View Full Version : interesting series of events

10-29-2011, 12:51 PM
Today our day started with a halloween party and then......

We came home and built a snowman?!?!?!

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/317238_10150435721606125_753206124_10636381_126014 4924_n.jpg

10-29-2011, 12:54 PM
Of course Hannah would have a skirt on to build a snowman!

Its suppose to be close to 80 here today, that is hard to imagine.

10-29-2011, 01:00 PM
Of course Hannah would have a skirt on to build a snowman!

Its suppose to be close to 80 here today, that is hard to imagine.

LOL yeah we just came home from the halloween party. She was still in her cowgirl costume :) at least she had knit sweater tights on lol.

My mom is up in Ontario and said it's warm enough for shorts LOL

10-29-2011, 01:01 PM
Ha ha! So Hannah made a snowghost, uh, I mean a snowman!:D

10-29-2011, 01:32 PM
Yes, we have snow too here in central Pennsylvania.

And we're singing...Have a Holly Jolly Halloween.

Also, back by popular demand...All I want for Halloween is a shiny new snow shovel.

And last but not least...Grandma got run over by a snow plow.

10-29-2011, 01:36 PM
We have very heavy winds, rain and snow. It is a terrible day and way too soon for snow. Not looking forward to a snowy winter altho I can take the cold but now snow and ice.

10-29-2011, 01:54 PM
What makes this really neat is the trees still have many of their leaves and the snow looks SO cool on top of the red maples. When I was a kid we trick or treated in the snow many times but it's been quite a few years since I've seen snow this early. ESPECIALLY around here.

10-29-2011, 02:54 PM
Aww so cute! Hanah is such a little doll! I'm jealous of the snow!!!!!!

10-29-2011, 03:11 PM
Right now we are just getting rain, but I am told the snow will be here later! I retrieved the shovel from the storage space today, now I just need to find where we put the mittens!

10-29-2011, 03:51 PM
My cousin had me laughing, she said it does NOT snow when there are leaves on the trees, hence her scraper is packed away for "summer," and she had to clear the snow off her car with her hair brush!

I am sure her 2 teenagers are cringing at their mom -- again! Ha ha hahaaaa

10-29-2011, 07:11 PM
Wow, can't believe y'all have snow! It's cold-ish here, but I can't imagine snow in October! :eek:

Hannah looks precious as always. I'm jealous she got to build a snowman, I've still never been able to build one!

10-29-2011, 10:24 PM
My cousin had me laughing, she said it does NOT snow when there are leaves on the trees, hence her scraper is packed away for "summer," and she had to clear the snow off her car with her hair brush!

I am sure her 2 teenagers are cringing at their mom -- again! Ha ha hahaaaa

LOL...snow doesn't care if there are leaves on the trees. It will come when it wants. :D

10-29-2011, 10:48 PM
I was texting to my friend today and she said it was snowing (she is in Delaware) and I said "Really? We have all the doors and windows open and the sun is brightly shining." She said even we would probably see snow this winter...which is super rare in the Bay Area of California. But it did happen a couple of years ago.....just once. I say bring it on...as long as the roads aren't covered with it....I'm good. :)

Great snowman Hannah!! :D

10-30-2011, 06:00 AM
I like snow, but I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come this winter. It's way too early for this!!! We had a cold rain most of the day yesterday and it didn't change to snow till mid afternoon and most was melting because the ground was so wet. It's gone this a.m., but the back porch is treacherous with the frozen dew on it. It was a real challenge to get out and get Myndi down the steps without me going airborne like I did one time last winter! :eek: I'll still take this over the heat and humidity of the summer. :)