduled a guy to
come out & install them For a extra 20.00.He even put up 3 horizontal
blinds that I bought from Kmart. (for free)

We have no Home Depot. We're talking small Kansas town here. We have a Walmart. :(

lvpets just think, Chip almost came to live with you!!! :D :love:

Chip has been quieter today. That may have something to do with the worm pill I gave him this morning though.

11-11-2011, 10:18 PM
Chip, you've definately passed up the antics of my RB Sassy!;) I'm glad you're ok.:)

11-13-2011, 11:30 PM
Chip, When are you going to learn to behave yourself? You're a very lucky kitty having a furever home where you're loved and cared for!

You and I have talked about this a few times. If you keep getting in trouble it will be hard for me to defend you because you have a record. Nobody wants you to go to jail.

Call me on my cell phone so we can figure out what to do.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer
Practice Limited to Kitty Krimes and Aboose

11-14-2011, 12:22 PM
Chip has been very very very good since his swinging by a toe adventure. He hasn't even looked at the window blinds. I'm hoping he remembers it for a looooooooooooong time!!! :love:

Edwina's Secretary
11-14-2011, 09:56 PM
Chip.......the Lindsay Lohan of the Cat World!:D:D:D

11-15-2011, 12:07 PM
Chip.......the Lindsay Lohan of the Cat World!:D:D:D

Oh, that's a good one!!:D

11-15-2011, 12:31 PM
Chip.......the Lindsay Lohan of the Cat World!:D:D:D

:D:D:D Naw!!! He has spent more time in lock up than she EVER has!!! :D:D

12-19-2011, 11:11 AM
Dear Chip, I'm just wondering how you're doing with zooming toward the mini-blinds. Actually, I'm wondering how you're doing ... how Chuck and Chester, Frankie and the ladies are doing :love:

Meowy Christmas,

12-19-2011, 11:15 AM
Me, too! How are all your precious babies doing? Has Chip learned to behave himself yet?:D

12-19-2011, 01:06 PM
Chip has been surprisingly good since his hanging by a toe adventure. :D Not purrfect but greatly improved.

They are doing well except Grandma has lost most of her sight now. She still gets around well and finds her food and water and litter box fine and can get on and off the bed with no problem. She likes to wake me up in the night by bumping me with her head. Usually that means, I want a snack mom. So she gets a few Temptations treats. She can get to her crunchy food but I like to spoil her as much as I can now. She must be about 18 by now.

They all thank you for thinking of them. :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

12-19-2011, 02:32 PM
Give Grandma special loves and kisses from me. My Mac is getting up there (about 14 or so) and I know how precious they are to you when you have had them many years.:love::love:

12-19-2011, 04:48 PM
Give Grandma special loves and kisses from me. My Mac is getting up there (about 14 or so) and I know how precious they are to you when you have had them many years.:love::love:
They for sure are precious. I love that the days get dark early. I go and watch tv in the bedroom and give Grandma extra cuddle time. I made sure I tell her I love her every day. :love:

12-19-2011, 04:51 PM
Please give your sweet kitties some kissies and head-bumpies from us! They are just adorable.. even naughty little Chip! (Let's hope he has learned his lesson.)

12-19-2011, 07:06 PM
I had no idea cats could leap that way. Glad Chip wasn't hurt, let's hope he remembers this lesson - I somehow have the feeling he might not :D