View Full Version : I hate this class!

11-09-2011, 11:39 PM
I am so angry right now. I wrote a term paper for my stupid computer class, took me 4 hours with all the researching. We have to edit it on Word 2010 with all these stupid fancy schmancy borders and shading, no biggie, right? I don't have Word 2010, I have '08, our books came with it but it is not compatible with my laptop (I have a Mac). That's not a big deal, I've done all the HW at the library at school. So anyway, I typed the dumb paper on '08 and saved it to a flash-drive and did all the editing on a library computer with Word 2010. I submitted it to the website and thought everything was fine, until I got an e-mail from my professor. Not only is this frustrating, but she used such a rude tone in the e-mail giving me crap for it. :( I put a heading, and she got all mad saying that it wasn't in the instructions. She also said the cover page I used wasn't in the 2010 gallery and the margins were wrong. Um, how can that be when I USED WORD 2010 :confused: I just feel like crying. Tomorrow is my only day off of classes and I am so busy with everything else. The paper is due Friday so I have to drive 20 minutes to the nearest campus to get this stupid thing over with. :(

I am just so mad, not only at the fact that it didn't work, but at the teacher getting all pissy with me. I try my best in her class, I've done all the HW, I don't know what I did to deserve the accusatory tone in the e-mail. This class has been my most frustrating of the entire semester, seeing as I can't do ANYTHING from home and now this. Only 6 more weeks left. :(

I'm sorry, I know people have alot of bigger issues to deal with and this is minute, but I'm just so mad. I've been so stressed out with all this work between failing a math quiz, reading 65 pages for history a week, and 2 papers due on the same day I am going crazy. :(

11-10-2011, 07:27 AM
That really stinks! I feel your pain. My daughter is in her 4th year of college. It seems like with modern technology it should be easier but sometimes it just isn't. You do have to jump through a lot of hoops sometimes.

At least you know that you are trying your best plus some. Hang in there!

11-10-2011, 08:03 AM
I've had similar troubles. The different versions of Word cause everyone their fair deal of hair-pulling, what with having to convert everything to what each teacher has on their own home computers!

Tough week :(. It's getting near the end of the semester, so it's gonna be more stressful for students with work piling up, argh. After this semester, at least you'll be done with that class! Do you have a Thanksgiving break coming up?

11-10-2011, 08:19 AM
Hang in there!

11-10-2011, 08:55 AM
Oh, I feel your pain and I hope you get it straightened out. :( Once you've finished it, you should save as .pdf and then send it to your teacher.

Good luck! :)

11-10-2011, 10:10 AM
Wow, I can't imagine! Computers were such a novelty when I was in school, some kids had them most didn't and I used a typewriter for my papers. This was an interesting eye opener for me, so I'm glad you posted about it. PLUS it helped you to vent, I am sure.

I'm having similar issues now, having to upgrade a tax software package which will only work on one computer (it has Windows 2010) and won't work on the 5 year old computer. GAH! So I feel your pain!

I wouldn't use the .pdf Randi suggested UNLESS IT IS IN THE INSTRUCTIONS, lol, this instructor is precise so stick to what she wants. Best wishes!

11-10-2011, 06:50 PM
Well, I guess everything turns out. My friend texted me this morning asking me to come to a lecture on the main campus with her because she didn't want to go alone, so I went along and got to do my paper right after. I got so stressed this morning as well because the portal (sign-in) which has EVERYTHING including college e-mail, schedules, grades, etc. on it wouldn't work for me. I figured that out to, but I was so scared I wouldn't be able to log-in on time to get my courses approved for tomorrow. This picking courses for next semester is killing me too. It wasn't a good week. However, I did wind up getting a 98 on my history exam and a 100 on an essay, not bad. :D

Thanks for the support guys, I appreciate being able to vent about anything here. ToBeEvergreen, yeah I know what you mean, the end of the semester kind of sucks, this is my first semester of college so I'm still learning all this stuff. Yes, I do have thanksgiving break which I am SO excited for, and winter break is heaven. I'm going on a 10 day cruise, can't wait. I'm going to treat myself to parasailing and snorkeling. :p Yes you'd think these newer programs were better, they're actually really annoying. The class itself is so stupid but it's mandatory. At least I got it out of the way.

11-10-2011, 07:33 PM
Does it absolutely *have* to be done in Office 2010? If not, you could use something like Google Docs or OpenOffice.org to do it with all of the fancy junk professors want on it.

11-11-2011, 07:41 AM
I don't understand what your teacher's problem is. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this, but I'm glad you got everything sorted out.

You have SIX more weeks left? We only have 3 and a half-ish, finals, and then we're out for a month for Christmas.

By the way, you'll eventually learn that you don't have to do the readings for every class; if you skim and take notes on them, then that sometimes is just as good as reading the whole thing. 65 pages a week is a LOT.

11-11-2011, 11:50 AM
Some classes you just have to grit your teeth and endure. I had one that I really dislike - the class, the assignments, but most of all the teacher, who was "seeing if he liked teaching" the semester I had him. I was so glad when it was over - and he went back to his real job! If it helps, make marks on the calendar each time you get through another one just as a way of counting the time!

11-11-2011, 04:06 PM
It's people like this that make me hate technology. I'm so sorry that you have to put up with her unnecessary and demeaning nonsense. Don't let this get to you! Take it from the source.

11-11-2011, 04:48 PM
I went to class today, she didn't say anything about the new essay. I better get a good grade.

I really can't blame her for the BS editing, since it's the department that makes it. She follows the syllabus like she's supposed to. I just didn't appreciate the nastiness. This class is honestly the stupidest class, it's learning about Microsoft office including word, excel, and powerpoint. What I don't get is why we have to do all the stupid minute bull they make us do. Like explode a pie graph, or make a tab a certain color...it's all just stupid.

11-12-2011, 12:47 AM
I understand why your frustrated. For an associates transfer degree we have to take a computer essentials class and its SO stupid. You have to do everything in the specific steps they want you to or you get it wrong, even though there are several ways to come up with the same end product. Hang in there!

It's hard to adjust to college. They simply don't prepare you for the work it takes in high school. It's so worth it though. Especially when you have classes that are actually for your major.. so interesting! I feel like I just started.. and I just registered for spring semester and then I only have THREE classes left! Then I can apply for nursing school.

It will start flying by. Unfortunately on the way you'll have some sucky classes and teachers you don't like.

11-13-2011, 09:34 PM
I understand why your frustrated. For an associates transfer degree we have to take a computer essentials class and its SO stupid. You have to do everything in the specific steps they want you to or you get it wrong, even though there are several ways to come up with the same end product. Hang in there!

It's hard to adjust to college. They simply don't prepare you for the work it takes in high school. It's so worth it though. Especially when you have classes that are actually for your major.. so interesting! I feel like I just started.. and I just registered for spring semester and then I only have THREE classes left! Then I can apply for nursing school.

It will start flying by. Unfortunately on the way you'll have some sucky classes and teachers you don't like.

How did everything work out with that chemistry class BTW? Yeah, that's a mandatory class for any degree at my school, I am just SO glad I am done with it! :eek:

Anyway, I have awesome news, I got 100% on my term paper. :D

11-13-2011, 09:38 PM

In the class that I despised so much (MassArt didn't have grades, it was Pass/Fail) I was given an incomplete after all the work I did. I was absolutely furious, and as the guy had decided not to teach any more, I had to call his office to get through to him. When I finally reached him, after winning his receptionist over to my side, it turned out he had mistaken me for someone else entirely, and I had actually passed the class just fine!

That was the one time people at my dorm ever saw me truly angry, and they all hid in their rooms and shut the doors!

11-13-2011, 09:59 PM
I never got into the class unfortunately :( I just accepted I'll have to wait another year to apply to nursing school. I did get into the class spring semester.
Congrats on your paper!!

11-13-2011, 10:11 PM
dab_20, maybe in the next year, you can talk to people at the nursing school, and see what else you should do to better your chances for acceptance, once you have that class done with. It can't hurt, right? And you may end up better prepared than you otherwise would have been!

11-14-2011, 12:36 AM
dab_20, maybe in the next year, you can talk to people at the nursing school, and see what else you should do to better your chances for acceptance, once you have that class done with. It can't hurt, right? And you may end up better prepared than you otherwise would have been!

Yeah, Karen, your right. With the break from school I will be able to do volunteer work which really helps... Since I don't have time because I work full time plus school. the average age of acceptance is 22 anyway... And I would have been 20. So I don't feel so behind now. Lol