View Full Version : Good Thoughts for Pirate...it's *snip snip* day UPDATE: he's home

11-05-2011, 05:27 AM
Well, we are getting ready to leave now in about 40 minutes for Pirate to get his fuzzy bits snipped. I am really nervous this time for some reason. I know it is much simpler with a male but still I am nervous. Please send lots of good thoughts for my little 'barbetta' (his nickname-means loosely translated, little beard/tiny beard - of course for his little black beard) that all goes well & smooth. Thank you all so much in advance. I am going to be a wreck for the next few hours until I hear from the vet.

:love: Michelle & Pirate

11-05-2011, 05:50 AM
It will be fine, Michelle. Don't worry, (although you are doing that already:rolleyes:). It is a simple procedure, lil Pirate will be fine!

Just keep us posted, we are anxious, too!:D:

11-05-2011, 08:11 AM
Best wishes to Pirate on your Bar Bitzvah day!

11-05-2011, 08:57 AM
Pirate will be fine. Males can be done as outpatients. He'll be a bit groggy and disoriented from the meds but he will be good.

But you are a good catmom and naturally worry. :love: We'll be here when you return.


11-05-2011, 12:57 PM
So, Pirate is home. He is still under the effects of the 'drugs' but is finally more responsive. I was scared for a bit. He was not at all responsive. I could life his head he would just let it drop. The only thing keeping me from going over the edge with worry was the fact that his breathing was even deep breaths. He just had a little snack & is right now sat next to me watching a fly. He is still walking wonky but is much more alert so that a good thing. He has 1 dissolving stitch. His little furry bits are nekkid now as is one cheek of his butt. Big sigh of relief here that this one is over with.

Thank you all for your comfort & support. We really appreciate it.

BTW...Opera is scheduled for her spay on December 5th at 10:30am. So my birthday gift (december 5th is my birthday) is gonna be several hours of worrying my butt off.

Thanks again guys
:love: Michelle & Pirate

11-05-2011, 01:41 PM
So glad everything went well and Mr Pirate is home safe and sound. :)

And I'm sure everything will go just as well with Miss Opera too on her big day. Unfortunate you have the appointment on your birthday. You don't need to be stressing on your birthday. But like I said....everything will be fine. :)

11-05-2011, 01:49 PM
Forgot to add. The doc called him a giant. LOL He weighs in at 4.6 kg or 10 lbs 3 oz at just over 6 months old. He is gonna HUGE!!!!

11-05-2011, 03:13 PM
Coming into this a bit late.:o Good to hear Pirate did ok.:) No matter how simple the surgery, we always worry.;)

11-05-2011, 04:49 PM
Hooray, Pirate! Glad to hear all went well.

11-05-2011, 07:12 PM
Great! Glad it's over for kitty and you.