View Full Version : Getting into trouble...again

11-02-2011, 07:25 PM
Came home earlier this evening after a long day at work expecting to just relax with Casey and Smokey. Instead, I saw that they'd pulled two more books off the shelves, shredding the cover off one.


Again, they knew I wasn't happy. Needless to say, I'm about at my wits end with them since I can't move the books and the two bookcases into another room as I simply don't have the space for that. I also can't afford new bookcases with doors.

So, I'm currently improvising a temporary solution. I searched and found the 4-foot scat mat that I haven't used in about four years and laid that out in front of a good portion of the bookcases. I'm also going to take some cayenne pepper and sprinkle that on the shelves between the edges and the books since they hate the smell and taste of that. Hopefully that will teach them not to mess with the books until I can find a better solution.

11-02-2011, 08:49 PM
Maybe they just don't like Dr. Phil? If you have any spare wire shelving around, that makes a good block for the bookshelves, too.

When Paul was a child, his dog preferred to eat "Make Way for Ducklings" - she would pick that one book out of his bookcase to chew, through several copies!

11-02-2011, 11:19 PM
Well, thankfully the only books that they've messed with are the Dr. Phil books.

I did put the scat mat down on the floor in front of the bookcases, putting a new battery in it. I turned it on, and Smokey walked right across it. Thinking something was wrong, I put my hand on it and got zapped.

I then put a line of cayenne pepper on the edges of all of the shelves. Even with no pepper left on it, Casey and Smokey refused to smell the spoon I had used. I then got an itch in my eye that needed rubbed. I should have washed my hands first. Thankfully the burning has subsided.

So far, they're staying away from the bookcases.

11-03-2011, 07:16 PM
I'm sorry but I am laughing. The zapper and pepper did a job on YOU. You got zapped. Then you got an itch; you scratched and got itchy burning eyes from the pepper I assume. Have you learned your lesson yet to leave the books alone? Sorry, couldnt help it. Hope it's also working on the cats. Kay

11-03-2011, 10:41 PM
I, too, am laughing. :D :D That sounds like something I would do. I assume you are laughing, too. :D

Back to seriousness. Do you have any cat trees? My investment in cat trees has saved my furniture, my carpets, and my knick-knacks.

They could also be trying to tell you something. That the two of them are better therapy than Dr. Phil. :D

I'm sorry but I am laughing. The zapper and pepper did a job on YOU. You got zapped. Then you got an itch; you scratched and got itchy burning eyes from the pepper I assume. Have you learned your lesson yet to leave the books alone? Sorry, couldnt help it. Hope it's also working on the cats. Kay

11-04-2011, 08:20 AM
How about taking the Dr. Phil books away from that area? Sounds like Dr. Phil is not the favorite in your house, at least with the cats!

I think it is rather odd that they pick on Dr. Phil. He isn't my favorite guy either, but I wouldn't chew on his book.

11-04-2011, 11:46 AM
Maybe they have a future job as book critics? ;)

11-04-2011, 10:11 PM
So far, there haven't been any more issues. This morning, I did catch Smokey sniffing at one of the shelves, but he smelled the pepper, kind of winced, and backed away from it. I figure the scat mat and pepper will work until I can get different bookshelves. I'm thinking of looking into either getting bookshelves with doors, which are fairly expensive or getting regular (but taller) shelves and keeping things off the bottom shelves.

As far as a cat tree goes, they do have one upstairs in the corner of the hallway. I'm wanting to get another (and bigger) one for in the one corner of the living room. Granted, they don't get on the shelves as they're too big to fit with the books, although they have gotten on top of the bookcases themselves.

I do have a feeling that it is most likely Smokey who is guilty since Casey has never shown any interest in the books and has never done anything as destructive as that.