View Full Version : Who is that purring on my face at night??

11-04-2011, 11:32 AM
Does anyone eles have a cat who likes to basically lay RIGHT on your FACE at night?? Raven has started to be in my "bubble" at night time... She will randomly come around, and walk across me repeatedly until she lays right on my neck or face or the top of my head purring loadly.... man oh man with this kitty, sleep is impossible! :eek:

11-04-2011, 11:42 AM
Ah, the joys of kitty ownership! At least when she's on top of your head you can breathe ... as opposed to across the neck! Nothing like inhaling a noseful of fur, is there?

11-04-2011, 11:45 AM
My orange kitty, Mac, always lays on my chest or neck at bedtime. He eventually moves to lying beside me, but he has to lay on me for awhile. He is constantly on my lap when I'm on the computer, like now.:D:love:

11-04-2011, 12:27 PM
Silly kitty.

Thankfully, no, my kitties do not do that. Buddy has always slept right at my feet. Tink starts out beside me so I can pet her while I go to sleep and then leaves at some point in the night. Mama will come around when the other two let her on the bed.

Maybe you snore and your kitty is trying to keep you quiet...LOL! :D :p

11-04-2011, 09:29 PM
Cassie likes to sleep in the bend of my elbow. She has stopped sleeping between my feet -- I guess she's tired of me kicking her off the bed in my sleep!

My sister's RB meezer Poco used to sleep on the top of my sister's head every night.

11-05-2011, 09:16 AM
Does anyone eles have a cat who likes to basically lay RIGHT on your FACE at night?? Raven has started to be in my "bubble" at night time... She will randomly come around, and walk across me repeatedly until she lays right on my neck or face or the top of my head purring loadly.... man oh man with this kitty, sleep is impossible! :eek:

You get used to it. :D

How large is Raven? Emily likes to sleep on my head at night, but she's only 6 pounds. We share a large pillow easily, but sometimes she sits on another pillow next to me.

You might try redirecting her to another pillow or position.

Good luck and hope you get some sleep! :D

11-05-2011, 09:35 AM
Mr Scrappy ^^ and My Precious used to lie by me to show me how much that they loved me.
Sadly I toss and turn in my sleep , so My Other Cats keep thier distance
I sure miss Mr Scrappy:( and Precious:(

11-05-2011, 11:27 AM
Havoc usually lays on my chest at night, generally with his butt as close to my chin or nose as possible... and I'm not talking about his tail either ;) I have to turn him around every night and hope he stays that direction.

11-06-2011, 02:26 PM
Snow does this, but in the morning! She'll sleep at the end of my bed, but then around seven every morning, she gets up and meows constantly in my face until I get up. I guess that is her way of saying "time to wake up now and feed me some breakfast!" :p

11-06-2011, 05:43 PM
Welcome to my world! Merlin will do this now at lights out, then he goes away for a couple of hours and sleeps in the living room. Then he comes in again and walks all over me and sticks his face in my face.

Repeat, and repeat.

11-07-2011, 09:26 AM
Now My Josephine of many names is lying on the Electric Blanket taht Pat sent a few yeras ago, right beside my pillow. She just loves all that warmth.

smokey the elder
11-07-2011, 10:07 AM
Pink Nose and Bubba (RB:love:) BOTH slept on my pillow at the same time! It got pretty crowded up there, but it was nice and warn in the winter. Pink Nose still sleeps there when it's cold.